The Power Manipulator — A Worm Cyoa V1 Crossover Event - SevenGrizzys (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

It was strange, one of the smallest nations in the world. Still it has the most powerful supernaturals anywere. Sure our Parahuman population was one of the lowest, but Japan also has The Leviathan Dragon King Hero: Lung. In the supernatural we have Gojo, we have Sakuna, 20 fingers spread across Japan as he is. We have All Might and All for One, what does America have? Stars and Stripes, Alexandria, Panacea—well she is f*cking terrifying?

Alexandria is just sh*tty Gojo, and Stars and Stripes basically just has upgraded cursed speech. We have the greatest masters of reverse cursed technique in the world, but with his Meta knowledge, Shuusai Mugen knew. The strongest genomes live in France, and those European splinter nations. They had Leo the Living Sun and his Carnival, they had Ryan Romano, and Dynamus. Still Japan stands united, after the states were divided. As China devolved to mirror the warring states period.

If we were talking about the luckiest nation in the world though it has to be France with their Immortal Emperor Ryan Romano and his status as “The Universal Observer” which basically means the Outer God of all Space and Time decided that he should choose if something happens. He has a save point, and when he dies he returns to it. Of course that is not public knowledge, he is just seen as the most skilled person ever with superhuman strength and the ability to live for hundreds of years without aging.

Shuusai laughed, the immortal with the conceptual ability to kill immortal beings. Another blessing from an outer god, this one The Black, God of Paradox. His smile grew sharp, this was a mashup of a lot of his favorite settings. In his favorite configuration. It was almost like someone made the world for him. Shaped it after his desires, his dreams, and made all he could ever wish for possible.

It was perfect, and he knew that as a charge shattered in his chest. As a fragment of omnipotence was used up and given form from his deepest desires. Still he was like a novice painter using Davinchi’s personal tools, and what appeared came out misshapen. masoch*stic Regeneration: the more pain you experience the faster you regenerate. He shook his head and tried to create a mental picture. This was a world of Elixirs and Quirks, of Cursed Techniques and Parahuman abilities.

So he chose one for this power. This would be his quirk, a biological mutation. He wanted eyes to match Gojo, but that was a long way away. Eyes that are a base, one that is extremely adaptable growing and improving alongside any future upgrades it is given. It doesn’t do much, just try to be better slowly.

Basic Eyes of hom*ogeneity. They were worthless, but they might just be the start of something great. Another charge exploded and the golden energy was suspended in the pupils, precognition. A glimpse at the weave of fate, and the guiding hand of fortune pushing you ever upwards. A moment of understanding that was gone in an instant. Instinctively Shuusai knew he wouldn’t be able to recreate anything of that level soon.

He had used 3 charges so far. 2 remain. One more for the eyes, and another for the entrance exam. Trajectories, see the path of everything and understand how to manipulate these trajectories. No, he just needs to get to the entrance exam then he could copy quirks. Mugen smiled, and used the last point to add the closest approximation he could create for the Numberman’s power.

That would solve math, tomorrow he would make a biotinker power, a physics tinker power, and upgrade his eyes more, maybe cursed energy vision and manipulation and Byakugan type vision. Then he could just cheat. Sighing Mugen leaned over and tied his shoes, eyes gray with specks of gold suspended within them, deeper into the eyes there are infinite interconnected lines and thousands of shifting numbers.

Still he stepped out into his daily life eyes wide and searching for a quirk worth copying. Dozens of people in nearby buildings cataloged with Power Manipulator's power sense and his upgraded eyes. He would need to integrate Power Manipulator’s senses into his eyes. There was only one quirk he actually decided to copy.

It was called. No, that's wrong. It didn’t have a name he could sense but it felt like “Sharp Object Resistance Mutation” a black discoloration of the skin for knife resistance hell yes. That power was copied, and suddenly Mugen's comprehension flooded his mind. Dozens of hours of practicing with the quirk, of layering it over her skin. He shoved those memories to the back of his mind.

T-this, the more powers he copied the more data he would have to shape his charges.

“Oh, god whoever you are dead or alive I, Mugen, thank you.”

This world has no idea what is coming for it.

Elemental powers inverted and turned into resistance powers the knowledge silently filed away for when he created his first combat power. Half a dozen intelligence quirks, and a single thinker 5 power combined into his Eyes of Insight. Scale generation powers incorporated into sharp object resistance, and a dozen dozen nearly useless quirks copied for their information then destroyed.

So much pure power comprehension forced into his skull that blood leaked from his ears and nose. He didn’t stop. Mugen would be the best, this world was on a precipice. All for One, Sukuna, Scion, and the tsunami of curses that will rise in their wake; The cursed spirits that will be born to counterbalance my existence. Beautiful, so many new powers to copy. So many special grades and so many super villains.

A new chaotic world, and as they say chaos is a ladder.

Then his eyes flicked to the side, and he felt a power that he was familiar with. Sticky Ball Hair, so f*cking useless, but on the skull of a talented boy. A talented perverted boy that might just make a great subordinate if “paid” correctly. Power was the least important thing in the world to him, all that matters is loyalty and Mineta can be loyal. So Mugen remembered his address and silently kept walking through the urban jungle.

As he walked farther from the center of the city, towards the discarded and forgotten parts of this society. Graffiti of co*cks and giant MLA symbols, gang signs, a plastic bag, and a puddle of piss. To many f*cking pieces of garbage, and one of the highest concentrations of strong abilities Mugen had found. “Villain” quirks, knockoff elixirs, three parahumans, and six lower tier sorcerer’s Innate Techniques—and the cursed energy that came with them.

Bloodhound: a quirk that let him taste blood and sense where the owner of the blood is within about 5 miles, that was fused with his eyes. One of the parahuman abilities was called Spatial Lubrication, and that was mixed in with his eyes. Honestly Mugen was excited to see how powerful his eyes would get. One of the parahuman powers was kind of useless, Biomimicry allows him to transform into any animal. Again only one of the cursed techniques were useful to him, Eagle’s Eyes that granted 80/10 vision was fused with the eyes!

Slowly the sun set, the moon rose, and Mugen met his first cursed spirit. It’s eyes bled, it’s mouth was forced into a deformed smile, and it moved in twisted jerking movements that ever with his eyes he could find no pattern. No, no, then he found it mathematical formula flashing past his eyes before he was moving, drawing on one of the cursed techniques: Silver Stream giving his cursed energy the property of silver and coating his body like armor.

