The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

i I i i i 1 I I 1 it 3 1 'it IK i V4 1 irrl is r.U r. i ffiljc JDaili) picayune. New Orleans. 'It is not very often that we find anything com pliinentary to New Orleans' iu llie columns of the country pread. Hereloiore we have had too ire auent occasion to kuow that a ppiril or jealousy.

if not of hatred, to the city lias becn encouraged amongst our country neighbors, as if what was beneficial to ua as a community was not equally for the good and prosperity of the State at large. We are, however, encouraged to hope that this unfair spirit begiuning to give way to oue of more liberal sentiments and kindly teelings. The following, which we copy from the South ern Sentinel, of Plaauemine, is fair and honor able in its tojie. readers will peruse it with pleasure: The increase of New Orleans in population, wealth, and all the other elements oi prosperity, for the past quarter of a century, cannot be regarded otherwise than truly wonderful, while it practically demonstrate the untiring energy aiiu industry of the American character, aided by the adventurous and thorough going spirits in epidemics, an odious but extremely unjust moral reputation, tli. cost of living greater than in any other city of the United States, ana me eciiuuv former municipal government, bringing ma numerous train of oppressive eyils and drawbacks to prosperity, (enough not only to have retarded the growth, but to have destroyed the exist ence of a city) A'ew OrleaiiB has become, not only in commercial but in many other respects, a ine ir uTcelled in iruuortance bv few others in mir own land, or even in the world.

The singular rivsntaze of its nositiou with respect to the iui mouse valley of the Mississippi, rendering her a Queen to whose glory power regions various in climate and uusurpassed fertility are necessarily tributary, is sufficient to account lor this otherwise most extraordinary prosperity. And yet who does not perceive that New Orleans lias reached hardly a tithe of the size, population, influence, wealth and other resources of which it is capable I If, notwithstanding the adverse cir c*mstances mentioned, such has been its past progress, what may not be expected when these evils are removed It cannot be denied that New Orleans has relied too much upon iu own natural advantages, and been slumbering while other cities have been attracting to themselves by artificial means a verf large portion of its trade. But she seems at last to have awakened from her slumbers, and a new era has opened iu the pages of her history. Her separate governments have been consolidated into one, and now she ffhssesses the strength at home and the respectability and position abroad which uuity alone can secure. Tne climate has become increasingly healthy, so that it now compares favorably with any portion or any city of the United States, and we have no doubt that its epidemics will soon be only a matter of history.

A few years more will cover th whole rpace ffom Carrollton to the Lake, and friini the Lake to the river, with epleudid avenues, magnificent parks, noble pnblic edifices, aud the dwelling of a wealthy, busy aud enterprising population. Already the evidences of such an extension strike the eye and reveal a splendid future. When united to the Ohio by the railroaut now in the course of construction, and when the interior of the State, and perhaps Texas, Arkansas and Missouri are bound to her by the same means, and pour into her lap their rich agricultural and mineral treasures, yet hardly developed and when the Tehaautepec route is built and in successful operation the rapidity of her growth will be augmented a hundred lold. Her natural and artificial advantages will unsurpassed, and cannot fail to make her one of the most magnificent and powerful cities of the globe. New Orleaus has but to be faithful to herself and prosecute her improvements and enterprise with vigor aud unconquerable perseverance, and a destiny awaits her which even her distinguished sons but feebly imagine.

Every visit to the city impresses us more deeply with the truth of these views. New streets laid out where swamps and pestilential vapors held undisturbed possession splendid rows of new buildinirs rising as if by magic, at oucea pleasing proof of progress uiiu iub uesi uescripuou ui puisne uriiumein the palace like hotels, which are unsurpassed iu size and splendor, convenience and accommodation: the multiplied facilities of locommolion the increasing richness and variety of the goods and wares of all kinds which dazzle and delight the beholder, and almost irresistibly tempt his pockets when lull ol the needlul its most ad mirable system of public schools, which are growing in number and usefulness everv vear. and exerting salutary aud elevatiug influences upon ail tne relations ot society all are pleasing indications of the prosperous prevent and rious future of the metropolis ot the South. Daniel Webster's Private Life. The following letter from the proof sheets of the Private Life of Daniel Webster," now in the press of Harper A Brothers, irom the pen of Charles Lauman, is published in the New York Commercial Advertiser of the 30th ulL It is exceedingly interesting, and the conclusion is touching.

It was addressed to his Franklin overseer: Washington, March 17, l. Join Taylor Go ahead. The heart of the winter is broken, and before the first day of April yo.ur laud may be ploughed. Buy the oxen of Capt. Marstou, if vou think the price fair.

