The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

Cincinnati Produce Markets Top grade eggs turned easier again yesterday, easing off another to Reports from producing territory indicated gradual increase in the lay and heavier shipments to gathering points. Operators were slowing up on their takings, and the current demand only made a dint in the accumulabut unchanged. Chicago tions. Undergrades Merexchange closed easy and off on lower grades. New York was steady at decline.

Creamery butter also, closed steady at New York but 90 was score, easier which to was off decline on Chicago all scoreces of poultry were more active, with an advance of 1c for Rock and 2c for colored roasting chickens. Both white and colored ducks sold a cent higher, regardless of weight, The turkey market ruled steady, but is expected to gain momentum before the end of the week. Fruits and vegetables were steadier, with Prananan a higher Active from the Civilian Conservation Corps camps sufficed to remove the surplus. Cash wheat was up in a readjustment of Corn, oats, and were unchanged and rye was on the barley, outside quotation. Hay continued dull, with prices barely steady.

and hay quotations as furnished Grain by the Grain--The Cincinnati following of nominal quotations Board Trade, Inc. sales and bids to arrive: reflect WHEAT. b. domestic New York rate points F. o.

based on bids to arrive: No. 2 Red. Rate. 24 27 29 0 96 31 0 96 32 35 Wheat Discounts--No. 3 No.

sample 15 30c. NEW CORN. Rate. No. 3 White.

No. 2 Yellow. 554 533 27 29 31 32 35 c. 53 Corn, 1c premium on moisture less than 17.5 to 15.5. Corn, discount each one per cent moisture over 17.5.

Oats--Delivered Cincinnati. Quotations represent spot shipments: No. 2 white 0 34 No. 3 white No. 2 mixed a 31 c.

Rye-Delivered Cincinnati: No. 1 rye 53 55c, No. 3 rye 51 53c, rye 50 52c. Barley--Choice malting 88691c, do fair to good 67 6 87c, do light weight 58 83c, do feed Hay Delivered Cincinnati by rail with rebilling privilege: No. 1 timothy $14, No.

2 timothy No. 3 timothy No. 1 light clover mixed No. 1 clover mixed No. 1 heavy clover mixed $13 14, No.

2 clover mixed No. 1 clover No. 2 clover No. 1 second alfalfa $13.50 9 14.50, No. 2 second crop alfalfa $11 No.

1 first crop alfalfa $11 612, No. 2 first crop alfalfa wheat straw 56 6.50, oats straw $6 6.50, rye straw $6.50 05 Feeds and Meals--Ton in carload lots: Standard bran $21 pure bran $21.50 soft bran $21.50 22, standard middlings spring wheat middlings flour $26 26.50, grey shorts $25 25.50, Red Dog flour $28 28.50, winter wheat mixed feed $22.50 23, linseed meal $30.70, $25.70, $29.80, cottonseed meal $27.35, digester feeding tankage $45, No. 1 alfalfa meal medium $17, alfalfa leaf meal $31.30, gluten feed $26.60, gluten meal $32.10, white and yellow hominy feed $23.50, beet pulp $29.65 (nominal), soy bean meal $24.70, rolled oats $52, black strap molasses f. 0. b.

New Orleans gallon reground oat feed ton $10.50, meat scraps $47.50, steamed bones $31, raw poultry bone $31, dried buttermilk f. 0. b. Cincinnati (100 lbs) $8, dried skim milk (100 lbs) $7.50, dried brewers' grain ton $21, corn distillers' dried grains $21,75. Groceries And Provisions.

Seeds--Clover sweet clover $2.70 3.50, alsike $12.50 13.50, new timothy $1.60 alfalfa (all values quoted from store). Sugar--Eastern granulated light yellow refined powdered and icing $6.40 6.50, beet granulated $5.30 5.40. Pork -Basis 100 lbs: prime steam lard refined lard $14.500 open kettle lard Dry salted bellies $20.50 smoked dry salted bellies 2c lb higher. Smoked meats, sugar cured packed. Hams, regular skinned $27.50 picnics $20.50 shoulders New York shoulders $22.50 $23; breakfast bacon dried beef hams $30 30.50.

Sweet pickled meats packed in tierces. Hams, regular small $24 large $20.50 skinned $25.50 $26, picnics shoulders $20 (D New York shoulders Green meats, 10 se: regular hams $24, skinned hams $26.50, picnics $20 shoulders $20 20.50, New York shoulders $22 bellies, light $28.50, heavy Beef carcasses $10 as to quality. Tallow, prime city country No. 1 6 No. 2 Grease, brown yellow white Flour-Soft winter short family patent do standard patent $6.25 6.50, do straight spring short family patent do standard patent $8.25 do first clear Kansas short family patent do standard patent $7.50 do first clear white corn flour whole medium wheat flour $8 rye, white $5.50, $5.25, dark $5.

Nuts--Black walnut, new bushel: walnut kernels, clean, dry, sifted, 30c, do country run 25c, shellbarks 60c. Sorghum--Fifty cents a barrel lots. Produce. Butter-Creamery, jobbing basis lb. Packing stock, No.

2 20c. Butter fat, No. 1 32c, No. 2 30c. Eggs Cases included extra firsts 34c, firsts 33c, seconds 26c, near-by ungraded 33c, loss-off basis.

Live Poultry-Coops return basis: Spring chickens, White Rocks and Plymouth Rocks, broilers, 1 lb and over 19c, lbs and over 19c, 2 lbs and over 19c, fryers 3 lbs and over 19c; roasting chickens, 4 lbs and over 21c; Leghorns and the Mediterranean broilers 1 lb and over 15c, Ibs and over 15c, 2 lbs and over 15c, do 3 lbs and over 15c, colored 1 lb and over 18c, lbs and over 18c, do 2lbs 18c, fryers 3 ibs and over 18c, roasting chickens 21c, partly feathered black and No. 2 springers 13c, colored fowls 5 lbs and over 19c, Ibs and over 18c, 3 lbs and over 16c, Leghorn fowls, 3 lbs and over 13c, under 3 lbs at discount, old roosters 12c; young ducks, white 4 lbs and over 20c, 3 lbs and over 17c. Turkeys, No. 1 young toms 16 lbs and over 24c, do 12 to 16 lbs 24c, young hens 8 lbs and over 25c, No. 1 old hens 10 lbs and over 22c, No.

1 old toms 20c, No. 2 15c, crooked-breasted 18c. Geese, choice 17c, do medium 15c, common 12c, old 13s, guineas, young 2 lbs and over 15c, do lbs 15c, old 12c, pigeons, old 75c dozen, capons 8 lbs and over 25c, do under lbs do slips 18 Rabbits--No. 1 $3.25 dozen, do No. 2 $2.50.

Fruits And Vegetables. Prices based on sales reported to the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Wholesale prices to jobbers and retailers. Apples-Twenty-one cars on track; maryet steady; bushel baskets: New York: United States No. 1, Wealthys, $1 75 Grimes 75 85c; twenty ounce, 3-in.

West Virginia: U. S. No. 1, delicious Staymans Romes, fine quality U. S.