His fist smashed into the curse, the curse was hurt but simply bit at him. Mugen dodged turning into a bird. The wind ripped at his face as he beat his wings, and rose at the top of his arch he dove body shifting. Feathers gave way to fur. a two ton silver bear fell from the heavens and all the curse could do was die. Claw slashing out claiming the creature’s life. Then Mugen was a man again. Without taking a glance around he kept walking.

Guess biomimicry wasn’t as useless as he thought.

Then his thoughts turned back to the hundreds of useless quirks he had copied. All that knowledge, Mugen laughed “Muahahahahahahahahahhaha!” so many quirks to combine into something actually decent.

Bent Key, Bent Spoon, Broken Branch, Broken Compass, Broken Pencil, Broken Watch, Chipped Tooth, cracked concrete, cracked mirror, Crumbling wall, dull blade, dull knife, dull Pencil, dull thud, all combined into Fracture Mastery that allowed him to bend or break anything, allowed him to cause bone or tooth to crack and shatter, or concrete, mirrors, anything really can be broken. Anything can be shattered and broken and manipulated, enemies blades dull when swung at him.

This was a decent power. Something that could be given to a lieutenant of his future ever victorious army. For now though he needed something smaller, he needed funds, a place to train, and at least 2 subordinates willing to do his dirty work. He wanted to be powerful and that didn’t end at super powers. That was where it started. Mugen would rule the economy and become the largest Zaibatsu in all of japan. He would have people in the HPSC, the Higher Ups of sorcerer society. Create a political party about free power use.

For money he had a plan, but it would take at least 3 days worth of charges. Well, tomorrows were being spent to ensure he passed the test, the day after he would use it to create the website, then the last day for the product. Yawning Mugen slept, tomorrow the exam, then wealth and subordinates.

Sleep came easy, and the sunrise brought power. Five charges almost immediately used, two to create tinker powers. One about Quirk Science, the other Support Gear, but he failed. That was Inspired Inventor’s power not Power Manipulator. The sun streamed into Mugen’s eye, but he didn’t feel pain. Simply saw the ultraviolet of the sun, saw all the beautiful colors and shades. Then a charge popped, this one to ensure the combination of intelligence powers worked with his eyes.

This had the side effect of activating all of them simultaneously. With this sudden insight the rest of his charges discharged, and he shaped them. Precognition warning him of mistakes, dozens of intelligence multipliers, sensory quirks, data analysis quirks, mental acceleration quirks, mental forking quirks, multitasking quirks, all of them worked towards a single goal. Lucky Bastard, a power that manipulates luck on a city wide scale.

Mugen clenched his right hand, this power was insane. Power Manipulator was the greatest thing to ever happen to him. So Mugen laughed, this world would know fear! God he was acting like a two bit villain, so Mugen chuckled normally. Megalomania was just so fun!

He wrote through the paper in seconds. He has luck and the intelligence quirks required to successfully use that luck. Honestly it was a little too easy, but eh who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth. Then the questions got harder and harder, and even with his intelligence quirks all he could do was guess or say, “no clue.”

Did he look like a f*cking nuclear physicist to you? No I don’t know how to make a f*cking atom bomb, sure I know how to make mustard gas he supposed, but that apparently wasn’t enough for UA. He would need an entire arsonists library just to pass this god damn exam, and that was just one of the 28 sections. There were only two other students that seemed to be answering as many questions as him.

One had white hair and the other black. The first’s eyes were blue like the sky with a single white like as if a clock’s hand spinning inside of it. The other’s eyes were black, but she had the nicest tit* Mugen had the pleasure of witnessing. Large balloons of meaty abusable sensitive flesh, and a quirk that called to him. Creation, he copied it. Then forced his attention back to his test.

The white haired girl, she had to be a Gojo with those eyes, hair, and cursed technique, noticed his gaze and smiled with teeth. It was a hunter's grin, one Mugen met. The slightest of nods and they were cheating off each other's papers. She understood this society so much better than him, but she seemed to watch his quirk studies answers with zeal.

He glanced at the clock, another half an hour. Mugen leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling just letting his eyes and hands rest. The slight muscle pain, and the accompanying healing waves through his body. Then he reached out with power sense, he wanted to start copying powers, but couldn’t rip his powersense from the orange elixir merged with Momo Yaoyarozu.

There were five other elixirs in the testing hall, but hers was the closest and most powerful. Adamantium generation. The same material Mob Zeus body was made from, the immortal that is immune to all powers and unkillable except by literal paradox made flesh. That same material, and all he could hear was “Hey hom*osapien! It’s rude to stare!” From the orange extra dimensional being.

“I can talk to them” He thought, and “Of course you can hom*osapien! Your connection to The White is greater than any I have seen!”

“Well, that’s nice. Orange, do you have a name?”


“I’ll call you Addy after your power expression, Adamantine Generation alright Addy?”


“Could you tell me about the Orange universe?” A place of all matter, what metallurgic knowledge could he get from an entity hailing from there. So the orange extradimensional parasite spoke excitedly and was so happy to help a hom*o Sapien. Then the bell rang and Mugen wanted to curse, but stopped himself. Simply telling the orange being that he would love to be friends.

They filed through the halls and Mugen copied powers with frantic need, information understanding power, all of it flooded him. So when the annoyingly attractive white haired girl flicked him on the back of the head he didn’t explode. No, he turned and started walking backwards.

He raised his finger as if to flick her, and the Gojo girl just smirked co*ckilly.

Then his finger snapped against her nose and her head flew back cracking against the infinity between her and the boy behind her. Mugen just laughed mockingly and walked away, uncaring of the single near murderous glance from the blue eyed girl, and the gobsmacked expression on Present Mic’s face.

She had three powers. An eye quirk called the “Artemis Eyes” that meant no one she had ever seen could escape her tracking, it also enhanced the Six Eyes. Then there were the Six Eyes, and Limitless. Artemis Eye and Six Eyes were easily copied though not activated. They were powerful and would need time to be integrated, even as he struggled to copy the limitless. It was just too complicated.

Maybe after he integrates the Six Eyes.

