I State Deaths And Funerals MRS. HATTIE WHITE Mrs. Hattie White, 39, of 1007 Logan St. died Monday at Moses Cone Hospital after a brief illness. Funeral will be 2 p.m.
Sunday at Market Street Seventh Day Adventist Church. The family will be at Hargett Funeral Home 7-9 p.m. Saturday. Survivors are daughters, Mrs. Dora Edge and Miss Carolyn White, both of Greensboro; sisters, Mrs.
Peggy Robertson, Mrs. Rosie Phelps and Mrs. Bessie Brown, all of Greensboro; brothers, Hammond, John and Henry White, all of Greensboro, Willie White of New York City and Tommy White of New Jersey; stepmother, Mrs. Mattie White of Rock Hill, S.C. MRS.
ANNE SWANEY Greensboro Daily News, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1971 Guilford County MRS. MARIE, MARKS Mrs. Marie Snyder Marks, 70, of 902 W. Friendly was found dead at her home Sunday.
Guilford County Medical Examiner, Dr. Allan B. Coggeshall, ruled death resulted from natural causes. Private funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at Hanes-Lineberry North Elm Street Chapel. Survivors are daughter, Mrs.
Stanley Karesh of Charleston, S.C.; brother, Benjamin Snyder of Baltimore, sisters, Mrs. Goldie Kamenitz of Greensboro, Mrs. Annie Teichman and Mrs. Fredia Trachtenverg, both of Winston-Salem. TURPIN FUNERAL Funeral service for Mrs.
Edna Mae Turpin, 59, of 3407 Immanuel Rd. has been rescheduled for 4 p.m. today at Hanes-Lineberry Vanstory Street Chapel. MRS. ROBERT HUDSON HIGH POINT Mrs.
Robert S. Hudson, 69, of Rt. 2 died Tuesday in Lamb's Nursing Home. Funeral will be 4 p.m. Thursday at Abbott's Creek Missionary Baptist Church, where she was a member.
Surviving are daughter, Mrs. Mary Hiatt of Jamestown; son, William L. Hudson of Rt. 2 sister, Mrs. J.
G. Royal of Rt. brothers, William Charlie and Carey J. Davis, all of Rt. 2, and Noah A.
Davis of High Point. RUFUS E. CAMPBELL HIGH POINT Rufus Edward (Jack) Campbell, 71, of the Sheraton Hotel died Monday at High Point Memorial, Hospital. Funeral a.m. today at Sechrest Chapel.
Graveside rites will be at 2 p.m. today in Chapel Memorial Park in Siler City. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of High Point and before retirement owned and operated the Carolina Barber Shop. Surviving are sisters, Mrs. Mollie McDaniel of Siler City and Mrs.
Beulah Dugger of Fayetteville; brothers, Jesse M. Campbell of High Point, Willie T. Campbell of Graham, Eugene and Charlie Campbell of Siler City. House Fire Burns Fatal SANFORD John William Wall, 51, died Monday at VA Hospital in Durham of burns received in a fire at his home here three weeks before. Funeral will be 2 p.m.
today: at Rogers Memorial Chapel, Sanford. Survivors are widow, Mrs. Lucille Jordan Wall; sons, Jimmy, Ronald and Gary Wall, all of Sanford; stepdaughter, Mrs. Shirley Rollins of Green Cove Springs, stepson, David Gwyn of Sanford; parents, of Sanford and Dean Wall of Sanford; brothers, Harvey Wall and Dean Wall of Kissimmee, sisters, Mrs. Hattie Steelman and Mrs.
Everette Fox, both of Sanford, Mrs. Clark Templeton of Harmony, Mrs. Roy Deaton of Roanoke, and Mrs. Jack Hall of Orlando, Fla. Jump From Fire Puts City Man In Hospital A 48-year old Greensboro man who jumped some 16 feet from a burning second-story garage apartment Tuesday night later was admitted to L.
