How to Make Homemade Fermented Pickles + 3 Recipes — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC - Rachael Hartley Nutrition (2024)

Learn how to make homemade fermented pickles, a tasty source of probiotics and a great way to preserve summer's produce. This post has three recipes for fermented pickles including spicy dill pickles, pickled green tomatoes and jalapeno slaw.

Last year, I learned the art of fermentation. With summer produce so plentiful, I’ve gotten really into it the past month. It’s to a point where I’m a bit concerned for anyone coming over to our house with all the bubbling jars of homemade fermented pickles on our counter. It’s weird. If this was the 1700s and I lived in Salem, I would totally get turned in for witchcraft.

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Lately, fermented foods have been getting a ton of (well deserved) press. In the past year alone, we’ve learned a mind boggling amount about how fermented food and a healthy gut flora promotes health. Healthy gut flora aids digestion,improves immunity, and clears skin.

Also, the trillions of bacteria in your gut are like your personal army of cheerleaders, boosting mood and combatting anxiety and depression!

The brain is typically thought of as the main organ that regulates mood. It is, but there’s a major brain-gut connection and we’re just starting to realize the profound impact it has on mood. In fact, the gut has recently earned the nickname “the second brain.” That’s because it’s home to the enteric nervous system, the second largest concentration of neurons in the body.

The second brain does more than create that feeling of butterflies when you get nervous. Just like the brain, the gut uses and creates more than thirty types of neurotransmitters, including 95% of the body’s supply of serotonin, the happy hormone. There’s information constantly going back and forth from the gut to the brain through the vagus nerve, and in fact, almost 90% of the fibers carry information out of the gut to the brain and not the other way around. It's so much more than a poop chute.

Gut bacteria play a special role. They communicate with the brain using the same neurochemicals that the brain uses – serotonin, dopamine, GABA. Multiple mice studies show specific bacteria are associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Other studies show you can alter mice behavior by transplanting them with fecal bacteria from mice that display more anxious behavios. Although there is less research in humans, it’ a growing area. In recent years, studies have shown eating yogurt can modulate activity in areas of the brain associated with anxiety, prebiotics alter the cortisol (stress hormone) response, and that probiotic supplements may lower anxiety and depression.

I could talk for hours about the connection between the brain and the gut, but for the sake of brevity, I'll give you these links to articles on the topic to read at your leisure.

The Surprising Link Between Gut Bacteria and Anxiety (Huffington Post)

Mental Health May Depend on Creatures in the Gut (Scientific American)

Gut Bacteria Might Guide the Workings of Our Minds (NPR)

Why you should make homemade fermented pickles

Eating fermented foods regularly is a good way to get a dose of brain boosting probiotics. Yogurt is probably the fermented food most people are familiar with, but vegans (or yogurt haters), sometimes feel at a loss on how to get fermented foods in. Home fermented foods are some of the most nutritious, because you get such a wide variety of bacteria versus many storebought foods, which are inoculated with only a few strains. Making probiotic rich foods is a fun project to do at home, so I hope this “how to” tutorial on homemade fermented pickles breaks it down for ya!

How to Make Homemade Fermented Pickles

Making fermented pickles at home sounds kind of terrifying, but it's actually quite easy. Also, I've been doing it for a year and haven't died yet, so there's that. All you do is put your pickle ingredients in a clean jar with a salt water solution and let it sit at room temperature for about a week. The salt water creates an anaerobic environment (oxygen-free) which allows the naturally occurring beneficial bacteria to grow and convert sugars to lactic acid, which provides the characteristic sour or pickled flavor.

To pickle, you can use any size mason jar or any quantity of ingredients. As long as you use a ratio of 1 tablespoon kosher salt to 2 cups of water, you'll be set. That creates the level of salinity you need to prevent the growth of bad bacteria. What I like to do is put the vegetables in the (clean) jar, mix the salt water in a (clean) measuring cup, and pour it in.

Then, all you have to do is let the jar sit on the counter, out of direct sunlight, at room temperature. You should see some bubbling after a few days - that means fermentation is happening! Loosen the lid once or twice a day to “burp” it. It takes about 5-10 days before the homemade fermented pickles are ready - just taste them to see if they’re done.

Homemade Fermented Pickles Recipe Tips

One thing you’ll want to be sure of when making these homemade fermented pickles is that the vegetables are weighted down into the salt water. I recommend using a cabbage leaf, which you could also top with a small, clean glass jar (like the ones used to package those cute little individual jams!) to make it press down under water. It’s nbd though if you don’t have one on hand.

What’s great about making homemade fermented pickles is that if it goes bad, you’ll know! If these smell funky - not fermented funky but FUNKY funky, then don’t eat them. From what I’ve read, occasionally homemade fermented pickles might grown some mold over the top if they get exposed to air, but you can just scrape it off. I dunno about that. Haven’t had that happen to me, but also if it did, I can’t imagine being that confident. You do you though!