God the SIX EYES! He had it, he copied it. It was HIS! He alone throughout heaven and earth was the f*ckmothering honored one bitch! Combine the Six Eyes with his create the Seven Eyes. Nah, something else. A better name, maybe something about the Kabbalah tree of life. How about Ein Sof the infinite unknowable aspect of god.

There are no secrets in heaven and earth before these eyes! God Mugen felt like a chunibyo teenager again, and loved it. Loved that this was real, he wasn’t just being traumatic he was practically a nascent god.

Satori stared at the back of the boy who could hit her. The boy who had cheated off her tests and let her cheat off him in turn. The boy who seemed to be growing at every second eyes flicking to one of the Sorcerers before his cursed energy grows the amount they possess. As slowly every second the danger he represented grew, but she couldn’t help but feel herself enthralled.

Someone that could hit her, someone she could fight against to grow stronger as her father did Toji. Battle sparked in her eyes the distance between them grew.

An infinity and ten steps.

His back grew smaller even as the light streamed through a window and framed his face. He was average, not ugly just not the almost insane beauty of some of the people she had seen. Her, and her father being some of the prime examples, then that Momo girl with the mega-tit*, and Lung’s daughter. Who was the mom again? Ryukyu? Dragon on dragon action wonder if they f*cked in their big scaly forms or human forms.

Both Satori decided and that is truth. That is how this world works, when the strongest says something the world listens.

And Satori is the strongest.

Other than the sh*tty old man but he doesn’t count. He just has two decades on her, if they were the same age she’d win. So she walked forward, the crowds parted like the red sea before moses.

The infinity between her and the world raised.

Some f*cking four eyed bastard screamed, and all Katsumi wanted to do was kill the bastard. She didn’t care if there was some undefined zero pointer, it would die like the rest. Under her explosive might this world would be shaken. The new All Might, the new #1 hero. Sure Gojo, and Kenta exist, but they’re f*cking extras.

All Might’s the #1 hero and the symbol of japan’s stability. The f*cking best, and the bastard Katsumi is going to dethrone. Chin jutted out before her the reef her enemy's hull would shatter upon as her crimson gaze flicked from side to side. Hair style into two explosive buns behind each ear. She saw the female Gojo—well there were a clan of them but only two mattered. Satoru and Satori the Six Eyes Limitless sorcerers, both with quirks of their own to supplement their cursed powers.

Then there was the dragon princess, her hair a furious red with rubies for eyes that matched Katsumi’s own. There was a constant rage in her smile, a subtle cruelty Katsumi related to. There was Izuku strangely buff, who apparently awoke his quirk, drank a violet elixir, and f*cking Double Triggered. What his f*cking powers were Katsumi hadn’t the faintest f*cking clue.

Still f*cking worthless probably.

Then there was the emerald eyes bastard who had been watching the room with that same analytic ferocity that Izuku had in his younger days. Before he got super powers and forgot he had a f*cking muscle between his ears. His eyes clashed with Kastumi’s and he smiled wide and fierce.

Oh, she was going to kill him. She did the math in the back of her head, two more weeks at her part time job and she could afford a Red elixir. That’d give her three days before class to train. She’d kick this emerald eyed bastard’s ass in this exam, then on the first day of school she’d show him up again and crush that arrogance.

To dare aim for the throne of the stars while she, Katsumi Bakugo, still drew breath.


Chapter 2: The Practical Exam

Chapter Text

Nedzu cackled as he saw the entrance exam start. In the first faux city it started with a single blue comet thrown down the street absorbing every single robot and crushing them to paste. Then the girl was moving, in another of the screens a silver dragon flew a beam of violet lightning pouring from her lips. In a third a blonde bombshell flew on wings of explosive fury.

Each hand a bomb flinging her through the air, and through the robots with a mad ferocity that claimed a dozen villain points in five seconds. Another screen focused on a muscular green haired boy surrounded by 8 Master projections. 7 heroes from the past and a single giant of glowing yellow flame. A small layer of verdant lightning coating his form as he walked through the street.

One of the summons battled with whips of black energy, another flew at sonic speeds, and a third seemed to teleport such was his speed. Nedzu saw as the boy reacted to things before they happened, as his summons worked in perfect unison. That was how Violet powers the ability to simulate 5 minutes into the future 10 times before needing a break, that break being 5 minutes in real time. Just enough time to execute the perfect strategy created through 10 loops.

In another section of the city a raven faced boy stood on a giant beast of writhing shadows and guided him with his will flying and destroying the robots. Summoning dozens more of smaller Dark Shadows. A quirked individual who triggered with related powers, something common if more powerful than average. A cursed technique too because that “Dark Shadow” was a cursed spirit.

One that was constantly growing, Nedzu chuckled. By the time he graduated that spirit would be a special grade, and her summoner the same. He laughed that this truly is the greatest generation. Then there was a blonde haired boy that seemed to flow through his testing grounds. A flick of the wrist and a robot is dismantled, its parts thrown telekinetically like knives.

He laughed, raised one arm and pulled back with a hand a murmured “Flame Arrow” heralding the move. That blonde haired boy was Mugen, and that flame arrow was the culmination of two dozen flame quirks. Pyrokinesis, flame generation, flame magnification, flame hardening, flame resistance, and more.

He felt the arrow lance through one of the robots melting the steel before the arrow arched upwards. In a mimicry of the movements he made as a bird the arrow split into a dozen each aimed towards another robot drawing in another two dozen points. Then he saw the giant darkness bird, and wanted it.

A copied power later he started hunting for robots. God he was going to turn that Dark Shadow quirk into something monstrous. Something that the world will never forget. A living embodiment of piss vinegar and the damage a Power Manipulator can do while inspired. Mugen loves power, he moves being strong. Loves destroying robots how he would rip a piece of paper before.

Living it a world of cardboard; It’s so enthralling!

To challenge the world and have the world break before you. He took apart robots with Fracture Mastery breaking the robots and using them to break more. Breaking everything, growing stronger, burning , destroying. Attacking with lasers, or blades of ice. Then he saw a power with infinite potential for upgrade.

Steel, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu’s power copied, and merged. Merged Sharp Object Resistance with Steel and his Adamantine Insights gained through speaking with the Orange Elixir. Adamantine God Body, shift into a body capable of withstanding everything. To be the immovable object and the unstoppable force. Adamantine God Body + Limitless + maybe Adaptive Regeneration, and super speed.