Richardson Hospital with a broken ankle. Sammy Farmer, who jumped from a front window of the apartment onto a concrete driveway, left behind his wife's dog, "Butch," who was rescued unharmed by Greensboro firemen, The three-room apartment at 1548 McConnell Road was gutted by fire which started shortly after 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. The apartment is owned by John Alvin Beaver, whose house Mrs. Farmer was visiting when the blaze occurred.
Firemen at the scene Tuesday said the origin of the blaze was not certainly known at that time. Town-County Merger Nixed In Virginia BRISTOL, Va. (AP) A proposal to merge Bristol and Washington County to create a new "city" of some 600 square miles was resoundingly rejected Tuesday, The county vote was 9,854 against consolidation and 1,365 for. In the city, the vote was 1,190 against to 962 for. The proposal had to pass in both political jurisdictions.
The voter turnout was heavy in the county with 11,219 of 17,663 registered voters casting ballots. In the city, 2,152 of 5,489 registered voters cast ballots. $2,143,410 Apparent Low Bid On Freeman Mill Road Work JOHN P. MOTLEY SALISBURY John Mot'ey, 83, retired farmer and textile worker of Rt. 8, died Monday in Rowan Memoral Hospital.
Funeral will be 3:30 p.m. today at Calvary Baptist Church, where he was a member. The body is at Summersett Funeral Home. Survivors are sons, R. G.
Motley of Rt. T. James Motley of Rt. 8, J. H.
Motley of Rockwell; daughters, Mrs. Gilbert W. Jacobs of Rt. 8, Mrs. Edna Holland of the home; sister, Mrs.
L. A. Doby of Rt. 4. MRS.
MARY ELLA BARBER KERNERSVILLE Mrs. Mary Ella Preddy Barber, 92, of Kernersville died Tues da at her home. A lifelong resident of Guilford County and a Methodist, she had made her home for the past ten years with a nephew, Harvey H. Browning. Funeral will be 2:30 p.m.
Thursday in Bethel Methodist Church, with burial in Stokesdale Methodist Church cemetery. The body is at Pierce Funeral Home, where the family will see friends 7-9 p.m. today. There are no immediate survivors. VIRGILIO CABRERA EDEN Virgilio Cabrera, 74, of Rt.
2, died 1 Monday in Morehead Memorial Hospital. Funeral will be 2 pm. Thursday at First Presbyterian Church, where he was a member. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Rt. 3, Reidsville.
Cabrera was a native of Puerto Rico and was retired from the U. S. Army. Survivors are widow, Mrs. Delilah Lewis Cabrera; two sisters in Puerto Rico; brothers, Frank Cabrera of St.
Petersburg, and Rauel Cabrera of Puerto Rico. The family will be at Fair Funeral Home, Eden, 7-9 p.m. today. MISS MARY CRUMPLER BURLINGTON Miss Maay Fisher Crumpler, 61, of Clarkton died Monday in a Burlington hospital. She was a native of Sampson County and a retired school teacher who had taught in the Clarkton schools for about 30 years.
She was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Clarkton. Funeral will be 4 p.m. today at Rich Thompson Chapel in Burlington. Survivors are sisters, Mrs. Catherine Stutts Burlington, Mrs.
Clio Adler of Collegeville, and Mrs. Joyce Wright of Rt. 4, Burlington; brother, Henry Crumpler of Roseboro. Mrs. Anne Swaney, 44, of 1712 Efland Drive, died Tuesday at Wesley Long Hospital, where she had been a patient for 10 days.
A native of Craven County, she had lived in Greensboro about 10 years and had worked for seven years as a teacher with Hester's Creative School for Children. She was a member of the North Carolina Kindergarten Association and Irving Park West United Methodist Church, where funeral will be 4 p.m. today. The body was taken to HanesLineberry North Elm Street Funeral Home. Survivors are mother, Mrs.