Utility: Jonathans and Grimes delicious Michigan: Wealthys, U. S. No. 1, 51 Spys fair condition, 75c; Jonathans, U. S.

Utility Idaho: Jonathans, U. S. No. 1, and larger Ohio: A delicious Romes Jonathans and Grimes Jonathans 65 75c; Eastern crates: New York: Wealthys, U. S.

Truck No. 1, 90c: delicious Receipts: Michigan: U. S. No. 1, $1.50 Spys $1.25: Romes Davis, Kings unclassified Indiana: Ben up 50 60c: Ohio: U.

S. No. 1, Jonathans in. Romes 21- In A grade, 65 Ganos 70c; Staymans 75c; Russets 70c; Romes 65c; Baldwins, 75c. Michigan: Eastern Crates Snows, Beans One car on track; market bushel hampers Texas: Round Stringless $2.35 2.50, poorer $2.

Cabbage- Twenty-two cars New on track; market steady; Old stock York: 50- Ib acka Danish type mostly Domestic 60c; Texas: new stock: half crates flat type $1.25 few $1.40. Carrots- Five cars on track; market steady; California: crates 6 on dozen track; market Cauliflower- -Four cars ateady; California: crates track; market $2. about Celery- -Six cars on crates, washed, ateady: California: 22-in. half crates $2.90 $3, mostly all $3, sizes, few 20 and fine quality $3.50 3.60; 18-In. Lettuce--Fifteen cars on track; market $2.7501 $3.

THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1935 The following table shows the state of the weather at the places mentioned, AS indicated by the Weather Bureau, at 8 o'clock last night, seventy-fifth meridian time: Place of Highest 10 tions. Weather ATL'NTIC STATES. Portland 24 Eastport 28 32 Boston 26 32 0 Albany 24 32 N. York 30 38 Phil'phis 36 38 Wash'n 38 40 Norfolk 40 44 Savan'h 42 52 Jacks'lle 44 48 Miami 64 66 GULF STATES. Atianta 34 42 Tampa 50 56 Montg'y 42 50 Vicksb'g 48 52 N.

Or'ng 48 48 Shre'p't 50 60 F. Smith 46 52 Dallas 54 58 Galv'ton 48 48 S. Ant'o 48 50 0 c. Chr. 50 50 OHIO VALLEY.

Park'b'g 34 36 .02 Elkins 28 30 .04 Cin'nati 34 34 .02 Ind' polis 36 38 .01 Pikeville 34 36 TI Evansv'e 38 46 Knoxv'le 34 38 Nashv'le 44 46 WEATHER CONDITIONS. fornia: slightly 5s weaker; crates, poorer Iceberg 6s Califew Arizona: 5s $2.85 4s 6s $2.50, few $2.65. Six cars on track; market steady; 50-lb. bags, U. S.

No. 1, Idaho: whites best $1.35 Valencias, 3-In. Colorado: mostly Valencias, 2 3-in. to whites 3-in to 3-in. Minnesota: Yellows Michigan: whites yellows Indiana: Whites small to medium yellows medium 90c.

Peas--Five cars on track; market steady; bushel hampers, California: mosuly around Potatoes Texas: fair quality few track, $2.25. -Twenty-four cars on market about steady; 100-lb. bags, S. No. 1, Idaho: Russet Burbanks $1 52, fair quality Colorado: McClures $1.65 poorer $1.40 triumphs North Dakota, Minnesota: Cobblers $1.30 Early Ohio triumphs $1.50: Nebraska: triumphs $1.60 g) Michigan: round whites $1.30 few Wisconsin: triumphs, fair quality $1.30 Ohio: Cobblers Truck Receipts ungraded Indiana: Truck Receipts: Cobblers ungraded Sweet Potatoes- Three cars on track; market steady; U.

S. No. 1, Tennessee: bushel hampers Nancy Halls klin dried 80c mostly 85c; Louisiana: bushel crates Porto Ricans klin dried Deleware: Jersey type, bushel crates $1.350 1.40; bushel hampers and baskets, medium 65 62 75c. Tomatoes--Three cars on track; market about steady; lugs, green ripe and turning wrapped, Texas: 6x7 larger fair quality $20 2.15; Florida 6x7 and larger best $30 $3,25, fair quality $2.40 2.50, poorer $1,85 52: Mexican: 6x6 and larger $3.25 3,50. Christmas Trees -Per bundle, Washington: Fir mostly few higher; Eastern: Balsam, Fir, and Spruce 81.15 few higher; Canadian: Fir mostly $1.25.

Holly--Cases, loose, $4 4.50. Wreathes: Artificial, berries, per dozen, mostly $1, few higher and lower. EXPRESS TRUCK RECEIPTSL. C. L.

Beans-Express: Florida: bushel hampers Round Stringless $2.75, few higher. Cabbage -Truck: Northern Ohio: 50-ib. sacks Danish 60c. Carrots- Truck: Northern Ohio: half bushels Nearby: bushels 35c. Celery- Truck: Michigan; half crates washed $1.50 1.75; hearts: flat and square crates 65 16-quart 75c.

Celery Cabbage- Truck: Northern Ohio Eggplant--Express: Florida: crates, fancy choice $303.25. Kumquats -Express: Florida: 32-quart crates quarter, crates 75c. Lettuce Hothouse: 10-Ib basket 60 90c. Mushrooms -Truck: pound, Kentucky: Ohio: mostly 20c; Georgia: poorer 10c. Parnsips-Truck: Northern Ohio: 8-qt.

baskets 35c. Radishes--Hothouse: Dozen bunches buttons 35c; Icicle 25c. Spinach-Bushel 85c. Strawberries -Express: Florida: pony 1e- frigerators, per 35c. Tomatoes -Hothouse: 8-lb.

baskets $1.35 Turnips-16-qt. baskets, topped 45 50c. THE RIVER Stages of the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers and tributaries at 8 a. and changes within the last 24 hours. Stages Change Change STATIONS 'V STATIONS Cincin'ati Pittsb'gh Dam 6 Dam 10.

Dam 12... Dam 14... Dam 16... P'k'rsb'g Dam 22... Dam 24...

Pt. Pl's'nt Dam 28... Dam 29... P'tsm'th Dam 33... Dam 35...

Dam 38... Dam 39... Louisville Dam 44... Ev'nsville Dam 52... Cairo Keokuk St.

Louis Memphis Helena Vicksb'rg N. Orleansl 33.3| 1.0 19.3 24.4 19.0| 20.1 21.2 19.9 2.1 (19.4| 22.2 0.9 26.0| 0.6 24.2|-0.2 27.9 31.3 30.3-1.4 32.0|-0.6 29.6| 0.5 32.0| 28.7 30.6 21.5| 0.6 17.0| 20.3 0.0|-0.9 4.4 11.4| 0,6 14.1| 0.8 13.3 3.6 0.0 River Franklin 7.6| 0.6 Lock 7... 15.7 Zanesville 15.2| 0.5 Ivanhoe 1.9|-0.1 Radford 1.9|--0.1 Hinton 3.5 Kan. Falls 6.5 Lon. Dam 12.01-0.9 Lock 6 13.6|-1.0 Logan 3.0 W'amson 3.8-0.6 Pikeville 3.4|-0.8 Chil'cothe Farmers 7.0 Falm'uth 6.5| Dayton 2.6 Lock 14..