Add Shoto and Endeavor to Flame Arrow.

Become stronger.

He just laughed and lept through the air, his copy of One for All caused him to glow gold. The same gold of his charges, he pushed the One for All energy into masoch*stic Regeneration and felt the power slowly mutate. Like a co*ckroach in Fallout 4 the thing grew twisted and gnarled. Then it twisted back in on itself. Time seemed frozen such was the speed Mugen processed information.

He cut the fat from the power, cleaned it up and removed any “One for All Cancer” before he felt the new and improved healing flair to life. He activated the Six Eyes in tandem with his eyes and the emeralds glowed teal. He controlled One for All down to the atomic level.

Each burst of power is directly personalized to best break his body to be regenerated stronger with the healing quirk. Each movement tore muscle, and the pain fueled his rebirth like a phoenix from the ashes. For a moment he considered if he should go all out. Show the world why he shouldn’t be f*cked with even if it had only been two days.

So he activated everything he could. The adamantine god body allowed him to use 100% of One for All’s power, the Six Eyes and his normal eyes held the world within their pupil, and he activated Tatsuma’s dragon quirk and suddenly he wasn’t a adamantine statue. No.

He was a 30 foot tall dragon made of adamantium glowing like a second son covered in lightning and fire so accurately manipulated as to flow through the streets not hurting a single ally and simply fly point first into the robots. The ability to see trajectories is a great upgrade, so is precognition.

For a moment Mugen wondered if he was overdoing it. . . Nah, he was competing with a blessed Gojo. He either had to nut up or shut up.

Nedzu just laughed as the rest of the staff gaped. That, that, that wasn’t a first year student! That was practically an Endbringer in their backyard! Gojo just tipped his glasses and laughed, even as All Might seemed to stare in horror. Multiple quirks, was this someone like All for one?

Ice coated the ground, and the bichromatic teen simply stomped lightning arcing through the ice destroying the robots before he continued his march. He was a masterpiece. He would be the greatest hero in this world, he would surpass All Might and prove to his father that he doesn’t need his fire. Doesn’t need that disgusting hellish flame to purge the unclean before him.

One robot pierced through the chest, another frozen into a block, the three more these two pointers sent sliding across the ice. Then the lightning came and the newest wave of unending steel fell dead. They stood before the strongest, it was only natural. In another part of the city a black haired boy raised his hands. Mimicking two divine dogs were born as they leapt from his shadows the size of small cars.

Then a bird that flew in circles around him, and a swarm of dozens of rabbits. Two snakes the size of trains flowed through the streets ignoring the students and slaughtering the robots. Fushiguro Megumi flicked his hands through signs and a large deer made of shadows manifested beneath him.

Then he was riding through the faux city hunting the robots. In another part of the city a pink haired teen sprinted through with a smile on his face. Casually helping other students out of the way of harm with a single titanic cleave that cut the robot in half. Yuji laughed even as the belly button beam guy’s blue laser pierced the skull of a robot he was about to kill. So he re-aimer, and flung a cleave.

The cursed energy was ripped from his body as a blade of invisible force, then the robot slid in two halves sparking madly. There was an explosion of lightning from the side that took out five of the robots, but Yuji was still moving. He would follow his grandfather’s words, and save as many people as he could. Be the greatest hero he can be with one of the darkest villains in history sealed within him.

Passions raged as the newest generation of heroes was born. Well there was one more experience than the rest. A small blonde transfer from America who’s power over space was monstrous. Twisting roads into paths funneling all the robots into a single point before twisting them into an abomination of gnarled steel and circuitry. Vista was a terrifying opponent even before her second trigger.

She had been a Shaker 9 with near city wide control over space manton limited by living beings. Her second trigger removed that limit. Meaning she could simply destroy an entire city killing everyone in it by twisting her hand.


Truly this was the greatest generation U.A had ever seen.

#1: Shuusai Mugen: 212 Villain Points 0 Hero Points
#2: Gojo Satori: 210 Villain Points 0 Hero Points
#3: Tatsuma Shinrai: 189 Villain Points 0 Hero Points
#4: Izuku Midoriya: 103 Villain Points 73 Hero Points
#5: Todoroki Shoto: 172 Villain Points 0 Hero Points
#6: Katsumi Bakugo: 166 Villain Points 0 Hero Points
#7: Fushiguro Megumi: 133 Villain Points 0 Hero Points
#8: Missy Biron: 102 Villain Points 22 Hero Points
#9: Fumikage Tokoyami: 121 Villain Points 0 Hero Points
#10: Yuji Itadori: 66 Villain Points 42 Hero Points

Chapter 3: Wish Curse Palace, Special Grade Fight.

Chapter Text

Two days after the UA Entrance exam nineteen days before the start of the new year a new website appeared on google. A hotkey appeared right next to every single google app across japan, most deleted it. When clicked it would bring you to a website called the Wish Curse Palace. It was a store, a marketplace for Elixirs of every color, some even with guaranteed powers. The website was strange, whenever someone bought an elixir it would appear in their hands, and the money would be removed from their bank accounts.

Colored violet, the website seemed professional, and some decided to gamble.

Quickly the website had sold dozens of elixirs, each elixir sold for an average of about 12,000 USD. Much cheaper than the rest of the sources, and the quality was unmatched. Generated by creating a power that literally just sent out a ping in the necessary colored realm, accepting any higher dimensional being that would be willing, and refunding those who don’t get anything.

Then it would be shaped and given the form and understanding it needs of three dimensional reality. Given purpose in the ascension of third dimensional organisms to reproduce their species. Even if only 1/10,000 ascend it will be a gain to their dimensions. So dozens of new elixirs were born into this world as a second wave of Genomes took to the streets. One new genome in particular with explosive golden hair and a vicious smile.

Her Red powers were the f*cking best, worthy of the future #1 hero. Bigger f*cking booms, and by all the gods fake and real she felt sturdy. Not solid, but more powerful. More real as if she was some superior human, and she supposed she was. Going from hom*o Sapiens Quirkus to hom*o Novus Quirkus, but it was more than that.

Her explosion's blowback felt like a summer's breeze, and the power in her limbs felt explosive despite not using any of her nitroglycerin of Red energy. She felt like a walking nuclear bomb, and that brought a hunters grin to her face. She needed to test out her powers, Vigilantism was illegal, but hunting cursed spirits. . . that was always acceptable.