Robert M. Price of the home; daughters, Miss Barbara Jean Swaney and Miss Kathryn Joanne Swaney, both of the home; brother, Robert M. Price Jr. of Minneapolis, Minn. Woman Found Stabbed, Killed At Her Home A Pleasant Garden woman was found stabbed to death Tuesday afternoon in the driveway of her Rt.
1 Pleasant Garden, home. Guilford sheriff's deputies identified the victim as Mrs. Ora Sessoms, a widow in her 60s. Her body was discovered around 4:30 p.m. about 30 feet from her parked car, whose engine was running.
Deputies theorize that Mrs. Sessoms, who lived alone, may have surprised a burglar at her home. They said the house had been broken into, but it had not been determined late Tuesday if anything had been taken. Deputies said the woman had been stabbed 1 several times in the back and throat. Her body was discovered by a neighbor, a resident of Lakewood Trailer Park which Mrs.
Sessom's owned and operated, deputies said. The trailer park is located across a small lake from the Sessom's home. Self-Inflicted Wound Is Fatal SOUTHERN PINES Daniel Thomas Rich, 51, died Monday at his home of a self-inflicted bullet wound, according to Moore County coroner A. B. Parker Jr.
Funeral will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Southern Pines Methodist Church, with burial at 2 p.m. in National Cemetery, Raleigh with military honors. Surviving are widow, Mrs. Bar bar a H.
Rich; daughters, Barbara Elaine, Deborah Kaye and Cynthia Marie Rich; and son, Timothy Wayne Rich, all of the home. Galifianakis Reintroduces Medical Bill News- Record Washington Bureau WASHINGTON Rep. Nick Galifianakis of Durham Tuesday reintroduced his bill which would provide incentive for doctors to go into medically deprived areas. "In the past decade, we've fallen further and further behind in the health care field," Galifianakis told his House colleagues. "The gap between cities and farms, rich and poor has only broadened.
If we go on our way our medical problems could be out of conrol in the next ten years." Seventy congressmen joined Galifianakis in sponsoring his legislation. "We expect to get over 150 signatures eventually," said a Galifianakis staffer. The Durham legislator has a "loose commitment" from Rep. Harley Staggers of West Virginia, who says he will try to hold hearings on the bill sometime this spring. Staggers is chairman of the House Commerce Committee.
The Galifianakis staffer predicted that the main provisions of the medical bill would become law way or another" this year. "President Nixon's plan is very, very close congressman's," said the aide. Apparent low bid for construction of the initial phase of Freeman Mill Road was $2,143,410. The combined bid of John H. Brinkley of Thomasville and Magill Contracting Co.
of Greenville, S.C., was the apparent low bid of eight offered on the downtown access street at bid opening at State Highway Commission offices in Raleigh on Tuesday. High bid was $2,497,000. This initial phase of construction will take the street from the ASHLEY HEIGHTS Alfred Chavis, 59, died Tuesday en route to a hospital after being stricken at his home. Funeral will be 2 p.m. today at Lowery Chapel Church, Rd.
3, Raeford. He owned a lumber business. Surviving are widow, Mrs. Myrle Locklear Chavis; daughters, Mrs. Gracie Maynor of Raeford, Misses Carol, Susie, Debra and Jodie Chavis, all of the home; son, Alfred Mark Chavis of the home; stepdaughter, Mrs.
Jennifer Locklear of Aberdeen; brothers, James, Herman, Willie and Lacy Chavis, all of Lumberton; sisters, Mrs. Annie Locklear of Philadelphia, Mrs. Sady Lockle ar of. Lumberton, Mrs. Sylvia Locklear of Pembroke.
Trucker Dies In Road Wreck ALFRED CHAVIS LEXINGTON Fred Wheat, 43, of Forest Hill Trailer. Park was killed around midnight Monday in a truck accident near Selma, Ala. The body is at Davidson Funeral Home, Lexington. Funeral plans are incomplete. Wheat was a self- m- ployed long distance truck driver.