12.3 Lock 10.. 14.1 Lock 7... 13.2 Lock 4... 9.4 Liv'rmre Mt. 2.7 0.2 Nashville 10.1 Knoxville Chat'oga 9.4| 0.0 Florence 4.5 J'h'nville 5.2|⅝1.3 Kan.

City 3.6 Lit. Rock 7.2|... Forecast, Cincinnati, December 17-The Ohio River, from the Kanawha to the mouth of the Kentucky, at Carrollton, will be about stationary or will fall slowly Wednesday. River stage, 33.3 feet, stationary. W.

C. Devereaux. aux. Arrivals Today. Ouachita, from Louisville, Sycamore Street Wharf, 9 Gordon C.

Greene, from Louisville, Main Street Wharf, 9 a. m. Departures Today. Ouachita, for Louisville, Sycamore Street Wharf, 5 p. Gordon C.

Greene, for Louisville, Main Street Wharf, 5:30 p. m. LANTERN FIRED BOAT. A signal lantern set fire to the towboat Ben Franklin at the foot of Lawrence Street December 2, Harry Flesher and Benjamin I. Pattison, United States Steamboat Inspectors, reported yesterday.

BUSINESS BRIEFS W. P. Kenney, President of the Great Northern Railway Company, says he expects 1936 will witness the largest program of railroad equipment buying for a number of years. Sucn purchases would, he added, be of considerable benefit to Great Northern, in view of its iron ore movement. Associated Gas and Electric Syshas acquired from the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company, through an exchange of curities, all of the bank's holdings of common stock of the Jersey Central Light Company, a former company, was disvesuand closed.

The stock, representing about one-third of the common shares, was acquired by the bank at auction in connection with a default of a note held by the bank. Jewel Tea Company, reported sales for the four weeks ended November 30 of $1,530,109, compared with $1,469,721 for the comparable period of 1934. Sales for 1935 so far totaled $17,174,423, compared with $15,739,040 last year. Carl R. Gray, President of Union Pacific Railroad Company, said that the system's gross revenues in December were continuing well ahead of last year and have shown a slightly less pronounced seasonal drop from November than in recent years.

Henry J. Cochran of New York has been elected a Director of National Biscuit Company to succeed the late John N. Conyngham. H. S.

Munroe has resigned from the board of Newmont Mining Company. R. Hoe and Company yesterday named Fred L. McCarty as PresiA dent. He previously acted as Vice President and General Manager.

Directors of the American Machine and Metal, Incorporated, has voted to redeem on February 1, 1936, all the convertible sinking fund fifteen per cent gold debentures of Troy Laundry Machine Place of 8 Current tions. 134789 UP. MISS, VALL'Y. Minne'ls 28 34 TI LaCrosse 26 28 Davenp't 28 32 Ch'lesc. 20 28 Spr'gfid 36 42 St.

Louis 44 48 Cairo, 44 48 Memphis 48 52 MISSOURI VAL. Kanas C. 42 48 0 Conc'dia 42 52 0 40 44 01 24 38 Bism'rek 28 34 0 Williston 26 36 0 WESTERN ST'ES. 24 28 01 Yel'stone 18 28 01 MillsCity 20 126 0 10 20 Cheyen'e 32 48 Rapid C. 38 50 N.

Platte 36 48 S. L. C. 24 34 Modena, 28 32 Gr. J'ion 32 38 48 56 Dodge C.

40 52 Okla. C. 46 54 Amarillo 44 52 Abilene. 46 54 Roswell. 46 56 30 38 0 Flags'ff 30 38 0 Phoenix 62 68 0 PACIFIC STATES.

LosAng. 70 74 0 62 64 01 S. Fran'o 54 58 32 36 Portland 40 42 0 52 56 0 Tat. Isl. 52 56 0 01 cloudy.

gRain. LAKE REGION. Buffalo 28 30 1 Clevel'd 32 .02 Detroit 32 34 .01 P. S'nd. 30 26 01 S.

S. M. 26 32 Gr. Bay 30 30 01 G. Rap.

32 36 .02 Ft. W'ne 34 34 .02 Chicago 30 32 Duluth 22 26 Snow. T-Trace, Company, Incorporated, outstanding on December 31, 1935, at 103 and interest. Edward J. Doyle was reelected President of the Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, the post he resigned in February, 1934, when he and others connected with the Insull utilities system were under Federal indictment.

All of the defendants were subsequently acquitted. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Finley Green, 33 years old, Addyston, laborer, Margie Wysinger, 26, Addyston. Max Wolfson, 28 Landon Court, salesman, and Etta Sirkin, 542 Prosper Place, saleslady. Donald B.

Clark, 22, 921 Chateau Avenue, student, and May Vawler, 23, 957 Chateau Avenue. Robert E. Nugent, 21, Newport, clerk, and Laura Koval, 19, 936 Fillmore Street, examiner. William H. Schroeder, 28, 323 Erkenbrecher Avenne, teacher, and Olivia J.

Foyes, 24, 134 Kinsey Avenue, teacher. Announcements CRAIN-SHEPPARD Flowers For All Occasions. Bonded F. T. D.

Telegraph Service. 19 E. Eighth St. PArkway 1932-3. Chas.


DETHLEFS FUNERAL. HOME. 543 Rockdale Ave. AV 5600-5601. WM.

F. FULDNER MODERN DOWNTOWN MORTUARY. MAIN 4754. 421 ARCH ST. Witt Funeral Home 3026 Madison Rd.

JE 0105 OAKLEY SQUARE, HYDE PARK. VONDERHAAR STETTER Cincinnati, Pleasant Ridge, Dayton, Newport, Ky. SOuth 2642, SOuth 5795 See our ad Sunday on death-notice page. W. D.

JAco*ckS EDW. W. JAco*ckS FUNERAL HOME WOodburn 0801. Gilbert and Locust. Death Notices ABBOTT -Dr.

Demas Hartzell Abbott, beloved husband of Emma Abbott (nee Agar) and beloved father of Marion Abbott Boyd, Tuesday, December 17, 1935, at residence, 2347 Fairview ave. Due notice of funeral. A Adams (nee Geilfus), widow of Joseph Adams and beloved mother of Elma and Frank C. Adams and Florence A. Stier, at her residence, Brookline Clifton.

Services at the residence of her son, Frank C. Adams, 17 Belsaw Clifton, Tuesday, December 17, at 2 p. m. BERNERT- -John M. Bernert, husband of Mary Bernert (nee Rolandelli), at his residence, 2654 Pancoast Westwood, Tuesday, December 17, 1935.

Solemn requiem high at St. Catherine Church, Westwood, Friday, December 20, at 9 a. m. -Margaret Conners (nee Russell), beloved wife of John Conners and mother of Mrs. Anna M.

