Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

the the the the a a Final Fireside Mostly fair tomorrow, 20 per cent chance of Edition winds. tomorrow 85. Expected Yesterday's overnight high low 91 near at 3:30 60, p.m.; high Spokane Daily Chronicle afternoon overnight low, or The 58, evening at 3 a.m.: Weather 79 thunderstorms, at 10:30 gusty a.m.; 90 at 1:30 p.m. at the Airport Weather Station. 84TH YEAR.

NO. 222. 16 PAGES 1 SECTION SPOKANE, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1970. PRICE 10 CENTS PHONE MADISON 4-1121 found this one on the Pine River I Park. Getting Away The urban tensions come havens of refuge not too far From It All crowding in but there are away.

Chronicle Photog- rapher C. Wesley Cameron Little Spokane River near Good News Seniors Voice Thanks RICHMOND, Va. (AP) "Nobody ever thanked the taxpayers." That was the conclusion reached by the officers of the 1,800 member senior class at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. As a result, this morning's editions of the Richmond Times-Dispatch carried a quaradvertisem*nt "open letter" to Gov. Linwood Holton, state legislators, parents, alumni and taxpayers- Hurt Pilot Gets Call From Nixon message.

Nixon Quoted WASHINGTON (AP) Even President Nixon had to obey doctor's orders and settle for an intermediary when he tried to the pilot in Thursday's bizarre hijacking. Capt. Dale C. Hupe, shot once in the abdomen during a fight for the hijacker's gun in the co*ckpit of the Trans World Airlines jet, could not accept Nixon's call Friday afternoon. He was in good condition in Fairfax Hospital in nearby Virginia, but was recovering from three hours of surgery.

Nurse Mary Jane Mastorovich told Nixon Hupe could not be disturbed and took the President's served with Captain Hupe on Guadalcanal during World War II and I would like for you to my personal best express, him and that I wish him a speedy recovery. He went through the entire war without a scratch," the nurse related Nixon said. "It's too bad he had to be injured now this way." Nixon's and Hupe's service together came in the South Pacific when Nixon was a lieutenant junior grade on Guadalcanal for the South Pacific Air Transport Command. Marine Capt. Hupe flew numerous missions for the command.

Russian-built rockets fired from Lebanon do no damage in Israeli town, page 10. Finch Due Post in White House Reds' Forces Push Attacks in Cambodia SAIGON (AP) North namese and Viet Cong stepped up their pressure and west of Phnom Penh day in what was regarded in capital as the biggest enemy fensive since the allies Cambodia last month. Enemy attacks broke out Siem Reap, a provincial about 185 miles northwest Phnom Penh and continued Kompong Cham, 80 miles the capital. Kompong Speu, provincial capital 35 miles Phnom Penh, was being assed by enemy forces. Cambodians Praised The Cambodian high mand was reported jolted appearance of strong forces at Siem Reap, since was supposed they were from the town.

Informants thought the was trying to score a propaganvictory here because Reap is only about six south of the tourist mecca Angkor Wat. A qualified military source Phnom Penh said a strong bodian force had blunted the track on Siem Reap and troops were withdrawing Angkor Wat. He added that this posed problem of whether to risk battle that might damage famous 700-year-old ruins Angkor Wat. Ky Assures Cambodians of Support SAIGON (AP) Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky returned today from Phnom Penh where he assured the Cambodian government that South Vietnamese troops will remain (in Cambodia "until their mission is completed." Ky made no mention of this on his arrival, but he declared the whole allied operation in Cambodia would be a failure if enemy forces are allowed to return to their former sanctuaries in eastern Cambodia. Return Possible In a speech to the National Assembly in Phnom Penh, he also declared South Vietnamese would return to Cambotroops, completing their mis.

sion if the Cambodian government requested it. Before leaving the Cambodian capital, Ky and Premier Lon Nol signed a communique pledging mutual support against enemy and promising immediate improvement of relations between the two formerly hostile nations. Copter Kills 4 in Error SAIGON (AP) Two American and two South Vietnamese soldiers were killed when a U.S. Army helicopter fired accidentally position, on American Vietnamese ranger headquarters reported today. Twenty South Vietnamese soldiers were reported wounded.

