The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville Journali

Knoxville, Tennessee

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IS THE KNOXVILLE JOURNAL Friday Feb 20 1943 See The New CAS' WALKER SAYS: I defy anyone to prove that my price are not as low or lower than the lowest Here are just a few of our hundreds of reduced prices for your comparison It never been our policy to be undersold Rep Robsion Funeral Service Set Saturday 28 REDUCTION PURE LARD Cta '110 6 REDUCTION RADIOS at -i SNOWDRIFT 8 REDUCTION WESSON OIL Pint Bottle 45c 9 REDUCTION Jewel SHORTENING Lk 139 9 REDUCTION MARGARINE 40c 25 REDUCTION PIE APPLES COMSTOCK 15c ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Nr DOWNSTAIRS BARBOURVHXE Ky Feb 19 Funeral services will be held at 2 Saturday In the First Baptist Church here for Rep John Robsion who died suddenly Tuesday night The funeral originally was planned for the First Christian Church but was transferred to the larger Baptist church because of the expected large crowd The Rev Barron will iead the services assisted by the Rev Cooper and the Rev Chiles Many state and national political notables are expected dor the last rites for Robsion who had represented the traditionally Republican Ninth Congressional District almost continuously since 1919 Senators Cooper (R) and Barkley (D) of Kentucky have been appointed to represent the Senate at the services The Republican leadership of the House named Representatives Morton and Meade of Kentucky and Jennings of Tennessee to represent It The Democratic leadership has not announced its plans for representation 1 In Frankfort as well as in the 19 ebunties in the Ninth speculation arose on the successor to Robsion who died of a heart attack at the home of a friend here Circuit Court Clerk John Pickard --'A it': a RINSO 37c Reduced Pkg A Palmolive TOILET SOAP Price Reduced 1A Regular Cake I UC Price Large arrij OXYDOL 37c Price Reduced Large Pkg State Sen Ray Moss of Pine ville was mentioned prominent! In Frankfort speculation as a pos sible successor along with Ken heth Tuggle of Barbourviile for mer lieutenant governor and a close personal and political friend of Robsion Circuit Judge -B Johnson of Williamsburg and Cir cuit Judge Edward Denney of Mt Vernon State Rep Ed Marcum 39 ol Manchester said he is considering seeking the Republican nomination to Congress from the Ninth District A special election will be called later to fill the vacancy Food Prices Said Passing Knox Crisis Retail food prices In the Knoxville area may have passed the inflationary crisis Harris Dawson regional director of the Bureau of Labor Statistics said yesterday is possible that the current figure for Knoxville may represent the peak in high retail Dawsoh said Prices here continued their upward trend between Dec 15 and Jan 15 he said just prior to the sudden recent drop in commodities at the wholesale level The advance in Knoxville during the 30-day period was only 3 per cent less than the hike recorded in other cities throughout the country the director said The national index jumped' about 15 per cent during the period SERVES IN JAPAN Pfc Ival Hall son of Mr and Mrs George Hall Lancing is now serving as 'a cook for a service troop with the First Cavalry Division on! occupation duty in the Tokyo-Yokohafiaa area of Japan Camay Soap 10c Price Reduced Regular Cake A A FULL LINE OF CURIOSITY TIES TONGUE-Fourth-grader Terry England while standing in the snow waiting for a school bus at Mullens Va curiously wondered what would happen if he stuck his tongue to a frost-covered metal light tower Older Brother Harold England finally came to the rescue with a tea kettle of hot 'water (AP) OCTAGON SOAP FLAKES Price Reduced Large Pkg 3 Lux Toilet SOAP Price Reduced -Regular Cake IvC ladl racuoS uco i 3 SEE US TODAY Knoxville Burley Sales Pass $754441 7 During This Season Ivory Snow KES 37c OR IVORY FLAKES Price Reduced Pkg I Super Suds 37c Price Reduced Large Pkg Large Caught By Machines Petros Miner Injured Fultz 45-year-old miner of Petros was injured yesterday morning when caught between a coal cutting machine and a loading machine at the Fork Mountain Coal Co mine He was admitted at General Hospital suffering from fractured arm and other injuries His condition was fair yesterday Fultz said the accident occurred between 3000 and 4000 feet sales on the Knoxville tobacco market brought more than $754441794 to burley farmers in this region Carter Myers secretary at Dean-Planters Warehouse said yesterday DUZ DR EFT 35c Reduced Pkg 37c Price Reduced Large Pkg Price Large CLARK'S SUPER MKT 8907 CHAPMAN HIGHWAY PHONE 3 3745 OPEN SUNDAY EVENINGS SALMON 16-OZ CAN ALASKA PlNK 49c PHILLIPS Tomato Juice GRAPE JELLY PRESERVES GRAPELADE 1-Lb Jar SALT IODIZED 2 Pkrs 19c dessert tonight! The market which dosed Wednesday attracted farmers from within a wide area from Virginia North Carolina Kentucky Georgia and Alabama as well as from throughout East Tennessee A total of 16080892 pounds was sold at an average of $4692 per hundred weight The crop was generally lighter than was- anticipated in this belt but brought more money per Dyer asserted In predicting sales to be good again next season he urged all farmers to plant their fall acreage allotment and cultivate the tobacco to high quality Negro Fined For Peeking A window peeping charge resulted in a $25 fine yesterday in City Court for Willie Cates 36 Negro of 951 Fifteenth Street Betty Brand U-T student from Florida who rooms