Lyons, Mrs. Cecelia Harten, Mrs. Helen Ernst, Harry John Daniel and Edward Conners, Monday, December 16, 1935. Funeral from residence, 1644 Palm Northside, Thursday, December 19, at 9 a. m.

Solemn requiem high mass at St. Patrick Church at 9:30 a. m. Member of Married Ladies' Sodality, Ladies of Isabelle and Our Lady of Sacred Heart. Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary No.

90, Knights of St. John, please meet at the residence, Wednesday, at 8 p. m. (Ohio) papers please CRUM-Wilson W. Crum, beloved husband of Myrtle Crum (nee Pierce) and beloved father of H.

F. Crum, December 15, 1935, at residence, 4526 Melwood Winton Place. Funeral from the Busse Borgmann funeral home, Central Parkway and Clifton Hills lane, Wednesday, December 18, at 1:30 p. m. DAY-Matilda A.

Day (nee Butts), beloved wife of Lee Day, Tuesday, December 17, 1935. Services at residence, 24 West Walnut Southgate, Thursday, December 19, at 2:30 p. m. DOLAN-Dominick Dolan, 3 beloved husband of Delia Burns Dolan (nee Callahan) and father of Marie Cody, Tuesday, December 17, 1931, at 10:20 a. at his residence, 2727 Erie Hyde Park.

Funeral from the Gilligan funeral home, Woodburn at Lincoln, Thursday, December 19. Requiem high mass at St. Mary's Church at 8:15 a. FOLSOM-Mary C. Folsom, widow of J.

H. Folsom, at Dayton, Ohio, formerly of Cincinnati, Sunday, December 15, 1935. Services at W. Mack Johnson's funeral home, McMiilan at Upland Wednesday, December 18, at 10:30 a. m.

ANNOUNCING SERVICE THE PUBLISHING OF IN MEMORIAM NOTICES The Enquirer has prepared a large looseleaf book of several hundred Memoriam verses for its readers. If you contemplate inserting a Memoriam notice, call at The Enquirer office, 617 Vine Street, and ask to be, assisted in preparing your copy. There is no additional charge for this service. A charge will be made only for the actual space your notice consumes, Year become after more year popular Memoriam in The notices Sunday have Enquirer rates for these notices are exreasonable. INFORMATION CHEERFULLY GIVEN.


MACK JOHNSON FUNERAL HOME I Woodburn 0475. McMillan and Upland Death Notices Oscar Frondorf, beloved husband of Helen Hugenschmidt Frondort, residence 2900 Grasselli Westwood. Funeral from Vitt Stermer's Western Hills funeral home, 3425 Harrison Cheviot, Friday, December 20, 1935, at 1 p. m. GABLE--Lenore K.

D. Gable (nee Phistner), beloved wife of Albert J. Gable, sister of Anna L. Bauer and Harry Phistner, 551 Blair Sunday, December 15, 1935. Services at W.

Mack Johnson's funeral home, McMillan at Upland Wednesday, December 18, 1935, at 2:30 p. m. HOFFMANN- Jacob Hoffmann, beloved husband of the late Eva Paul Hoffmann, and devoted father of Mrs. Louise Endebrock. Mrs.

Clara Cunningham and Magdalen C. Hoffmann, Monday, December 16, 1935, in his 79th year. Funeral from residence, 2943 Urwiler Westwood, Wednesday, December 18, at 2:30 P. m. Services at Spring Grove chapel at 3:30 p.

m. Members of Schoolmates' Association please attend. KOTTER-Rose Kotter (nee Ausdenmore), beloved wife of Ed Kotter and mother of the Rev. Ed B. Kotter, Wilfred Lawrence Rosemary and Catherine Kotter, and sister of Katherine Ausdenmore, Tuesday, December 17, 1935, at residence, 1833 Clarion ave.

Funeral Friday, December 20. from residence at 9:30 a. m. Solemn requiem high mass at St. Mark's Church at 10 a.

m. Reverand clergy invited. MUIRDEN- James T. Muirden, beloved husband of Belle Bendie Muirden and father of Mrs. Evelyn Simpson and Mrs.

U. A. Fiaherty, residence Ridge near Pleasant Ridge, Tuesday, December 17, 1935. Funeral from the Norwood Vorhis funeral home, 5501 Montgomery Friday, December 20, at 2 p. m.

PETTY- George B. Petty, beloved husband of the late Hannah L. Petty (nee Shaw), aged 77 years, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Russell Smith, 22 Ohio Ft. Thomas, Ky.

Funeral Thursday, December 19. Services at the Baptist Church, Alexandria, at 2 p. m. PUTH-Frances A. Hauer Poth, widow of Andrew Poth, and beloved aunt of Andrew H.

Newman, 3140 Penrose Westwood, in her 93rd year. Funeral from Vitt Stermer's Western Hills funeral home, 3425 Harrison Cheviot, Thursday, December 19, 1935, at 2 p. m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bridgetown Protestant Cemetery.

RAKEL-Edward Rakel, beloved husband of Elizabeth Rakel (nee Frommeyer) and father of Edwin, Loretta, Marie and Stanley Rakel, Monday, December 16, 1935, of 1707 Cleveland Norwood, Ohio. Funeral Thursday, December 19, at 8:30 a. from Nurre funeral home, 3437 Montgomery rd. at Dauner ave. Requiem high mass at St.

Elizabeth's Church at 9 m. ROTHE Ella A. Rothe, beloved sister of Mrs. Marie Louise Hanke, Monday, December 16, 1935, at her residence, 257 Hosea ave. Funeral from the Paul Huth Clifton funeral home, 430 Ludlow corner Whitfield, Wednesday, December 18, at 2 p.

m. SCOTT-J. W. Scott, beloved husband of Mary F. Scott (nee Cuthbert), at his home, 15 Silver Ft.

Mitchell, Sunday, December 15, 1935. Funeral Thursday, December 19, from the Hugenberg Glindmeyer funeral home, 40 W. Sixth Covington, at 2 p. m. Interment Highland Cemetery.

-Margaret E. Sheehan, passed away Monday, December 16, 1935. Services at the Thomas funeral home, 4418 Whetsel Friday, December 20, 1:30 p. m. Madisonville Rebekah Lodge services Thursday, 8 p.

m. Clarence Workum, beloved husband of Corale B. Workum, at his residence, Rose Hill Avondale. Services at the Well funeral home, 3901 Reading Thursday, December 19, at 11 a. m.

VON HAGEL Bernadina Von Hagel, daughter of the late Bernard and Mary Gertrude Von Hagel, Monday, December 16, 1935. Funeral Thursday, December 19, at 8:30 a. m. Requiem high mass St. Mary Church, Hyde Park, 9 a.

m. VAN NOSTRAN-William L. Van Nostran, beloved husband of Adele Hoefinghoff Van Nostran and father of Charles Van Nostran, Sunday, December 15, 1935: residence 734 Ridgeway Avondale. Services at the Thomas funeral home, 4418 Whetsel Madisonville, Wednesday at 2 p. m.