They are a f*cking scourge on proper society and must be culled.

Through her reaching the “Toji Line '' Katsumi could see curses, and she had never been more excited. She wanted to see some f*cking horiffic sh*t and show it the meaning of fear. Teach it why humanity rules the world, and not them. She couldn’t f*cking wait, so she stalked down the street eyes wide and searching. Deeper into the darker parts of the city.

Eyes popping, then cluster triggering as she infused red energy into the explosions. She laughed, and tried something else. Instead infusing the energy in her nitroglycerin, then letting it blast towards the sky. She laughed as a beam of explosive crimson fire blasted towards the sky, hahahahahahahahaha! She would show that emerald eyed bastard.

Show this whole f*cking world that Katsumi f*ckmothering Bakugo is not SIXTH! She is not SIXTH! She is first in everything, and to be behind that f*cking Deku. Well that was f*cking shameful. Her rage drew the spirits in like moths to a flame. One a small deformed lizard that reminded her of Izuku, she blew it up with a cackle!

Red Flux mixing with her Nitroglycirin meaning she could f*cking kill them without one of this useless “cursed tools”. If Cursed energy was negative and Reverse Cursed energy is positive Flux is transcendent. It is the energy that literally fuels the sun, both of them! The one in the sky, and that f*cking badass “Leo the Living Sun” a literal humanoid sun capable of controlling his heat and gravity.

That was a level of power Katsumi yearned to surpass. The power she needed to kick those f*cking bastards asses. SIXTH! She screamed an explosion popping the skull of another curse like a grape before she was running through the city. EMERALD EYED BASTARD! GOJO BITCH! DRAGON whor*!

“sh*tTY DEKUUUUUUU!!!!” She screamed, and stood victorious over the small horde of decomposing cursed spirits. Katsumi stands alone, that is the purpose of Katsumi. To stand above all the symbol of victory, the strongest who will kill any who dare obstruct the peace of japan.

“Fufufufufufuf~” Something chuckled, it was dark, twisted, wrong in more ways that Katsumi could articulate. Good thing she didn’t need to speak, across the intervening distance in less than a tenth of a second an explosion popped in the bastard's smug face. He didn’t flinch simply stared at her with vague interest, something alien studying something lesser. A particularly interesting bug to pin to his wall.

He hummed, and Katsumi swung her fist. Charging the Red Flux in a way she had never before, coating her body in crimson explosiove power before it was slammed into!

Into nothing as the man stepped to the side, ducked under Katsumi’s next haymaker before he kicked her to the side, “So much anger, so much hate, so much untapped potential.” Then the man—no man shaped curse’s fist was in her gut. Brick shattered against Katsumi’s skull as she screamed, rising from pure determination and RAGE that burned. Pain was nothing, Katsumi loved pain.

Loved the feeling of a pair of bare knuckles smashing against her jaw before rising and hitting back harder. Loves the pain of training where your muscles scream with newfound power, but above all Katsumi loves rage. Rage is in her blood, it flows through her veins like magma. It is her fuel, it is the wings that she flys upon.

Rage pushing her to explode forward one palm back like a rocket thruster, the other covered in flux-infused nitroglycerin. Then it exploded in the Curse’s face. He tanked its flesh, torn slightly revealing something insectoid, and hard as steel before its leg smashed into her gut. Wind ripped past her ears as she spun through the air, small explosions slowly righting her before she stared down at the curse.

Then something changed. Before she could see the spirit, now she could see the energy. Wrath built in her chest and shattered the damn on her cursed energy.

Rage flowed through her veins like black blood, dark and tainted with the culmination of her hatred. It was cursed but powerful. She was turning her own blood into a cursed object. Changing her body permanently for power, Katsumi laughed. That’s just called training bitch! So she dove, let her rage flow as she swung at the spirit, faster, stronger, a cursed technique fueling her quirk and elixer. Then a name appeared in her mind, “Spartan Rage.”

That rage flowed into her quirk, and the Nitroglycerin she secreted changed. Her sweat was a f*cking cursed object now too, so she laughed and threw herself back at the Special grade, every time she didn’t just f*cking die seeming to grow the rage in the man’s eyes. Slowly he shifted from man to insect, eyes expanding and splitting. Face growing black voracious mandibles, and hands claws ready to rend flesh from bone.

Still Katsumi wasn’t a reverse cursed technique user, so every strike left her aching broken bleeding, but she fought anyway rage unyielding. She fell into that black pit of rage and felt pain fade forgotten. Then the insect was gone and she stood there trying to fight back from the rage.

All she could feel was defeated. She had lost, that was a special grade. Katsumi had nearly died and she hadn’t even forced it to use it’s technique or domain. That was un ac f*cking ceptable. Katsumi would grow stronger, she would squash that f*cking insect. Katsumi would also collapse to the ground unconscious as the street around her crumbled to dust buildings shattered in their clash.

When Katsumi awoke she was on a couch. Head pressed hard into the half soft half sharp cushion and wooden frame beneath it. She cracked the crick in her neck, and glanced around. This wasn’t her house, or a hospital.


Her quirk was overused, her elixir seemed unwilling to fight, and she didn’t even f*cking know how she used cursed energy much less a cursed technique. Weren’t those unlocked at 6? Katsumi knew she read that somewhere, they’re basically just quirks that are invisible to weaklings after all.

Hmm, well if they tried to kill her she’d just kill them.

Then she growled, f*cking emerald eyes. She rose, “What the f*ck’s this about sh*thead!”

“Need to kidnap girls to get your sick rocks off bastard!” She half accused glaring at the blonde. He raised a single eyebrow, and sipped his tea. She wanted to throw herself at him. Fist raised, but something in her screamed to stop.

She listened. Emerald eyes as deep as the sea, no deeper. They were twin oceans of emeralds, portals to some distant magical forest. Fae perched atop branches glowing golden, fairy dust flowed through the forest, and a thousand black eyes peered from the shadows. Calculations, as if every glance ripped her apart, put her back together, and ripped her apart again.

He saw everything; she felt naked.

“Kastumi Bakugo, Sixth place in the entrance exam.” He leaned forward slightly with an enticing smirk on his lips, no one would consider him handsome without the eyes. Just average, blonde hair, a bland face, but those lips, those eyes. Katsumi rolled her eyes with a scoff, “Cool, a stalker. Just what I needed.”