Survivors are widow, Mrs. Doris Sweigart Wheat; daughter, Miss Wanda Wheat, and son, Fred Wheat both of the home. Spring and Edgeworth Streets terminus at the southwest end of the business district to Randleman Road, affording a workable access route to Interstate 40 and 85. Completion date for the initial phase is Oct. 1, 1972.
The commission will review bids for the purpose of awarding contracts on Feb. 4. FURTHER PHASES will extend Freeman Mill into Highway 220 (Lovett-Ayco*ck Streets), to be built by the state to give access to the interstates. Estimates of more than $4 million earlier had been advanced for the state-financed project, including preliminary work, right-of-way, roadway and structures. Preliminary projects call for relocation of water and sewer lines and right-of-way clearing and were estimated at New Certification Requirements? Curriculum Task Force Asks More Environment Education RALEIGH (AP) Biology, long a standby in the high school science program, would go the way of the three R's under a special task force study team's recommendations to improve environmental education in North Carolina.
Reporting on a year-long survey of the public school curriculum, a task force authorized by the 1969 General Assembly reported Tuesday there was a shortage of environmental awareness and information from the high school teacher to the kindergarten pupil. It suggested revamping teacher certification requirements, substituting environmental for biology courses and creating a special center within the Department of Public Instruction to develop environmental education programs, SCHOOL SUPT. A. Craig Phillips said the recommendations have been accepted for study by the State Board of Education. "We believe that through continued concentrated efforts and environmental education we will improve the quality of our enviornment," Phillips said.
A spokesman for the Department of Public Instruction said some of the recommendations by the task force could be implemented without further action. Others, he said, would require additional funding by the legislature. The task force, headed by State Rep. Norwood E. Bryan D-Cumberland, based its report on a study of the school curriculum and on results of a series of public hearings held last year.
"We have already begun to emphasize environmental subjects, stepping up the emphasis," said Tom I. Davis, information officer for the Department of Public Instruction. Davis said the state's program aimed at improving environmental education includes a special curriculum guide that already has been distributed to public schools. Politician, Farm Leader Dies In State At 84 GOLDSBORO (AP) W. Wiley Andrews liked to hang around the Wayne County Courthouse and talk with the local politicians and county officials as he chewed his cigar.
So in his later years he became a Highway, College Officials Discuss Friendly Widening Officials of the N. C. Highway, Department and Guilford College discussed Tuesday three alternative suggestions for acquiring property to expand Friendly Road to five lanes. Original plans called for in-creasing Friendly Road to seven lanes. No decision was made at the meeting, according to Highway division superintendent Paul Welch of Greensboro.
Bladen School Yields Bomb Under Steps ELIZABETHTOWN (AP) Three Army demolition experts dismantled a crude, homemade bomb Tuesday found under some steps leading to a temporary classroom at East Arcadia School 23 miles southeast of Elizabethtown. The experts were rushed from Ft. Bragg after police found a shoebox under the stairs. The police had been tipped earlier that a bomb was in the school. School officials could not say how many pupils were in the school when it was evacuated Tuesday.
There are 500 pupils assigned to the school. The school had been evacuated Monday after the county board of education received a telephone call from someone who said two bombs had been placed in the school. A search failed to turn up any bombs. The explosives found Tuesday consisted of two sticks of dynamite, blasting caps and detonator wire, attached to some flashlight batteries. Officers Named By Merchants In Thomasville Daily News Davidson Bureau THOMASVILLE Colon Starrett was installed Tuesday to serve a second year as president of the Thomasville Merchants Association.
Other officers installed were Fred Carmichael vice president and Don Lloyd treasurer. Directors named were Donnie Beck, David Kelly, Sybil Bost, Inez Britt, Bobby Martin, Charles Pennington, Hubert Leonard, Blake Denny, Bobby Brinkley, Henry Kennedy Daniel Ballow, and Frank Rankin. LAMBETH-TROXLER FUNERAL SERVICE WENDOVER AT VIRGINIA PHONE 273-3401 mately $200,000. Right-of-way costs were put at some $1.4 million. The first phase of the project ends at grade at the Spring geworth couplet.