Pay for the hay. I send you a check for iwr, lor these two objects. Tut the great oxeiij in a cuuuiiiuu to ue lurneu out iiucl laltenecl. Vou have a good horseteam, and I think iu addition to this, four oxen and a pair of four year old steers will do your work. If you think so, then dispose of the Stevens oxen, or uuyoke them and send them to the pasture for beef.

1 know not when I shall see you, but. I hope before planting. If you need anything, such cuano, lor instance, write to Joseph Buck. Ksq Boston, and he will send it to you. Whatever ground you sow or plant, see that it is in good condition.

We want no pennyroyal crops. "A little farm well tilled" is to a fanner the next best thing to a little wile, well willed." Cultivate your Be sure to produce sufficient quautities of useful vegetables. A man may half support his lamily from a good garden. Take care to keep my mothers garden in good order, even if it cost you the wages of a man to take care of it. I have sent you many garden seeds.

Distribute them among vnur neighbors. Send them to the stores in the village, that, every body may have a part of them without cost. I am glad that you have chosen Mr. Pike representative. tIle is a true man but there are iu New Hampshire many persons who call themselves Whigs, who are no Whigs at all, and no better than disunionists.

Any man who hesitatesjn granting aud securing to every part of 'lie country its just aud its constitutiui al rights, is an enemy to the whole country. John Taylor if oue of your bovs should sav that he honors his father and mother, aud loves his brothers and sisters, but still insists that omi ot them shall be driven out ol the family, what can you say of him but this, that there is no real family love in him Vou and I are farmers we never talk politics; our talk is of oxen; but remember this, that any man who attempts to excite one part of the country against another is as wicked as he be who should attempt to get up a quarrel between John Taylor and' his neighbor, old Mr. John Sanborn, or his other neighbor, Capt. Burleigh. There are some animals that live best in the fire and there are some men who delight iu heat, smoke, combustion, and even general conflagration.

They do not follow the tilings which make for peace. They enjoy only controversy, contention aud strife. Have no communion with such persons. either as neighbors or politicians. Vou have no more right to say that slavery ought not to exist in Virginia, than a Virginian has to say that slavery oueht to exist in New Hampshire.

Thi is a question left to every State to decide for itseil; anil it we mean to keep the' States together, we must leave to every State this power oi ueciuing lor useii. I think I never wrote you a word before upon politics. I shall not do it again. I only say love your country, aud your whole country aud when men attempt to persuade vou to get into a quarrel with the laws of other Slates, tell them that you mean to mind youg own business," and advise them to mind theirs. John Taylor, you are a freeman: vou possess eood nrinvinles: vou have a large family to rear and provide for uy your iaoor.

ue manKiui to tne uovernment which does not oppress vou. which does not bear you down by excessive taxation, hut which holds out to you anu to yours the hope of all the blessings which liberty, industry and security may give, jonn layior, maun uou, morning aud eve ning, that you were born in such, a country. John Taylor, never write me ancther word unnn politics. Give my kindest remembrance to your wife and children and when you look from your eastern windows upon the graves of my family, remember that he who is the author of this letter must soon follow them to another vtaorld. Pasiki.

XVemhtesl. uii tne afternoon ot the 29th ult, a negro named Charles Scudder suffered the ex treme penalty of the law, at Riverhead. Suffolk county, u. i lor me murder of Mrs. Bobbins, the wife of a farmer at Comae, L.

I in February last. From evidence adduced at the trial of this muiwwrr, ii appears jruuauie mat he committed the crime of rape upon his victim previous to the murder, and committed the murder to escape punishment for the former crime. He was tried at Riverhead in the court of Oyer and Terminer and convicted on tne 9th of September last. The evidence that the murder was committed, and that Scudder was the criminal was conclusive. formerly resided at Smithtown, L.

and was at tne time oi ma execution aoom years oi age. Rosas is residing at Southampton with his daughter, Dona Manuelita, and other mem bers or his family. Manuelita is making con siderable progress with the English language. Message from Got. Foote.