Information About ENQUIRER Want -Ads THESE COLUMNS ARE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. BECAUSE OF THEIR PUBLIC NATURE, CERTAIN RULES MUST BE OBSERVED IN THE PLACING OF NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION HERE. All advertisem*nts are restricted to their proper classification, style and type. The Enquirer reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisem*nt. Notice of error, elther typographical or otherwise, must be given in time for correction before the second insertion.

The ENQUIRER cannot be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Claims for adjustment OD all ade paid for in advance must be accompanied by the cash register receipt. Mail received in reply to a box number at The ENQUIRER office will be forwarded to the advertiser if postage is furnished for that purpose. The ENQUIRER endeavors to print only truthful advertising. Any information furnished to the contrary will be appreciated and investigated immediately.

In order to maintain satisfactory service to readers, Want-Ads will be accepted For the daily issues until 1:45 P. For the Sunday issues until 2:00 P. M. Saturday. Ads received after these hours will be inserted if possible, but they will pear on another page under the heading Late To Classify." Advertisem*nts may be placed in any manner that is convenient.

By telephone: Call PArkway By mail or in person at the three convenient locations: 617 Vine Cincinnati, Ohio. 35 7th Covington, Ky. HEmlock 2400. 31 E. 6th Newport, Ky.

SOuth 2401. Rates for Want-Ad Service furnished on request. center-hall brick home, 10 rooms. Also 839 Ridgeway mod. 8-room house for 1 or 2 families.

me. M. L. for 1 or 2 families. Call me.

M. L. BARBOUR, MA 3257, UN 0079 M. AVONDALE, home, $800 cash, balance $40 priced $5,250. AV 1356 PA 7243.

AVONDALE HEIGHTS- 6 rooms, English home; like new; ideal location. KI 3170. BELLEVUE- Cottage: 4 path; $2,800. NAGEL'S, SO 2007. BOND HILL-1735 Dale nr.

Reading new brick 1-fl. plan bungalow; 5 large rooms, tile kitchen; nr. schools, store; priced right; financed; open daily. MULFORD Builders, JE 0743. BOND HILL- Grafton 2 new 2-story brk.

homes, tile bath, kitchen. PA 5298. BOND HILL-1832 Andina ave, 5-rm, new home. Nolte-Tillar Bros. AV 0285.

BOND HILL Five-rm. conv. built-in $5,700. ME 3322. CHEVIOT-5-rm.

1-flr. brick; tile; $7,600. SUHRE, MO 0051. CLIFTON-Buff-brick St. Louis: 4 5 2d; 2 3rd; 2 level lot; $10,000.

UN 0130. COLLEGE HILL, N. -New 2-story brick and shingle; never been occupied; $4,850, $500 cash. OWNER, KI 3383. Lost And Found BEAGLE HOUND-Male, black, white, tan; in Mt.

Lookout. EA 7753 rew. BRILLIANT BROOCH- -Green settings; Hartwell Country Club; reward. JE 3597. FOX TERRIER-White, brown spots; lost Friday evening; reward.

BR 0746 W. LOST--In or near the Taft Auditorium, Saturday afternoon, brown leather hand bag containing money and glasses, finder may keep money, mail the bag and glasses to BRADHURST'S DRUG STORE, Springfield, Ohio. LOST Russian wolfhound; sick, kindly call ME 7299. Reward. Houses For Sale AVONDALE-803 N.

Crescent center-hall brick home, 10 rooms. Also ERIE AVE. COLONIAL HOME. Large living hall, dining breakfast kitchen, 1st 3 tile bath, shower, 2nd hdwd. 2-car Ige.

lot, trees; priced reasonable; financed. CHAS. S. FAXON, REALTOR, EA 0560. EVANSTON-Brick St.

Louis; 2 6-rm. hot-water heat, stoker, 2 3 3rd; 50x150. Call 1822 Brewster. EVANSTON-5-rm. nr.

shops, cars; 8 real value; only $4,750. EVANSTON REALTY JE 7172. EVANSTON-5 rooms; Hewitt and Crescent; large lot. JEfferson 6846. FAIRMOUNT, N.

Bungalow; 5 rec. hall; large living house in good condition; lot 118 ft. front, fruit trees, chicken house, $4,300. E. M.

COSTELLO SON, AV 3258 MA 0312. FERNBANK-7384 Kirkwood; 12-rm. mod. residence; Ige. grounds; barg.

WA 4887. FT. MITCHELL-7 rooms, 2 baths; 2-car garage; $8,000. HEmlock 1588. HARVEY H.

RICHMAN, BUILDER OF HOMES OF PRESTIGE. AV 6898. HYDE Houses For Sale 4-rm, large yard, big trees; garage; one square to cars. EA 5007. HYDE PARK-1251 Michigan distinctive 4-bedroom house; Rookwood mantel, tile bath; newly decorated and in firstclass condition.

FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST MAin 5400. KENWOOD- New colonial homes; open for inspection. KENWOOD REALTY HOME BLDG. ME 1980. LAFAYETTE CIRCLE- 8-m.

home; sol. porch with tile bath. ANNE H. MacNEIL. UN 0475.

LUDLOW, mod. brick: $2,800. G. W. AMMERMAN SON, HE 6732.

MADISON VILLE-5 bath, $250 down; balance same as rent. BR 0241. MT. LOOKOUT-3040 Kinmont 5-rm. financed.

Call EA 2827. OAKLEY-6-rm. A1 $4,750. W. C.

HARPER, ME 2415-5567. PARK HILLS, brick, Englishtype bungalow. HE 1315. Pleasant Ridge Bargain Like New Douglass Terrace -Mod. 5-rm.

1-fir. 2 large finished rms. on 2d bath; garage. OWNER, ME 7316. PRICE HILL $4.500 944 McPHERSON AVE.

Six-room frame, located convenient to store, schools, churches, transportation. This is a well-built house and in good condition. For appointment call Real Estate Department, MAin 5400. PRICE HILL -A wonderful 6-rm. English bungalow, well located; very best condition; double built-in garage.

Can be handled with $1,150 cash; balance like rent. PA 1262, WA 0072 J. PRICE HILL- 403 Purcell 2-family brick, 2 5-rm. flats, hot heating system, double garage; price $7,500. WA 0832.

Sundays, WA 0081 and WA 6429. PRICE HILL Near St. Williams; new 4- rm. brick, 1 attached gar. WA 4530.

PRICE HILL -Will build to suit; choice lot. ED WISSEL, MO 2015, WA 0445. PRICE HILL -8 rooms, 2 investment; $2,000. BULLOCK, KI 2537. PRICE HILL-6-rm.

brick, stm. dble. $200 cash. WA 2800. PRICE HILL-Brk.

6 tile bath; car line: $9,000. MO 3017 J. REAL ESTATE LOANS Immediate Service. C. F.

MEDARIS District Manager THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 1215 Union Central Life CHerry 3614, WALNUT HILLS RIVER VIEW: 7 3 BATHS: ONLY $14,000. MA 0398. WESTWOOD-Nr. cars: attr. 8-rm.

1 or 2 2 big lot; $6,500. MO 0102. 20-YEAR RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE LOANS MONTHLY PAYMENTS $0.74 PER THOUSAND PAYS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. Get our plan if you intend to buy, build, or refinance. APARTMENTS BUSINESS PROPERTIES 35 E.