Two structures to be built over Walker are Avenue, one for northbound Edgeworth, another for southbound Spring. The access street will Street go the railroad, Lee over and Whittington Street. A NEW ALIGNMENT at grade will take the thoroughfare to Randleman at Marsh on Street. Connectors and ramps will be constructed at key points. The successful November bond vote provided city funds (to be matched 2-to-1 by state funds) to extend the thoroughfare to Lott Street.
Bids totaling $12,404,786.29 were received Tuesday by the State Highway Commission at its regular monthly letting. There were 21 road projects in 21 counties involving more than 118 miles of road construction. All apparent low bids will be reviewed by the State Highway Commission when it meets in Raleigh, on Thursday, Feb. 4, 1971. Some projects and apparent low bids follow: Franklin Person GranvilleWake counties upgrading electric traffic signals at 31 intersections within the corporate limits of the cities of Roxboro, Louisburg, Oxford, Zebulon, Wake Forest and Wendell.
$55,892.65, Watson Electrical Construction Wilson. Final completion date: September 1, 1971. deputy sheriff, working largely as the courtroom bailiff. There was nothing in his appearance or his manner to set him off from any other deputy or anyone else who happened to be hanging around the courthouse. You would never have guessed that Andrews, a farmer and merchant, was also a farm leader at the national and state levels, a former lawmaker and an early and active advocate bf prison reform.
TUESDAY Andrews, 84, died at his home just outside Goldsboro. After attending Guilford College, Andrews returned to Wayne County and became involved politics. He served in three regular and two special terms of the General Assembly, starting in 1929. In 1953 he was one of 19 persons chosen by the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower to serve on the President's Advisory Commission on Agriculture, HE SERVED on the state prison board under the late Gov.
Kerr Scott and helped get the prison department now called the Department of Correction separated from the state Highway Commission. For 19 years Andrews was chairman of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina State Grange. He also was a past president of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Association. Funeral arrangements were incomplete Tuesday. Survivors include Mrs.
Lila Pearson Andrews; and a son, Emory Andrews, of rural Goldsboro. Guilford county 0.491 mile of grading, coarse aggregate base course, bituminous concrete binder and surface for English. Road-Broad Avenue connector from English Road near Phillips Street to Broad Avenue at Grimes Avenue, and Washington Drive from Broad Avenue at Lindsay Street to Washington Drive at Elm Street in High Point. $14,337.45, Thompover Little River on SR 1005 Crowder Construction Charlotte. Final completion date: November 1, 1971.
Montgomery county Bridge over Little iver on SR 1005 between Onvil and Troy. $180,294.66, Crowder onstruction Charlotte, Final completion date: November 1, 1971. The three suggestions will be studied further by the advance planning section of the State Highway Department, authors of the alternatives, Welch said. TUESDAY'S MEETING was "merely a Welch explained. There three suggestions discussed were: Take a major part of the land for the widening from the college property; estimated to cost approximately $600,000.
Take the exact amount of needed property from each side of Friendly Road; estimated to cost approximately $800,000. Take it all from the south side of the road; estimated to cost in excess of $1 million. The third alternative did not receive much consideration, Welch said. College officials favored tak- Airport Authority Snow Equipment Purchase Ordered At the January meeting of the Greensboro-High Point Airport Authority Tuesday, the executive director, Roger ek adl was authorized to negotiate for the purchase of heavy-duty snow removal equipment. Authority members viewed a film on various types of machines and voted for a blower type.
The equipment now on hand was described as less than Social Services Board May Cut Medicaid Fees RALEIGH (AP) The North Carolina Board of Social Services is expected to be asked today to decide on an acrossthe-board reduction in fees paid for medical services in the Medicaid program. Department sources said the proposed cuts include: A 10 to 20 per cent reduction in fees paid to doctors, dentists, optometrists and other providers of medical services. Fees are based on "customary and rasonable" charges by the provider, although the social services department has set an upper limit. Limiting to 90 the number of nursing home days and limiting to 30, 60 or 90 days the number of in-hospital days covered by Medicaid. There currently are no limitations.