Another thing to be mindful of when making this recipe is to use distilled water. Sometimes things are added to tap water to make it safe for drinking, which is fine, but not so great for growing bacteria! Good thing when you’re drinking it, not so great when you’re trying to intentionally grow bacteria! So just use bottled, distilled water to be safe.

Also, goes without saying, but make sure the jars you’re using are super clean! You can sterilize them in boiling water for 30 seconds.

Homemade fermented pickles will last in the refrigerator for a few months.

Three Recipes for Homemade Fermented Pickles

Included in this post are three of my favorite recipes for homemade fermented pickles - spicy dill pickles, pickled green tomatoes, and pickled jalapeno slaw. Here’s some ideas for how to use each:

  • Spicy Dill Pickles - Obviously great as a side for burgers or sandwiches! I also love these chopped up and added to tartar sauce, egg salad, chicken salad, or my tofu salad, or in grain bowls.

  • Pickled Green Tomatoes - With their round shape, these are the perfect sandwich pickle! Try it on my honey-bourbon barbecue tempeh sandwich. I also love these served as part of a cheese board.

  • Pickled Jalapeno Slaw - The BEST taco topper! Try it on these spicy black bean breakfast tacos or these barbecue salmon tacos. Also great on grain bowls, like this millet and black bean grain bowl, a burger, or mixed into guacamole.

Adapted from Smoke.

How to Make Homemade Fermented Pickles + 3 Recipes — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC - Rachael Hartley Nutrition (4)


  • 2 tablespoons kosher salt

  • 6 small pickling cucumbers (or Persian cucumbers)

  • 2 green onions, roots trimmed

  • 1-2 jalapenos, halved and most of the seeds scooped out and discarded

  • 8 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 bunch fresh dill

  • 2 teaspoons black peppercorns

  • 2 teaspoons coriander seeds

  • Clean, sterilized mason jars

  • Cabbage leaf (optional)


  1. Measure 4 cups of filtered water. Add kosher salt and stir to dissolve.

  2. Cut the cucumbers to your desired pickle shape (I like spears). Divide among mason jars - this recipe should yield one large mason jar or 2-3 medium mason jars of pickles. Divide the remaining ingredients evenly between the jars.

  3. Pour the salt water solution to the top of the mason jar. If desired, use a cabbage leaf to weigh the ingredients down so they stay submerged.

  4. Place the jars over a plate, which will collect any liquid that bubbles out, and let sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 5-10 days until the brine stops bubbling. If you notice the water is running low, add a pinch more salt and water to bring in to the top. When the pickles are ready, place them in the fridge and refrigerate until ready to eat. Will last a few months in the fridge.

How to Make Homemade Fermented Pickles + 3 Recipes — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC - Rachael Hartley Nutrition (5)


  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt

  • 1-2 green tomatoes, thinly sliced

  • 2 sprigs of dill

  • 1 green onion, chopped

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns

  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds


  1. Mix 1 tablespoon kosher salt with 2 cups of water. Stir to dissolve.

  2. Place sliced green tomatoes in a large mason jar. Top with remaining ingredients. Pour the salt water solution to the top of the mason jar. If desired, use a cabbage leaf to weigh the ingredients down so they stay submerged.

  3. Place the jars over a plate, which will collect any liquid that bubbles out, and let sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 5-10 days until the brine stops bubbling. If you notice the water is running low, add a pinch more salt and water to bring in to the top. When the pickles are ready, place them in the fridge and refrigerate until ready to eat. Will last a few months in the fridge.

How to Make Homemade Fermented Pickles + 3 Recipes — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC - Rachael Hartley Nutrition (6)


  • 2 tablespoons kosher salt

  • 8-10 jalapenos, sliced

  • 1 bag shredded cabbage

  • 8-10 cloves garlic, minced

  • Sterilized mason jars

  • Cabbage leaf (optional)


  1. Combine kosher salt with 4 cups water and stir to dissolve.

  2. Place a layer of jalapeno slices in the bottom of a mason jar. Top with a handful of cabbage and a couple minced garlic cloves. Repeat with another layer of jalapenos and cabbage until you reach the top.Pour the salt water solution to the top of the mason jar. If desired, use a cabbage leaf to weigh the ingredients down so they stay submerged.

  3. Place the jars over a plate, which will collect any liquid that bubbles out, and let sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 5-10 days until the brine stops bubbling. If you notice the water is running low, add a pinch more salt and water to bring in to the top. When the pickles are ready, place them in the fridge and refrigerate until ready to eat. Will last a few months in the fridge.

Recipes to pair with these homemade fermented pickles:

sides, , Recipe

Rachael Hartley

cucumber, fermented food, tomato, summer, cabbage, jalapeno, gluten free, condiment, vegan, Recipe


How to Make Homemade Fermented Pickles + 3 Recipes — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC - Rachael Hartley Nutrition (2024)


How long does it take for homemade pickles to ferment? ›

Half sour pickles will take 3-5 days with crisp, white interiors. If is colder than 65F, it may take longer, if hotter, they will ferment faster. Full sour pickles will take 14-21 days (see notes for a stronger saltwater ratio). After 2 days, check for signs of life: bubbles, overflow, or clouding.