He laughed and it was vaguely musical, almost mechanically calculated. Her f*cking teeth itched. Then she blinked and he was silently crouched next to her, eyes in front of her own, a finger on her jaw. Then he stepped away, “Your elixir is fascinating. You are suited for the Red, passion, fire. . .”

The boy, f*ck what was his name!

“Wait, who the f*ck are you?” She asked because god all she knew was those abominable eyes. They seemed more alluring—no more horrifying every time she saw them.

“Me?” He pointed to himself, then spread his arms wide. God Katsumi wanted to punch that f*cking grin off his face, “I’m the strongest.”

Then her first was in his face. Or was it, he seemed to dance past her movements. Not moving any faster than an average person he stayed just out of the path of her fists. After the fifth failed haymaker her ass hurt, and she froze, then exploded.


He just laughed as his skin turned to stone, or steel. The teen was carved from metal and unblemished from her strike. He didn’t even seem to feel it. Then he was hugging her, hard steel turning into soft warm flesh that she melted against. Then he was whispering in her ear, and Katsumi was a second away from punching him, “But you can call me Mugen.”

Then he was gone, and Katsumi winced. God she had f*cking overdone it. “Oh, one sec,” He tapped her on the back of her head. Then there was another power, something like a quirk inside of her. It was hers, but not. Then the quirk pulsed turned pain into healing and insanely quickly she felt like she could box a special grade.

Then the quirk was gone, and she gasped with empty need. “There, all better” A single condescending pat on her head had Katsumi glaring up at the tall bastard. He plopped back into his chair with a thud, hand reached for the f*cking glass mug full of tea. God, he was a freak.

Sipping it he smiled, “So why the f*ck am I here bastard?” Katsumi demanded.

“You fight with that special grade, oh he has such a fascinating technique, was quite. . . explosive, and I wasn’t going to let you bleed out.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, “Your going to be my classmate, and if I don’t have anyone to lord over UA’ll be a little boring.”

Katsumi wanted to kill him, “So Greenie, how’d ya get first with your little,” She placed her pointer and thumb close together, “Hardening quirk~”

He hardly blinked at her veilless insult, “. . . you do remember that we’re having this conversation because you got your ass kicked and I saved you right? Plus who said hardening was my quirk?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Let me guess then, the sh*tty emeralds? Some kinda knockoff six eyes?”

He nodded then shook his head, “It’s one of my quirks.”

She scoffed, “You aren’t the f*cking boogeyman.”

“Damn, I’m not even going to tell you anymore.”


“Just sit there and stew in your curiosity bombitch.”

“Tell me BASTARD!”

“Nuhu.” He smirked.



“Alright alright,” He laughed, “My power. . . is power creation.”

(A/N: Just saying the only way the end conversation worked was because Mugen’s magic eyes legit let him see the future and he’s done this dozens of times with intelligence and a few subtle master quirks to get the best result.)

Chapter 4: That Dragon Bastard!


. . . not sure how this was honestly, it seems a little scattered. I'll start focusing more on the main character again for the next chapter, specifically the villainous identity he plans to create as a counterpoint to his UA Student identity. I have a great idea for their quirk. Does the word Visionary mean anything to you? if so you might guess the power.

Chapter Text

Two heads of white hair clashed with fists, one teleported away while the other just smugged and glanced over his shoulder. A small marble sized Lapse: Blue dancing between his fingers, as he posed wildly. Her father was a freak. Cursed energy pulsed through her body, as her thoughts drifted back.

Second, Gojo Satori was not second. She was the strongest in her generation, the greatest eventually even surpassing her father. An unparalleled genius, the blessing of the Gojo Clan! Not the f*cking seccond best to some emerald eyes infinity piercing freak! So blue flared and was fired at her father, some of the few attacks capable of piercing a limitless come from the limitless. Lapse Blue, Hollow Purple, all of them could pierce infinity.

Her father’s marble sized Blue cracked hers down the middle as the thing flew towards her head. Just fast enough she could dodge if she was perfect; Satori always is. Every attack was blocked, every teleport read through in an instant, and Satori understood just like every other day why her father is the strongest. A monster who sharpened himself against Geto and Toji, monsters of his own generation to stand as the strongest even when compared to All Might.

Was that what Mugen would be. She laughed, doubt wasn’t like her. So she fought with complete confidence, she would win eventually. Get stronger and stronger, kill the f*cking endbringers. Maybe with two hollow Purples simultaneously an endbringer could die. Maybe, but she doubted it.

They are just too fast when they need to be. Always dodging somehow, sacrificing an arm, or a leg, but never losing their cores. Leviathan’s too fast, the Simurg too tricky, and Behemoth can simply manipulate the cursed energy of the Blue into its own personal Infinity and a ‘Perfect’ offense. That attack had the highest cape casualties of any Endbringer attack ever.

Blues clashed as Satori refined her technique with her Six Eyes, learning everything from her father’s Blue she could. How the energy flowed in patterns compressed and squared and folded in on themselves infinitely like a beautiful house of cards. When looked at at an angle she felt like she could see the face of god. Infinite patterns created infinitely, that was not something a mortal could create, and yet it was real.

So she tried to mimic it and failed. Her father’s cursed energy control was in another f*cking league. She hadn’t hit a black flash, hadn’t learned reverse cursed technique, but still she fought like a bat out of hell. Barley giving an inch, yet not taking one in turn though not for lack of trying.

Her infinity smashed against his before she inverted it, instead of creating infinite distance it would cross it. She failed, that was reversed cursed technique sh*t, but her father just smiled.

“My little girl’s a genius!” then his fist smashed through her infinity, and sent her flying blood leaking from her nose. Bones creaking but she powered through it, she is a f*cking Gojo, Not the seccond best, the greatest in everything. So she fought with everything she had, it wasn’t enough, but she saw progress. The smallest fragments of inches, tenths of percentages of advantage compared to her last fight with her father.

Improvement, that is all Satori can hope for.

Tatsuma stared at the televisiom with bored disinterest, why her father loved this she would never understand. What was fun about seeing a man’s teeth punched out, or honestly she just thought it was disgusting. Needless bloodsport that her “hero” of a father relished in. Some days she understood that if the HPSC’s bribe hadn’t been good enough she wouldn’t exist, and Japan would have another super villain.