The incident occurred Thursday in northernmost Quang Tri province, othe said, stronghold Khe Sanh. GI's Luck Holds Empty Rifle SAIGON (AP) A young 101st Airborne Division trooper captured an armed Viet Cong, the U.S. Army said today. But the enemy soldier didn't realize his captor's rifle was empty. The encounter Spec.

4 James E. Weeks, Elko, for, began when his platoon was flown by helicopter into an area 19 northwest of Hue to check out suspected Viet Cong activity. The platoon made immediate contact with an my squad. "I heard firing to my right," Weeks said. "I looked Secretary Role in WASHINGTON (AP) today that Robert H.

Finch retary of health, education White House staff and will ment by Elliot Richardson, Appearing before newsmen in the White House press center, Nixon began by describing Finch as "my oldest and closest friend and associate the administration." He declared: "I regret losing him at HEW but I need him here." The President indicated he felt there were areas in which he was not getting the full range of counsel that he expects Finch to provide. Background Told Richardson, 49, has been undersecretary of state since the beginning of the Nixon administration and had served as assistant secretary of health, education and welfare in the Eisenhower administration, Finch's departure from the Cabinet was the first in the Nixon presidency. At the White House, share the title of counselor to the President--the See picture, page 2. highest staff designation--with Daniel P. Moynihan and Bryce N.

Harlow. Nixon told newsmen he and Finch had been discussing for some time the possibility of his old friend providing regular counsel to the chief executive in Many Nations Rush Supplies to Help Peru LIMA, Peru (AP) Aid from the United States and other countries continued to pour into earthquake-devastated Peru today amid new estimates that the death count could reach 50,000 or more. The United States dispatched the helicopter carrier Guam See "Peru," page 2. with 14 1 choppers aboard to help ferry supplies into the stricken Huylas canyon and carry out residents injured in the massive quake Sunday. "Back Door" Opened U.S.

Ambassador Taylor Belcher said U.S. aid would top the $1 million mark by today. Belcher also reported that an American mining company, Cerro de Pasco had succeeded opening a circuitous "back door" route to the shattered valley, in north-central Peru, and two other American firms were working on a more direct route from areas to the inland region. The Canadian government sent six transport planes to help drop supplies into the valley. Peru's director of information, Augusto Zimmerman, said he could confirm new estimates of 50,000 dead, cabled to U.N.

headquarters from a representative of the world organiIzation in Lima. Unusual Fare CHELMSFORD, England (UPI) -Mrs. Clare Kelley, 22, stopped into the Royal Steamer pub yesterday and had a baby. Mrs. Kelley and her husband were making a dash for the hospital when their car broke down outside the pub.

Convincing and saw a Viet Cong running down a trail straight for me. I used up my 20-round magazine firing at him. "As I went for another magazine and started to turn, I came face to face with another Viet Cong 30 feet to my left. "He started to raise his rifle and I knew I couldn't possibly reload my weapon in time, so I just pointed it at and screamed, 'Chien Weeks said. The Vietnamese phrase for surrender worked.

"Was I ever surprised and happy when he did," Weeks said. Ends Cabinet President Nixon announced is leaving his post as and welfare to join the be replaced in the departnow undersecretary of state, the domestic field and in some foreign policy areas. Declaring that he had hoped Finch could serve both as vate adviser and Cabinet secretary, Nixon said experience showed that running the Department of Health, Education Welfare was a full-time job. Finch, former Republican lieutenant governor of California, has been embroiled in series of while serving in the from controversiend. time to time, there had been mors he might leave government entirely.

Talking to newsmen after on announced his job shift, Finch said, "It's a higher ing but a lower "Coming Home" Finch described the move as "coming home to be with Bob and John" and other Nixon references, H. to R. presiden- Halde. tial chief man and John E. Ehrlichman.