at 1210 Laurel Avenue said she and her companion Paul Dore of 1031 Clai borne Place also U-T student saw Cates peeping through the window when she returned home from a date The two students testified they obtained the license of the car in which Cates drove off and turned it into the police department Officer Beed Fowler said he arrested Cates in the car about 20 minutes later on Seventeenth Street Auto-ToJiome Telephone Net Ready For Use Mobile telephone service is to be inaugurated in Knoxville tomorrow Frank Garratt District Manager of Southern Bell' Telephone Co said yesterday plan to initiate the new service in a special ceremony Garratt said Mayor James Elmore will probably be invited to participate in the first mobile call The new-type telephone service will make possible automo-bile-to-home or office or automobile communication for the first time Garratt said targe New POTATOES Lb lOc LETTUCE Head 10c Texas Green CABBAGE Lb 5c Florida $ealdsweet ORANGES 8-Oz 35c Washington Stayman APPLES 3 Lbs 27c Maine SUPER SPUDS 10-Lb Bag 69c Fancy Yellow ONIONS Lb 15c Red Emperor GRAPES Lb 15c Georgia Yam SWEET POTATOES Lb 10c 1-Lb Box 25c Eatwell MACKEREL CLAM CHOWDER Kay Natural CHEESE American CHEESE TOMATO SOUP MACARONI DINNER Tasty King PEAS Country Gentleman CORN White House APPLE BUTTER Quaker Quick or Regular OATS CRACKERS Premium White Lily FLOUR 25-Lb Bag $249 Party PEAS No 2 Can 23c Sifted PEAS No 2 Can 19c SALAD DRESSING 1 29c JFG Pint MAYONNAISE 40c JFG 1-Lb Tin COFFEE 49c Green and White LIMA BEANS No 2 Can 19c Standard TOMATOES No 2 Can 15c Green Giant PEAS Big Tendfer Can 19c neinz or Campbell TOMATO SOUP Can 10c Siler SIIELLIE BEANS No 2 Can 17c Anderson Liquor Suit Set March 5 The State Supreme Court will hear the appeal in the Anderson County whisky election lawsuit in Nashville March 5 Harley Fowler representing the United Dry Forces said yesterday The suit was brought in Chancery Court at Clinton soon after the county voted wet last falL It charged fraudulent practices were employed by the wets and attacked as unconstitutional a special act which permitted citizens of Oak Ridge to continue to vote after polls in the balance of the county had been closed Chancellor Ketron of Tazewell held with the wet forces in the lover court and following his ruling a number of liquor stores have been opened in 'Anderson County only county in East Tennessee north of Hamilton In which the sale is legal Kern Slated At Baccalaureate Methodist Bishop Paul Kern of Nashville will speak at a joint baccalaureate service for graduating classes of senior high schools in the University of Tennessee Alumni Memorial Auditorium at 8 May 30 Schools Supt Tom Prince announced yesterday Participating schools will be Knoxville High Rule High and Stair Technical School This will be the first time the high schools have had a joint baccalaureate service Prince said McCampbell To Discuss Problems Problems of will be discussed by (Doc) McCampbell Jr Knoxville lawyer at the Civitan-Club meeting today at 12:15 pm at the Hotel Andrwe Johnson Crystal Ballroom who has practiced law here since 1929 except during World War II service as a lieutenant colonel has made an extensive study of Communism and has compiled data and detailed on the subject Newell club president said Hiwassee Students' Join Honor Society MADISONVILLE Feb The following students of Hiwassee College were initiated into Phi Theta Kappa Honorary Fraternity recently: Billy Jenkins Doug Franklin Reba Reynolds Bob Reed and Mrs Dan Hicks Jr Old members from this vicinity are Nora Sands Ethel and Kathryn Gangwer and Martha Stewart The chapter has 20 members nine of whom are from Madisonville section Phi Theta Kappa is an honorary soriety and an A-B average is necessary for admittance Hill is faculty advisor Skating Proceeds To Go To Memorial Fund MADISONVILLE Feb William White owner of the local skating rink will give the proceeds of the rink to be received on the night of Feb 19 to the Ametjcan Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars to be applied on their fund for the erection of the monument to honor World War dead KELLY'S Food Market 2131 Maryville Mu Ph 4-2123 II A Brother Co Phones 6-1106 Smithwood MODE rIILK MORE SUGAR MODE SIIORTEHiriG Try mtuf la HATS nil itii' Min Hint pa? JUL1D0 BREAD -tHt rjy i i G9c 43c 63c or ssxsm WIOIIIJ II WIIIR 0 vY rdi Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pint 1-Lb Pkg 4 Pound Pound SLAB Breakfast Bacon TENDER SIRLOIN STEAK FRESn LEAN GROUND BEEF ECONOMY SLICES SMOKED (1AM PORK BRAINS PURITAN SAUSAGE FAT FANCY 3 to 5 Lbs) DRESSED HENS CHESAPEAKE -Extra Standard OYSTERS WATER Fillets of Ocean PERCH SLICED BACON END CUT PORK CHOPS PORK LOIN ROAST SELECTO PICNICS GRADE A DRI3KET STEW SUGAR CREEK BUTiuR A We Sell 3 Rivers MEAL WE SELL 3 RIVERS MEAL 45c a 49c 78 39c 58c 48c 48c 45c 35 09c Hurry to Your Grocer's for this Spsdslu*tlTRODUCTOnY OfFER ara Now try delidoesly dlSerent nickel on every pound! The coo CXA CXI CSSS FIG tbs poo is right on every package best bars yos cm tasted Their of C2JCIX CSSS FIG BARS fnsdons filing is rich pS th spedaJ oTer is for limited tempting goodness of choice Ctl time only Ifontis with a crisp coolie coming thsf cm so tasty sad tender Rtso Get package now tot Slim than the regular me a hj hSS'JS' ii tVtla LitUi SVfJ j'LjLduJ 2) dheid 1 Pound Pound CAS 17ALEIE7 a JO a 1.

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The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.