Lung the massacre dragon, she could see it. Her father burning houses to the ground relishing in the screams of his people, their suffering as flesh liquified.

“USELESS GIRL! LISTEN WHEN I SPEAK!” She flinched and something hard shattered across her skull. Scales reflexively grew but it was too late, the pain blossomed through her skull.

Mixing with the seemingly ever persistent migraine, it seemed to take root at the top of her spine and grow through her mind. Her head spun as she slurred something that might have been Yes Father if you squinted. It was enough for him even as he huffed in vague disapproval.

Nothing was ever enough.

She didn’t think it ever would be.

Lung is a greedy dragon after all.

A greedy evil dragon, Shinrai hates her father. Hates his hordes of adoring fans, hates his damned ideology. What use is strength if you only use it to harm others? What use is a parahuman ability if getting one would turn her into him? Slowly she rose mimicking her father’s regeneration. He didn’t actually heal, her father was always either transforming into a dragon, or transforming back into a human.

So she half shifted her head turning draconic as she blink, inhumanly sharp eyes catching the flicker of distaste on her father’s face. Half of her wanted to know why, what of her was so disgusting. The other half knew it was everything, her existence is a chain around his neck. She is the f*cking symbol of everything wrong with his life. God, just go hit mom more.

She hated herself for the thought.

Maybe she just deserved it, she walked through the house in the absolute slowest manner her father would accept from her. Brushed her fingers against the hard white material of the refrigerator, relished in the cool. Cold, ice, frost, it is the opposite of her father, the opposite of her mother, the opposite of her.

She dreamed of snowmen, and snow angels. Of majestic towers of ice piercing the sky, her own little nest. Somewhere away from the world, somewhere ever distant yet watching over everything. She grabbed the beer, and glanced out the penthouse window. She really was her father’s daughter.

What can fire do but destroy, what can lightning do but destroy. Electricity can flow, it powers society, it it it. . .

Just not hers.

She’s a monster, the daughter of a monster born into a monstrous society that should just burn. The HPSC, the Sorcerer Clans, the Meta Liberation Army. Her thoughts strayed to Rikiya, that man needed to die.

Her thoughts returned to the bichromatic teen with powers so like hers, and a dead look in his eyes she could relate to. Endevor’s son, god maybe he was as bad as her father. The Eternal #3: Endeavor, renamed “Tryhard” by Satoru Gojo.

She wanted to laugh, but did she even deserve that. Did she deserve oxygen, maybe she shough just die, “Here’s your drink, father.”

Shinrai bowed, and felt her father’s gaze reach her breasts. Then he scoffed, probably comparing her to one of the “Merchandise” and finding her wanting.

As always.

A second later after showing “Proper deference” she left. Feet carrying her somewhere.

She didn’t care as long as it wasn’t here.

Izuku grunted as Nana’s fist impacted against his face, he understood that “Overreliance on one tool f*cks your foundation” but he didn’t see how seeing the future constantly could be anything other than good. Then no one would be able to sneak up on him, no sludge monster would crawl down his throat. Steal the body that finally has power, even if it was useless.

A Deku’s power.

So he caught himself, and threw a punch towards her face. Emerald lightning wreaths his form, pushes him faster, harder, stronger, farther than he could alone. 8 generations of power in his body, and he was f*cking it up.

Better than him, she dodged up, and as he reached for her ankle she kicked, and his head was buried in the concrete. He wanted to activate Glimpse, to pause time and simply catch his breath for a moment. Maybe that was what this training was for. So he rose, Izuku Midoriya was determined to be the #1 hero.

He would be a symbol in the hearts of the Japanese population letting them smile happily. Not worried that on their way home an invisible cursed spirit will fall from the sky and kill them. Not worry that every gutter contains a monster ready to kill you and steal your body. Less stress, less spirits, less stress.

Izuku would be hope, so instead of punching he pushed with his arms. Throwing his body towards the flying heroin as his leg snapped out. Her yellow glove rose, and the cloudes of her One for All reinforced her. She was sent flying, so was he.

“You did it!” Nana laughed her smile wide and bright, and he just couldn’t hold a grudge against that. So he let it go and glanced around, “Yeah, yeah I did.” Standing suspended above the world, seeing this nation he has sworn to protect from a new angle. Half of him hated standing above the city as if he was superior, the other half relished his superiority. He wasn’t useless, he was the culmination of a mythical man’s generational struggle against his demonic brother.

He was a parahuman, a Violet Genome, a hero in training, and one of the strongest there is. Fourth, Izuku relished it. He wasn’t last, he was fourth! Fourth in UA’s entrance exam! He was going to be a hero! He is going to UA! His life’s great, and Izuku couldn’t be more grateful. Then her form shifted as Nana was replaced by Uncle Banjo, “Now brat, It’s time you learned Blackwhip.”

He smiled, more quirks, more power he can use to help others. So Izuku fell, and got into a stance, but Banji just chuckled. Raising his hand from each finger five black tendrils appeared, “You see, for Black Whip it isn’t about need, it’s want. You have to want it, that is the key to black whip.”

“So,” Banjo-sensei smiled, “Be greedy.”

Then the tendrils flicked forward like a dozen whips, and time froze. An instant later he died, then again, and again, and again, and again. Nine times before he flung himself to the left falling back into real time his body puppeted by his elixir out of the path. The whips cracked like railguns, and their scream as the sound barrier was shattered sent Izuku flying.

Chapter 5: Mineta Migeta

Chapter Text

Mineta was a little disappointed in himself. He wanted to be a Hero, but maybe he just wasn’t cut out for that. Still while bitches love heroes, bitches also love money. Cogeto egro somoney, so Mineta joined the business course. He was in the top 28 for the theoretical for the incoming graduates.

With a week before classes he was hyped to try out the new full dive Eroge he bought, scrimping, saving, pirating it off the internet for free. Honestly how they hadn’t ended piracy yet Mineta would never know, but honestly he didn’t care if he was the beneficiary. As long as the big man’s on top nothing else matters! Mineta beat his chest like an ape, and stalked over to the machine.

A sleek matte black headgear altered for his mutation. Breath was ripped from his lungs as his room made way to a field. Master quirk, or was it a warper? Oh god! He was going to f*cking die a virgin! No! No! God! Virtual puss* doesn’t count! Let me at least lose his virginity before dying! Then Mineta stopped panicing, and purple eyes met gold.