Reducing to $13 to $15 the daily payment to nursing homes. Medicaid reimburses nursing homes for "allowable costs," which generally average over $15 per day. FORBIS DICK Tuneral Home Phone: 275-8408 ing an equal amount from each side of the street, Welch said. BECAUSE SOME businesses on the south side of Friendly Road are so close to the curb, the fronts of some buildings would be in the right of way under the proposal to take an equal amount from both sides, Welch said. Welch said the meeting was held because of opposition to seven-lanes that was expressed at a public hearing last year.
Five lanes would reduce the width by 24 feet, from 88 feet for a seven-lane road to 64 feet for a five-lane road. College officials present at the meeting include President Grimsley Hobbs, Robert Frazier and David Parsons. Highway officials included Jim Greenhill from the advance planning section, District Highway Commissioner Lyn wood Smith and Welch. T. Z.
Osborne and Mike Dawkins attended as representatives of the City of Greensboro. Davidson-Davie counties 21.92 miles of bituminous concrete surface for resurfacing 6 sections of primary road. $178,421.00. Warren Brothers Co. (div.
of Ashland Oil) WinstonSalem. Final completion date: August 1, 1971. Davidson county 0,378 mile of gradin coarse aggregate base course, bituminous concrete binder and surface for relocation and extension of Turner Street in Thomasville from Unity Street to National Highway. $4,762.50, L. A.
Reynolds Winston-Salem. Final completion date: October 1, a 1971. Forsyth-Stokes counties 19.23 miles of bituminous concrete surface for resurfacing five sections of primary road. $166,229.00, Warren Brothers Co. (division of Ashland Oil) Winston-Salem, Final Completion date: August 1, 1971.
adequate to remove a heavy snowfall from the runways. The new machine, to be acquired shortly, would provide an improved service "we owe to the public and to the said 1 Stanley Frank, secretary of the authority. IT WAS ALSO noted that the Federal Aviation Administration is expeced to implement an airport certification program soon, requiring airports served by scheduled carriers to meet certain minimum standards of snow removal equipment would undoubtedly be among these standards, it was generally agreed. In connection with a condemnation suit filed in Superior Court to acquire about 250 acres owned by Cesar Cone, the authority voted to make a rightof-way available to Cone for access to the remainder of his property from which the 250- acre tract is being taken. The right-of-way will be over land owned by the authority.
The location and other details were left to the discretion of the chairman, Marion Follin. The land being acquired is part of a dairy farm in the northwest quadrant of the airport. A new passenger terminal is to be constructed on the site, according to the airport master plan. The next meeting of the authority will be held Feb. 19.
MANES- Lineberry FUNERAL SERVICE Since 1919- 2 Locations 272-5158 WEDNESDAY Mrs. Anne Price Swaney 4:00 P.M. Irving Park West United Methodist Church Interment: Guilford Memorial Park Till 3:00 P.M. N. Elm St.
Mrs. Edna Mae Turpin 4:00 P.M. Vanstory St. Chapel Interment: Guilford Memorial Park PANELING BARGAINS 3 LOCATIONS: ASHEBORO HIGH POINT GREENSBORO DESERT ARTESIAN DISTRESSED BLUE AGED LAUAN LAUAN $277 $495 $450 CALIFORNIA HARDWOOD WEDGWOOD OAK LAUAN HICKORY $388 (Vinyl Paneling) $388 $059 Our Store In Asheboro Located at 134 W. Wainman St.
Store Hours: Mon. Thru Fri. 8 A.M. to 5:30 Sat. 8 A.M.
to Noon PLYWOOD STORE of GREENSBORO High Point Store Just Off Swing Road in the DIAL Located 2207 TRI-PORT INDUSTRIAL PARK English Road NCNB BANKAMERICARD WELCOME HERE 292-3952.