Haldeman and Ehrlichman are regarded as the two most powerful figures on the White House staff. The White House later made a point of emphasizing that counselors to the President hold Cabinet rank although their top pay is $42,500 a year compared to $60,000 for Cabinet secretaries. Police Thank Alert Citizen for His Help Vietforces north tothe ofentered at capital. at north a west har- com- enemy it far enemy Siem, miles of in Camat. enemy toward a a the of Police today presented a letter of appreciation to a Spokane man who provided information that helped lead to the apprehension of an adult and three teenagers in connection with an armed robbery.

Gordon W. Simpson, W826 Fourteenth, provided police with the license number of a car seen leaving the area of the Texaco Service Station, E303 Third, shortly after an attendant was held up and $97 taken, early last Saturday, said Police Sgt. Richard C. Chapman. Chapman, who made today's presentation of the letter written by Police Chief E.

W. Parsons, said that, after the owner of the car was identified, a deputy sheriff staked out a Valley address at N1010 Burns Road for nearly two hours. When the car drove up, officers arrested the vehicle's registered owner, Stanley P. Silva, 21, who was taken to the County Jail and booked on a charge of armed robbery. 3 Juveniles Taken Three juveniles later were apprehended and placed in the custody of juvenile authorities.

"My sincere appreciation, plus the thanks of the entire department, go to you for the manner in which you showed yourself an outstanding citizen," Parsons said in his letter to Simpson. Prizes Galore Top Pop Search in Closing Week thanking them for supporting VPI. The letter, signed by the class president, Lester F. Langhans III of Corning, N.Y., and class treasurer, Harris B. Turner of Richmond, expressed appreciation for being able to attend college and attributed campus disruptions to a minority that has "managed to present a very unrealistic picture of the can college student." Virginia Tech was the site last month of disturbances in which two campus buildings were seized before the college administration suspended the more than 100 students who parcipated in the actions.

Langhans said the ad, authorized by the senior class officers Two Reassigned Protesting Officers Lose Sensitive Jobs WASHINGTON (AP) members of the first known tiwar organization operating the officer level have been moved from their sensitive telligence jobs in the office to the Chief in of Naval Operations. The Pentagon confirmed day that Lts. Gordon Kerr James Pahura were relieved their jobs as intelligence ing officers "because of association with the COM cerned Officers Movement)." New Task Told A Pentagon spokesman the two would be serving See picture, page 2. telligence analysts. Kerr and Pahura, both junior grade lieutenants, said they were told of their reassignments Thursday.

The Navy did not tell them of their new jobs until the Pentagon confirmed the action Friday night, they said. The two officers were the first members of COM to have any action taken against them as a result of their association with a the small organization. It is made up of about 25 Washington based officers, ranging in age from 23 to 30. Most of the members are Navy men. Kerr, a native of Alexandria, and Pahura, of Medina, N.Y., said in a joint statement they were "disappointed that the Navy found it necessary to remove us from our jobs because of our efforts to seek channels for expressing responsible dissent." Another member of the and purchased by class treasury funds, was the result of a meeting of class officers following disturbances at VPI.

The result of the meeting, he said, was a realization that "no body ever thanked the taxpayer" making it possible for students to attend the school. Hearts Stop; 3 Tots Saved LONDON -Three small children "died" in a London fire today, but were brought back to life by attendants in a speedling ambulance, hospital officials said. The three children, ranging in age from 1 to 4, were overcome by smoke when flames engulfed their south London home, Firemen wearing breathing apparatus smashed into their bedroom and pulled the children to safety. As they were driven away in an ambulance, however, the heart of each child stopped. The attendants quickly applied artificial respiration to the children and had revived the heartbeat in each before reaching King's College Hospital.

"The children are as well as can be expected," a hospital spokesman said. "We are quite optimistic pow." Drives Open to Aid Peru SEATTLE (AP) Two separate drives aimed at providing relief supplies to earthquake victims in Peru were launched here yesterday by University of Washington students and a committee of Peruvian women residents. Students made an appeal to Seattle area firms and residents to donate the supplies and said four airlines have volunteered to fly 4,200 pounds of supplies to Peru without charge. The Peruvian women made a similar appeal and said an airline had offered to take the supplies to Peru free of charge. Hurry, boys and girls, only week left to enter the My Pop's Tops contest and possibly win a handsome gift for your dad's Fathers Day.