The Governor of Mississippi sent the following message to the Legislature of that State on the 19th ult Kxicfrivic Chamber, Jackson, Oct. 19, 1832. i Tn th Rpnitte ami Hume of ReDreMDtativea Although 1 am fully aware that your legislative labors for the present session are jusi a close, and vou are naturany annum to your families, I feel bound to invite your attention to a subjefet of a great and increasing interest, and to recommend such action in regard Jo tne same as in your judgment may be best adapted to the extraordinary exieeucy which would seem 1.0..0 tfverv mail which reaches us brings additional intelligence of a settled determination on the nart of the Spanish authorities of the Island of Cuba to violate the rights of our citizens, as guarded and guaranteed by solemn treaty stipulations, deliberately entered into by the uovernment oi aim tnaioi ine luiicu States. It was only the other day that passen gers in the Crescent City, a steamship carrying ine iniru viuice ill tin, uiiu cuiuujauuru uy t'nited States officers, were refused the privilege of landing at Havana, under circ*mstances of most assrravated insult. A still later instance of outraee is understood to have occurred in the case of the bark Cornelia, all the particulars of which are not necessary to oe specUied, tboueli it is, perhaps, proper to mention that her mails were opened aud exam ined, and two her passengers carried back to Havana anu turowii lino prison, anu tne vessel count r.

lined lo leave the port aud return to New Vork without them. It is not my purpose, on this occasion, to say anything at all calculated unduly to inflame he popular miud of the country. Still less am I inclined to instigate the Legisla ture to the adoption of any hasty or ill considered measure. 1 he whole sulject will uouDIIess oe looked into bv the President ol" the States and his constitutional advisers, and I cannot but confidently hope that such steps will be promptly takeu hy them as may effectually vindicate the honor of" the nation and secure the riehts of our citizens. I venture to sugeest the adoption ol temperate but strong resolutions declarative of tile MroilK lieif rilliuuiioil Ul Lilt: uinrilimrui anu people of this State tn yield a cordial support to such just and constitutional measures as maybe resorted to by the authorities in ashtugton lor the attainment of the high purpose just specified.

j. oote. 1 Savings Banks. These eminently useful institutions do not exist in this city. No where, we should think, presents a finer opening for them, for many a young man who now squander many odd dimes and lollars iu unnecessary expenses and dissipation, would place them safely away iu the vaults of a savings bank, where they would increase to a sung little sum for tunes of need.

The thousrht was suggested to us by the following interesting article, which we clip from the St. Louis Republican, describing the Boatmen's Savings Institution" at St. Louis The fiscal year of this institution terminated on the loth ult. 1 he report of its officers presents mft only a healthy aud fluttering condition, so far as the institiou is concerned, but a favorable aspect of the solvency of the community with wnicu us ousuiess is connected. I lie institution is purely one of deposit and discount.

It re eives the earnings and money of those who choose to deposit' with if, for 'which it pays a nnerai interest and loans the same on securities deemed undoubted by a board of entirely disinterested directors. It receives the small earnings of the laboring classes such amounts as they can lay up above their ordinary necessi les ana upon these deposits they allow an interest. Thus every dollar deported is constantly gro wins'. The object is to induce a spirit if economy and savins on the part of those who. if they have their money about tlTeni, will spend i wiiuoui proper coiisiueraiton.

It has no power to issue notes. ur aiivthin? in the shape of checks or bank paper, and does not desire any such power. It deals iu nothiuc but sold and silver and tiie notes of the Hank ot Missouri, and hence whatever fluctuations may occur in the monetary market, especially in the currency, it can have no agency in them. It is more purely a benevolent, institution thau any we kuow ot. it has not aspired to any distinc tion its aim has constantly been usefulness.

It is conducted by a board of directors, who give their time from "purely benevolent motives, for by the charter they cannot be favored hy it in any form. That its operations have been most salutary inducing a spirit of thrift and economy a laree number ol persons ot small means has been most amply tested in its brief existence. Clrks, laborer. servan and others, who have been induced to make deposits of a small portion of their earnings, now find tln niselves iu possession of comfortable sums, with interest accumulated thereon, when, without this, their whole alaries would have been scuandered. ami notli.

ins laid up for a rainy dav." 1 ne institution coriitneiict'd upon a vtrv limited fcalt, wiih but few depositors. These, in nunrt er and amount, have been steadily increas I At the end of the last fiscal vear. October la. the whole number of depositors was tH'i and at the semi annual report, April 15, amounted to October isj they number They may be thus stated Time dpilllT.1 Current dt m. 571 T.

tal msi The actual deposits, 'time" aud "current," niii unt to iJ iwi. asainst assets exceeding his sum several thousand dollars. The increase 11 the dt posits within the last fiscal veurumount sl Jj jti VJ. A portion of the deposits arc loaned upon and unincumbered real estate, at hall its alne. The institution loans also on personal erurity, in Minis not exceeding $500, with two tood securities besides the drawer.