CH 7th Robt. A. Cline, Inc. 1444 1 Business Property For Sale INDUSTRIAL SITE-8 R. R.

and highway front; cheap, quick sale. MO 1131. SOUTH AND, DEPOT Business property, store 4-rm. flats; invest. WA 0832; Sundays, WA 0081 and WA 6429.

Investment Property For Sale BOND HILL -Brand-new 3 stores, all stone fronts; rent, $105 monthly. Can be sold for $9,500 WO 1400. CITY- and Elder; store and flats; good investment. PA 3922. PRICE HILL-6-rm.

house: complete grocery; 2 garages; large lot; must sell at once. PA 1262. WALNUT HILLS cor. 2 houses, stores, 2 flats. WO 5258 W.

Farms, Country Homes For Sale CONSULT AN ARCHITECT. GEO. E. McDONALD. EA 1318.

FORECLOSED. Country home, near Mt. Healthy; beautiful stone and stucco home of 7 rms. and bath; strictly modern; fine orchard and vineyard; large forest trees; wonderful setting; worth the first offer of $7,500 buys it. MORGAN, ME 8750.

FARMS, country homes, business locations. L. W. VERBRYKE. Phone Bethany 472.

ONLY 2 MILES famous lake, 60 acres, $2,300, rapidly growing resort; affords cash produce market; includes team, 3 cows, 6 hogs, wagon, borness, tools; mile improved road, mile school; 50 tillable, level loam, blue grass pasture; plenty water; woven wire; timberlot, good bearing orchard; 5-rm. frame house, drilled well; barn, poultry, smoke house; real buy, $2,300, part cash. Free December catalog, UNITED FARM AGENCY, 806-A Tires-Star Cincinnati, Ohio, MAin 1175. ONE-QUARTER ACRE Edge Hamlet; 6- rm. home, cellar, electric, 2-car gar; well located, on main highway; $2,750, $500 down.

CHAS. A. FREEMYER, Hamlet, 0. Lots, Acreage For Sale AVONDALE-61-ft. lot; very nr.

Avon Fields Golf Course. MR. PRICE, MA 1780. CHEVIOT -West Court; 40x155; level: no near school; $750. MO 0234.

HARRISON HILLS -Cleves-Warsaw min. from Glenway; beaut. lots, 100x250. reas. price; terms.

CORDES, PA 0462. HYDE choice four-apartment building lot, near Madison rd. JE 1455. NEWTOWN-50 acres; 20,000 ft. in greenhouses.

See CONVER MEYER, 1015 Schmidt Bldg. MA 1326. NORWOOD'S best Indian Mound Moundview reas. OWNER, ME 4052. PLEASANT RIDGE- -Ridgewood; only a few lots left at the reduced price.

MR. MADDEN, MA 1780. PLEASANT RIDGE 105x400; forest trees; all services; $2,250. PA 1210. acres; 65 lots ready for immediate sale.

J. F. O'BRIEN. CH 6717. WYOMING Half acre, high ground, near pike; all improvements; cheap.



D. J. STARR, 1618 Main. CH 8726, AV 0713. PARK HILLS- -Ft.

Mitchell homes. GEO. P. SCHIFFER INC. HEm 8015, GOOD dairy or stock farm with some bottom land: 15 miles to Cinti.

GROESBECK, DICKSON, KAHN, 327 E. 8th st, WANT FARM- WIll pay cash for 50 to 100 acres within 20 miles of Fountain Square. Send full description, location, lowest price for cash. Address Box 53, Station Cincinnati, Ohio. WE HAVE buyers for houses and apts.

REINHARDT REALTY JE 1490. BEST Apartments, Furnished Houses For Rent Real Estate CHOICE SELECTION 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 rm. apartments; newly furnished; $35 to $75. CHESTER C.

SUDBRACK, WO 5022. Open 9 to 9. 702 E. McMILLAN at MAY. A1 3-room gas, $8 wk.

See this; new new building; $40. Five-room; 2 $45, 25 Others. GUILFOYLE. MA 6640. A1 -Wal.

Hills; new new 3-rm. $37.50. CRAIG RENTALS, 2448 Gilbert, WO 1153. A1 WAL. HILLS-2-rm.

new tile bath: $28. CRAIG RENTALS. -2448 Gilbert. WO 1153. AA1 ATTRACTIVE 3 heat; janitor service; good $35.

AV 2481. AVONDALE- Flora Villa Hotel, 723 Gholson 1 to 3 room-kitchen apartments; Frigidaires, private baths, hotel service; parking or garage popular rates; permanent or transient. A Von 1335. AVONDALE -Leaving city; will rent exquisitely furn. 4-room ultra-mod.

complete; reas. to resp fam. AV 0565. BEVERLY APTS. and 2 room apts.

kitchenette and bath; completely furnished; gas electric and Frigidiare; 10 minutes from the city. 2125 Gilbert ave. WO 4799. CLIFTON-NEW ADMIRAL 3433 available now 3-room apartment; beautifully furnished; select 1o- cation; linens, dishes optional. Apply Apartment 112.

AVon 8894 J. PHELPS TOWN HOUSE- Furnished and unfurnished on lease. MAin 4152. HYDE PARK MANOR 2805 Madison 4-rm. newly decorated; beautiful furniture, linens, dishes, silver, gas, $57.50.

JE 7083. HYDE PARK-New attr. 3-rm. and dinette; completely furn; heat, tile bath, shower, linens, dishes, silver; gas, $57.50. MA 1181.

HYDE PARK- -St. Louis; 5 rooms, solarium; garage; best location. PA 4461. San Carlos -Madison Road AND BEDFORD, COMPLETELY REFS. WO 0862.

THE PRESIDENT- Completely furnished Reading rd. at Greenwood. UN 2062. WALNUT HILLS -Exclusive furnished and unfurnished apartments; living room, in-a-door bed, dressing room, tub-shower bath, linens and silver. 2357 St.

James ave. or PArkway 4989. WALNUT HILLS 2324 Park, complete beaut. furn. 6-rm.

2 baths; in Cin'ti best apt. building. Reasonable price to responsible people. WO 5227 J. WALNUT HILLS Residential section: 2 rm.

nicely furn. complete; heat, in linens, dishes, silver, gas, $35. UN 1344. WALNUT HILLS Conv. to city; modern 2-rm.

completely in-a-door, tile bath, shower, linens, dishes, $37.50, MA 1181. Apartments Unfurnished 10 For Rent COMPLETE assortment of furnished A and suburban unfurnished buildings. Free in auto service. modern THE TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST CO. Seventh and Walnut PA 1046.

Open Until 9 p. m. AVONDALETHE VIRGINIA 624 Rockdale and 6. rm. modern throughout; ideal location; low rents.

AV 3278 or PA 5130. AVONDALE-6 maid's: very modern; porches, gar. AV 0192-0494 M. AVONDALE -Steam heated; 1 and 2 rm. priv.

bath; $16; newly free parking. 550 Stewart pl. AV 3236 J. CLIFTON Five-room new, modern, clean, quiet; janitor service; garage. 590 Ludlow.