There's some $400 worth of gifts to be divided among three Special Games Under Way for Retarded A gun popped loudly, shouts went up from the audience, swimmers splashed into the pool and Spokane's first Special Olympic Games were under way today in a froth of blue water. Swimming at Shadle Park High School's pool occupied the opening competition with a track and field meet at Rogers High School scheduled for the concluding day tomorrow. It all had the appearance of the real Olympics and one could tell that to these mentally retarded youngsterssome 100 of them--this Jaycee-sponsored event was "the real thing." Preceding the first swimming heat, the Special Olympics meet was opened with music provided by an 1 El Katif Temple Shrine organist. A Marine Corps Reserve color guard was on hand and the audience sang the national anthem. The enthusiasm of the participants was obvious throughout the program.

matched the glee on one little boy's face when he reached the far side of the pool first- his name was announced as the winner over a loudspeaker. Entrants were divided into age groups from 8 on up. One could tell by their stance prior to plunging in the pool that these youngsters had been waiting and practicing for some time for this moment. The Special Olympics this weekend are a prelude to the state meet in Seattle later this month and the national meet in Chicago in August. Events tomorrow at Rogers will get under way at 12:30 with entertainment provided by the Shriners' Band.

Track events will include the 50-yard dash, 300-yard run-walk, and 100-yard and field events will include standing long jump, softball throw and high jump. winners, for the under-13 age group, for the 13 to 17 age group and for the 1970 top pop. Wouldn't your dad like a saber saw, a wrist watch, slacks or perhaps some cologne? The list goes on to include a transistor radio, a pen and pencil set, theater tickets, a number of gift certificates, cash and two hotel dinners. All you have to do is sit down now. write a letter it should be 100 words or less telling why you think your pop is the best.

Put your dad's name and address and your name and age at the top of the first page that's important. Then, send it to the Retail Trade Bureau, Box 2147, Spokane, 99210. Deadline for the contest is midnight next Saturday, June 13. The top pop and his letter-writer will be guests of the Retail Trade Bureau at a luncheon Friday, June 19. Hems, Bulls Go Together earlier in the week that an- COM's chief means of spreading at its ideas is through a newsletter re- sent to friends and some peace in- groups.

of Lt. (j.g.) Phil Lehman said the newsletter was operated in conformity with regulations, utiFri- lizing neither government time and nor government materials in its of publication. brieftheir In addition to registering op(Con- position to administration policies in Indochina, COM has sought to express concern over military justice and what Lehsaid man had called the "quality of as in- military life." Tracks Moved Dinosaur tracks believed to be over a hundred million years old now wander through a London park, we are told, having been carefully removed from the English quarry in which they were originally discovered. Tracks of a different sort interest the Inland Empire hunter. And when he shops for a hunting or fishing car he is likely to head for the wilds in an automobile like the one described here as being a "fishing car, or FISHING car, or something $35.

Just a '53 Plymouth. FA 8-7349. Mrs. Richard L. Beckham, N6215 Maple, says: "I sold the car on the first call in response to my ad in the Spokane Daily Chronicle.

I had many more calls, and the ad was a real success." LONDON (UPI)-Share prices on the London Stock Exchange are dependent upon the length of women's hemlines, according to a weekly business magazine. Industry Week said share prices since the 1920's have followed the length of skirts and "the hot weather this week has brought up both skirts and the stock market." Inside The Navy says it has no ships of any kind operating in an area where North Korea claims to have sunk a "heavily armed spy ship." Page 2. An additional $50 million for expansion of summer job opportunity programs for young people will be sought by the administration. Pg. 2.

Only a few of the 100 House members who have accused Justice William 0. Douglas of misconduct have stepped forward with evidence and little of it is new. Page 10. Also in today's Chronicle: Churches 6 Comics 15 Comment 4 Drama 3 Editorial 4 Northwest 2 Outdoors 9 Radio 7 Records 5 Society 16 Sports 8, 9 Television E- Tilaku*ms 15 Weather 10.

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.