What is the difference between fermented pickles and vinegar pickles? ›

Fermented dill pickles are made with salt and not vinegar, so by comparison they are milder than vinegar pickles which contain acetic acid. These are the gut healthy, microbiome-boosting superfood pickles that you should be consuming everyday, three times a day.

Can homemade fermented pickles make you sick? ›

No. Fermented foods are intrinsically food safe due to their pH level, which measures at about 3.5. This pH level is sufficiently acidic to inhibit the growth of harmful pathogens.

What is the salt to water ratio for fermented pickles? ›

What is the salt-to-water ratio needed for fermentation? The salt-to-water ratio is commonly between 2-5%. Somewhat depends on taste. Most recipes will call for about 2 tablespoons of salt per quart of water.

What is the best water for fermenting pickles? ›

I start always with very, very clean, clear, non-chlorinated water. A lot of us have minerals in our water, particularly things like sulfur for people who are working off a well. Those flavors are going to come right through into your pickle. If your water doesn't taste delicious, buy bottled water to pickle with.

What kind of pickles are probiotic? ›

So, what you want to look for are unpasteurized fermented pickles, which can be found in the refrigerated section of grocery stores, often in the cheese section. It is always good to double-check the label as well. If vinegar or pasteurized is indicated on the label, chances are probiotics are absent.

Which is healthier pickled or fermented? ›

The differences between pickled and fermented foods also extend to health benefits. Fermentation preserves the nutrients of the original ingredients. Pickling, on the other hand, kills some of the nutrients.

What is the difference between brined and fermented pickles? ›

An easy way to remember the difference between the two despite their overlap is that pickling involves putting food into an acidic brine to produce a sour flavor, whereas fermenting gives food a sour flavor without any added acid. Pickling is often the least healthy choice in terms of these two foods.

Are all store bought pickles fermented? ›

Quick pickles, the most common type of pickle found in grocery stores, are not fermented because they use an acid, such as vinegar, in their pickling brine. However, Lacto-fermented pickles are fermented because they follow the lactic acid fermentation method, which only uses water and salt in its brine.

What are the side effects of fermented pickles? ›

Pickles raise the risk of stomach and esophageal cancer, and this is especially true for Asian pickle use. Pickles have a high salt content, which raises the risk of heart disease and hypertension. There is no doubt that eating pickles will raise your blood pressure.

What are the risks of homemade pickles? ›

Growth of bacteria, yeasts and/or molds can cause the film. Molds growing in pickles can use the acid as food thereby raising the pH. A raised pH increases the chance that harmful organisms (such as the organism that causes botulism) can grow.

Can fermenting go wrong? ›

If there is not enough salt, fermentation can go wrong and there is a risk of mould. On the other hand, if there is too much salt, it tastes bad. However, every vegetable is different. The weight of the vegetables is used to determine how much salt to add.

What is the 321 method of pickling? ›

This is a basic 3-2-1 pickle recipe—three parts vinegar, two parts water, one part sugar. Salt and spices are totally up to you.

Can you put too much salt in brine for fermentation? ›

Salt in fermentation encourages the growth of healthy bacteria, while at the same time kills off bad bacteria. We need to be precise when measuring the salt and water, especially when fermenting vegetables that will be submerged in brine. Too much salt may kill off all the bacteria, thus preventing fermentation.

Are Claussen pickles fermented? ›

The popular claussen pickles are not fermented, they are pickled. These are two different preservation methods; fermenting is pickling, but pickling is not fermenting. Let me explain, plus let's talk about brands of fermented pickles, how to find fermented pickles in the grocery store and how to make pickles at home.

How long does it take for homemade pickles to be ready to eat? ›

Tangy vinegar-based pickles can rapidly infuse flavor and be ready within a few hours or last for months if properly stored. But such variability has its downside: quick pickles can have a sharp flavor, and ones that are canned for long-term storage can lose their crispness as they sit in a boiling water bath.

How do I know if pickles are fermented? ›

It's easier to tell you to look at the ingredient label and see if it has vinegar. Vinegar would kill all probiotics. Texture: Fermented pickles tend to have a slightly softer and more “crunchy” texture compared to non-fermented pickles.

Why are my pickles not fermenting? ›

The Temperature: An optimal fermentation temperature occurs at about 70 degrees F. Again, time of year seems to impact fermentation rate and progress (in our experience anyway), another reason why its challenging to guarantee uniform and 100% consistent results across multiple batches.

How many days does it take for a cucumber to turn into a pickle? ›

Top the cucumbers with a few stacked lids or a resealable plastic bag filled with extra brine to keep them submerged. Place the airlock on top and secure it to the jar with the band. Store in a cool area (between 60 and 75F [15 and 24C]) for 3 to 5 days, or until the cucumbers taste like pickles.


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