1338-40 WALNUT flats, hot water, bath, $13.50 to newly remodeled. AV 6160. Avondale- -Poinciana Bldg. Reading rd. and Hutchins 3 and 4 room apartments; modern; reference.

WO 0862. AVONDALE- -New Avondale splendidly located in North Avondale at 920 Burton 3 apts. available; 3 and 4 tile bath, steam heat, janitor service; THEODORE MAYER MA 0921. AVONDALE-670 N. Crescent; mod.

4-rm, flat, with heat, $42.50. Wilson 3593; 5 $35. Reading 3611; 5 $50. Prospect, 519; 4 $18. MA 2729.

AVONDALE 999 Cleveland attr. new studio living lge. dinette, fully equipped kitchen, tile bath, shower, steam heat. AVon A 4607 M. AVONDALE-768 E.

Mitchell; ideal St. exclusive 6-rm. 2 heat, maid's sol, AV 2836 R. BEAUTIFUL 3-rm. dinette new large liv.

in-a-door, plastic walls, studio casem*nt windows, heat, range, tile bath, shower; $40. MA 1181. CITY- -Saxony 9th and Race; 5 heat, $25. See janitor. CITY-1401 3-4 front bath, water, janitor.


studio 4-rm. including breakfast hot-water heat, shower bath, range, Janitor service; only $40. CH 1632. CLIFTON-2805 Stratford, near U. attractive 3-4-5 rm.

kitchen heat, janitor. PA 3216, UN 1332. CLIFTON-440 Riddle 2d 4 sq. car, W. 'adults; $35.

CLIFTON-323 Ludlow, 2-room efficiency; all heat; rent reas. UN 0115. COLLEGE HILL-3 $15; heat, $35. KI 3076. CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN APT FIVE ROOMS $35.

Apply Janitor or phone MAin 0845. BRITTANY Northwest Corner Ninth and Race. DOCTOR OR BEAUTY PARLOR Location- Avondale and Norwood. KRUG phone WO 0862. MONTGOMERY AND HERBERT Five-room fully equipped kitchens; porches; Janitor service, See Superintendent on premises, or call UN 0851.

EVANSTON-3 heat, garage. 3512 Trimble ave. FT. THOMAS-17 Sayde 5-rm. lower St.

Louis; $40. SO 1869. Hyde Park-3387 Erie Ave. THE RAVENSWOOD New, mod. attractive 5 and 6-rm.

large liv. neat, hot water, range, all-tile bath, shower, rm, $65; 6-rm 2 baths, $80; garage optional, $5. EA 3822. ANDERSEN HOLZ. Hyde Park, Madison Court Apts.

2479 Madison one 3, 4, and 5 rm. apt. in this excellent modern bldg, WO 7111. Under Penker management. HYDE PARK--Lovely 4 full-size rooms in new building; range, heat furnished; garage; Hyde Park's most outstanding value for $50.

JACKSON REALTY, MA 1100, AV 9029 W. HYDE PARK- Beautiful 5-room heated range, hot water, tile shower bath: near schools, cars: $65. MR. COCHRAN, EA 3822-0773 W. HYDE PARK- 5-rm.

equip. ina bed, tile bath, porch; near schools and bus. $40. Wo 0001. HYDE PARK--Cheerful 4-rm.

lower; in -a- door, stove; excel. condition; garage; $40. ME 4443. HYDE PARK- Choice part; outstanding 3- dinette new heat, range, tile bath, $40. UN 1344.

HYDE PARK, Herschel; 4 bath; everything separate. ME 5291. HYDE PARK Madison mod. 5-room 2d rioor; garage; yard; $45. ME 0969.

MADISONVILLE-4-rm. heated $35. SADIE COOK, ME 4960, EA 5682. MADISONVILLE-4 hdwd, 1st $28; heat furnished. BR 1270.

MT. AUBURN Apartments Unfurnished 10 For Rent EVANSTON. IDELLA MANOR, Maywood living room, kitchenette and bath, Frigidiare; gas and electric included; $32.50. 144 Glencoe place. MT.

AUBURN-2531 Burnet; 2-3-5 kitchen heat, jan. AV 2481, MT. AUBURN-4-rm. hwd. conv.

location; 1st $40. AV 2646. NORTHSIDE-2 large light heat, hot water, adults only. KI 2830. NORTHSIDE Mod.

$35; $40. WILSON, KI 4508. NORWOOD, W. heat, hot water, $27.50. HARMANN, ME 1638.

NORWOOD, W. -Upper 3 heated, priv. bath; adults; $24. ME 6288. PLEASANT RIDGE-KENNEDY-4 and 5 heat, 4 heat separate; 6 heat separate.

MARSHALL, ME 4132-2617. ST. BERNARD-5 bath, porch 2d 2 rms. 3rd; $35. MA 4623.

Walnut Hills--San Carlos Madison rd. and Bedford: 3-room efficency apartment; modern; reference. WO 0862. WALNUT HILLS-2324 Park Ave. A choice five-room apartment available.

Elevator. Garages and maid's room. THE MYERS Y. COOPER CO. MAin 4244.

EAst 2780. WALNUT HILLS- -Melrose Melrose and McMillan; 4 rms, bath and hall; steam heat; janitor service suitable for doctor's office. THE PROVIDENT SAV. BK. TR.

Melrose and McMillan. CHerry 6111. WALNUT HILLS -S. w. cor.

Concord and McMillan; 4 rms. and bath; $22. Real Estate Department. THE PROVIDENT SAV. BK.

TR. Seventh and Vine. CHerry 6111. WALNUT HILLS. 2105 Fulton, 1st 4 heat: $45 1620 Madison, 4 large heat; $32.50 BOTH APARTMENTS OPEN.

WARREN E. RICHARDS, MA 0384. WALNUT HILLS- Most attractive studio new desirable, in convenient location, 1 sq. from car and bus line; subdued painted walls, heat, range, janitor service, $65. CH 1632.

WALNUT HILLS. LINCOLN No. 624, near Reading hwd. floors, tile bath, electric refrigeration, heated. A Von 1674, WALNUT HILLS -Nr.

De Sales: 5 spacious beautiful older type heat, range, cabinets, tile bath, maid's $45. WO 2485. WESTWOOD-2 4-rm. flats; ideal location. MO 2544 M-1225.

206 E. FOURTH rooms and bath; 3rd $20. University of Cincinnati, AV 6160. Houses For Rent AVONDALE 714 East Mitchell; brick colonial; 2-car garage; hot-water heat; vacant; $75. CH 4224.

AVONDALE-17 Glen mod. 5-rm. blk. to Vine; $45. MA 2281.

BOND HILL-Roselawn; mod. 5-rm. 1-flr. brick tile bath, shower; built-in garage; $50. MA 4623.

CLIFTON-5-rm. built-in convenient $40. AV 2290. CLIFTON, E. -Fine 6 2-story $45.