Mineta could admit the boy was handsome, he looked about twelve but the look in his eye. The grape headed teen was sure this was his kidnapper. Quirk trafficking, or something else. His mind fell down a depraved rabbithole of sex slave fantasies before he snapped back to reality. Unlikely, if he is this powerful he could kidnap someone much more. . . appealing. Mineta wanted to curse, so. Experimental subject was #2, but that was wrong too.

They would be in a lab if that was the case, thoughts flashed past in an instant. Fear gripped him, but Mineta forced a merchants smile greasy and ready to kiss your ass, “Hello Sir.”

The boy raised a single eyebrow, golden eyes, silver hair, and a stark white double breasted long coat. On both shoulders stood silver epaulets, and two lines of gleaming buttons lined his stomach. Mienta couldn’t see any concealed weapons, but those f*cking sleeves were a nightmare. Mineta could hide a HD camera in those sleeves.

Probably armed, dangerous.


“Hello Mineta.” The boy smiled wide and with too many, too many teeth. Wide white, and glistening with anime sparkles.

“You're probably wondering just why I have brought you here,” He spread his arms wide and turned his back to Mineta. Confident that even a sneak attack would do nothing. Almost certain death if he tried. f*ck! And not the good kind.

“I want you to work for me.” Wha!

Well. . . if you can’t beat em or join em, “Alright boss! Whatcha need.”

He seemed to stumble not expecting it to be that easy. That means he’s not a Thinker or precog. . . or he’s acting, but you can’t fall down rabbit holes. He is just a man in the end, if you overhype your enemies in your own head you're not planning for your enemies. Your planning for shadows, destroying functional plans.

‘Now, if he’s a Parahuman or Cursed user I’m in deep sh*t. If he’s a quirk user or genome I’m probably fine,’ Mineta thought. It was well known that all Parahumans and Sorceres are f*cking crazy, and while not being one does not preclude the possibilities. . . well it’s a much lower percentage.

Or he was being racist, Mineta didn’t know. If prejudice can save him, is it really prejudice?

“I need to create a club in UA. Call it the Photography club or something like that, these will be your spies. Use the guise of an underground perverts club or something. I have reason to belive one Yuga Aoyama is actually the spy for a supervillain.” And I’m not? “The one of the worst in history, you may know him as All for One. Japan’s Demon King, the Quirk Theif.”

Mineta started shaking, “Oh, don’t worry. You don’t have to deal with him, that’s my job. All you need to do is try to find evidence of Aoyama’s betrayal, and any blackmail on the hero students.”

The purple haired teen shook his head, and gathered his courage, “Why should I work for you?”

The gold eyes boy turned, “Oh, your life wasn’t enough?” Mineta started shivering spine straightened as he almost stuttered a Y-yes it is.

“Good, be greedy. Grow become the greatest you can be, if you work loyalty under me rewards will be plentiful.” The golden eyed man’s eyes sparkled as he raised his hand, inside it a single blue elixir. Elixirs were powers in a bottle, much better than the so-called “Parahuman Vials.” They were a Genius invention by The Alchemist, mother of Genomes, and the woman who started the Gnome wars.

Powers in a bottle given to everyone, this was before Scion and quirks, and the current Jujutsu society just wasn’t strong enough to stop their spread. So the genome wars happened, when thousands of people get superpowers it turns out most don’t turn to heroism. Governments collapsed, the world burned for years, and America became an irradiated wasteland. Mechron and his Orbital lasers and portals to the forbidden Black Dimension.

Still Heroes like Leo the Living Sun created an organization like the Carnival with some of humanity's powerhouses and greatest precognitives. The stopped Bloodstream the Psycho who was a living disease capable of infecting all living beings on earth and turning them into him. Even with the promise of so much power Mineta had never seriously considered drinking a Genome.

After Emperor Romano revealed the dark truth behind them Mineta could admit to being a little squeamish. I mean who would willingly connect to an extra dimensional existence for power Mineta thought. Apparently, a lot of people. So they evolved from hom*o Sapien to hom*o Novus. Becoming immune to most diseases, even cancer, and superior in every aspect, hom*o Novus were the next stage of evolution.

Still, the thought of becoming a psycho. He knew logically that Emperor Romano had removed that feature, because that was a feature. To think The Alchemist thought that turning humans into constantly devolving elixir addicts—to the point they would drink the blood of genomes. Sure they were powerful as seen the the aforementioned Bloodstream, but it wasn’t f*cking worth it if you didn’t keep your sanity. . . but Mineta was tempted.

So f*cking tempted. He had been so close, so close to greatness and had flubbed it. So he took the elixir, and felt his mind expand. His ability didn’t come with instructions, but he flicked something and the world slowed to a crawl. He kept turning it and time seemed to stop. Slowly the world was tinted blue.

Then he understood.

His ability was to distance his mind from reality and submerged it into the Blue. The blue dimension is the realm of all knowledge, governed by an omniscient ultimate deity. Mineta felt the sparcest of that beings wisdom flow into him, time does not pass in this realm. It is beyond time.

Mineta had infinite time to think, infinite time to plan, infinite time, and he felt it. This area of the blue was his, his knowledge and understanding slowly started permitting this. As long as he was here he would never forget anything, eventually he felt it would be as if he was in a constant state of epiphany.

His eyes glowed with worship as he looked at his new boss, “What’s next then.”

He laughed, “So eager? My next trick then, you will be getting a Parahuman power.”

Mienta felt his heart nearly stop. This guy was going to torture him untill he triggered?

“My power, The Visionary allows me to do anything I can imagine. Today I will be forcing you to undergo a painless trigger event, you must simply accept it.”

There wasn’t time to think as his hand was on Mineta’s head. Some golden energy was pushed into his skull, and Mineta understood. Hormone Control, a subtle but powerful master power. If he could generate Growth Hormone. . . could he become a tall chad! Mineta would worship this golden eyed silver haired god for the rest of his days.

(A/N: If it wasn’t obvious him “Forcing a Trigger” with his Visionary power is bullsh*t, he’s just plopping a Parahuman power into him with Power Manipulator.)

The Power Manipulator — A Worm Cyoa V1 Crossover Event - SevenGrizzys (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.