LAUDT, AV 1711. COLLEGE HILL, 1 or 2 redec. JA 8231 J. EVANSTON-1560 Ruth substantial 7-rm. home, all redecorated and in splendid condition, 2-car garage.

JE 3965. EVANSTON-3530 Trimble modern brick; 2 3d-floor rooms; perfect condition; garage; $55. ME 4443. EVANSTON-1824 Clarion; modern 6-rm. stm.

newly $50. MA 2281. FT. THOMAS Choice houses, apts. Call us first.

WARE WOOD, SO 3043. HYDE PARK-3946 MARBURG. Six rooms, stucco, tile bath, $42.50. Evenings AV 5162 or 'The ROBERT A. CLINE, 35 E.

7th CH 1444. HYDE PARK. Beautiful home on Edwards, near Grandin; large living room, coffee room, dining room, maid's room off kitchen; 2 master bedrooms with Rookwood bath between; guest room and bath; 2nd floor; rathskeller and 3-car garage; beautiful grounds; $150. EA 8981. HYDE PARK- 4-bedroom.

home, large liv. brkfst. 2 rms. 3rd garage; nr. all schools; $75.

A complete list of 5 and 6 rm. houses, $50 up. Also 5 and 6 rm. heated apts. in modern $65 to $85.

MR. COCHRAN, EA 3822-0773 W. POPULAR PEOPLE Houses For Rent FT. THOMAS Best locations; fine lists of nomes and apts. WEBER, HI 1041 R.

FT. THOMAS $35 to $70; also heated apartments. C. M. PRATHER, HI HYDE PARK-Kilgour School district, 3- bedrm.

Eng. home, tile bath with shower, brkist. nook, elec. $85, CARR, ADAMSON KRAMER, WO 5211. HYDE PARK- Exceptionally nice bungalow; 2 bedrms.

1st, 2 on 2d; breakfast room, tile bath, shower, stove, 2-car garage. NIEMEYER HORNING, MA 3019. HYDE PARK- Beautiful brick home; tile roof; large living solarium, breakfast nook, 3 maid's hot-water heat; $90. EA 4300-1988 R. HYDE PARK-6-rm.

brick Ige. liv. $47.50. WO 6605. MADISONVILLE Beautiful residence; fine location; large living dining kitchen, 1st 4 beerms, bath, 2d; 2-car gar.

BR 0241, CH 8369. MADISONVILLE -Brick bungalow, 5 bath, hwd. breakfast room; garage; $35. CHAS. S.

FAXON. EA 0560. MARIEMONT. Five and six room house with garage, $50 to $75; also -room groups, $43.50 to $60, including garage. One three-room heated equipped kitchen.

$36. MARIEMONT OFFICE, BR 1300. MARIEMONT 6920 Cambridge; new mod. 7 5 and bath, 1st; 2 on 2d; large yard; nicely $42.50. MA 1862.

MT. WASHINGTON-6250 Beechment; cant Dec. modern brick, 6 rooms, tile bath, fireplace, hwd. floors; large lot; 2-car garage. CLENEAY NOURSE, MA 0060.

NORWOOD-KENNEDY 6 6 double gar. MARSHALL, ME 4132-2617. NORWOOD, style, 6-room brick; furn. or $50. JE 0646-3336.

NORWOOD, SOUTH-7-room house: rage; near cars, shops; $35. JE 7172. PLEASANT RIDGE-6253 Cortelyou; mod. 5-rm. brick $45.

MA 2281. FLEASANT RIDGE Kincaid 7-rm. brick; 1 sq. cars, store; $65. ME 6688.

PRICE HILL Overlook; 4951 Ralph; beau. mod. 5 garage, adults: $60. WA 4605. PRICE HILL-7-rm.

brick, garage; 5 acres; near car line; $85. MO 2599 K. ROSSMOYNE-5 bath, furnace; Cherry st, 4th house from Bellview $22; key to right. WESTWOOD-3432 Millrich, 1-floor plan 6 garage; $47.50. MO 1133.

2950 tile A Business 12 Places For Rent 12. 5 PATE 112 no a 160 0. 2. 6 A NOT 3054. 20 A MOD, CONCRETE SEC.

80x120; part, whole; reas. 1416 CH 1847. FREE RENT UNTIL JANUARY 1. CARTHAGE-7101 Vine; corner store, 3 windows; busy location; reasonable rent; heat furnished. PA 5481.

CITY- -63 E. McMicken; store, reas. rent. KI 3008. MT.

AUBURN-2532 Highland; doctor's office; will be available in December; good location. AV 2481. PLEASANT RIDGE- -25x60, heated store, adjoining new Pay-N-Takit; basem*nt storage; reasonable. WO 5400, JE 2100. THIRD-SYCAMORE- St Store basem*nt, $25; E.

Third store, $15. MA 1835. Offices, 1 Deskroom For Rent 13 A SELECTION OF DESIRABLE OFFICES $25 up. NEAVE 4th and Race. NICE OFFICE -Waiting room, $20.

Room 209, Southern Ohio Bank Bldg. MOVING Moving, Trucking. 15 Storage CH 7505 Estimates Given Movers-Storage. Free. Cheerfully A LOAD FROM Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago and St.

Louis. WEIL, AVon 1775. Rent, And Rooms 17 Board AUBURN INN, 2314 AUBURN: AV 8248. Beautiful suburban hotel: Southern cooking. COMFORTABLE ROOM- -Exclusive home best food, steam heat.

AV 6254. EXCELLENT location; 1 or reasonable; private family. WO 7674 J. GREY MANOR HOTEL, 188 E. McMillan; single, double rooms, with or without private bath.

AVon 4390. Rent Furnished Rooms 18 AINSLEY HOTEL-456 E. Fifth; excel. low rates; steam heat. CH 9462.

AVONDALE the loveliest studio cooking; home privileges. AV 4402. ATTRACTIVE BED and sitting room; priv. bath; conv. gar.

opt. A Von 2032 W. CITY-228 Broadway; 2 nice on 4th or 5th floor; newly decorated; conveniences; $10 and $8. Inquire at building or call THE CENTRAL TRUST MAIN 4900. CITY-1316 Main 2-room neatly furnished: $4.50 up.

Inquire in store. CLIFTON- room, on car line: 1-2 ladies; kitchen privileges. UN 0495. CLIFTON W. McMillan; single bed; steam heat; shower; gent.

HILL TOWER HOTEL A luxurious home with advantages and first-class hotel services; excellent food: private baths; close-in location. Prices almost low as you pay for ordinary board and room. References required. 2515 Auburn ave. Phone AVon 8580.

HOWE'S FAMILY HOTEL. Stm. run, water, sh'rs; $3 up. WO 1208. JAMES HOTEL 536 WALNUT.

Attr. steam-heated showers; weekly, $4.50 up; daily, $1 single, $1.50 double. MILNER HOTEL Free swimming pool; Turkish bath, $5 wkly. 7th at Race. NEW KOCH HOUSE 313 SYCAMORE-300 ROOMS.

Cleanest and warmest "steam heat" hotel in town. Showers on all floors. Low weekly rate-50c to $1 per night. NO OTHER roomers; bus 1st floor. WO 7704.



The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.