It is satis If, ,1 1 mi 111 lllf: PIUUC11I management of its nltnirM. time the for dollar has been lost. In the prepress of iis pe titions, there is irond reason to believe tha', uroush the agency of i's discounts, it lias been he instrument of essential assistance to many jianulacturf rs and new becinners of limited means. It has been the nnrnose of its fin tnr oassist those whose wauls would not justify heir going into the bank or into the hands ofthe rokers, and especially those who were buildine up man factories in this city. In ibis they have asou to know oil et that they have accomplished Scene in a Court Room.

The Richmond Va.) Republican of the 1st inst r. Kites the following scene in' a court room in that cilv On Friday last, while John A. Johnson was tiiliU rccim; a on the i iiaree of feloniously killing a uero. a scene took place in the courtroom that can never lie tiiiced Irom the tneimirt. of those who witnessed it.

Thus. P. A ill list. ie ofthe counsel for the defence, bail inst closed a beautiful and touching appeal to the court ami jury, and Mr. Young, for tiie Commonwealth, had arisen to end his duty, when Mrs Johnson, the wife of the prisoner, leading her iiiiant ooy uy tne band, walked up to Mr.

and with her arms outstretched to heaven. htr sutlused in ars, fell upon her knees and bereeu i. nil jor iiou sake not to prosecute her husband. The lillle boy, too, as if understanding that his protector was in danger, sobbed aloud for mercy. Such a scene in a court room we have never before witnessed.

The prosecutor turned deadly pale, and stood as if transfixed to the spot, his feelings and his sense of duty apparently strug uiig for the mastery. Scarce a dry eve i onbl hn seen in the room, and business was entirely sus pended until Mrs. Johnson was removed. But her appeal to justice had not been lost. The pent up grief of a wife had burst the bars or conventionalism, and like an electric spark had yuiju a lougmeiu 111 me Hearts oi tne beholders.

For the moment we felt that if we had tli nnveer though the prisoner were doubly guilty, the self sacmiciiis; uevnuon, we undyiug love, the public intercession of that wife had sufficiently atoned tor the crimes of the husband, and we would bid him go in peace and sin no more. When the manifest feeling of sympathy which exhibited itself oh every countenance present had somewhat 'subsided, the prosecution proceeded, the case was given to the jury, and a verdict of not guilty returned. May the scenes we have attempted to describe ever burn fresh upon the memory of Mr. Johnson, lurniug him aside from vice and crime whenever it shall present itself, is our earnest prayer. Mr, Webster's Piety'.

The following letter from the Hon. Ii. B. Rhett to the editor of the Charleston Mercury, in regard to Mr. Webster's piety, is drawn forth by the strictures of the Washington correspondent of that paper: To the Editors it the Mercury Gentlemen Your Washington correspondent is obviously very far from beine an impartial judge of Mr.

Webster's character. How great is nis impartiality win oe oovious irom a single statement made in bis letter published yesterday morning. He says of He was a member of no religious denomination he made no pretensions to piety." Now, the fact is that for several years past Mr. Webster did make continual pretensions to piety by being a regular member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. I myself for the last two winters have seen him very often in Washington in attendance on pub tic worship in the Rev.

Dr. Butler's church and I have, moreover, repeatedly seen him partake of the communion at the hands of l)r Rnttor. and on one occasion at the hands, I think, of uisuop meaoe, ot Virginia. Every one acquainted with Dr. Butler must know that be would 'FifE tho to no man, high or ZZu bd.

Knowing these tTUX and to memory o( a deceased Christian, that I shoold state them Believe me, gentlemen, your mot obedient servant, R. b. Ruxtt. From Bermuda Bv the arrival of the steamship Petrel, CaplJ New York, from St. Thomas and Bermuda, advice have been received from the former island to the 20th inst, and the latter to the iJ5th.

The Bermuda Royal Gazette has the following account of a distressing casualty at sea The hrizantine Waterloo, of this port, Capt Ourterbridae, left these islands on the 27th ult bound to Philadelphia, having on board, in addi tion to the American crew wnicn sue uroiigui here from Philadelphia, a crev from this place. which was to succeed uie otner on uer an nm Philmlolnliin On the 30th, when about 300 miles west of the Bermudas, she encountered tne numcuue, ui which we have already had to record so mauy disasters. She was thrown down whilst laying to her ballast shifted, and, to prevent her sink ing, her masts were cut away. un tne ngg inir. went nvprhoard the mate, one seaman, and two boys of the American portion of the crew a II 01 whom were urowueu.

iuo naici hold was stove, and all the provisions destroyed. The Marearet Musson. Cap. Gwynn, was en gageiMiy the insurance company here, yesterday, to proceed to the assistance of the Water loo. Sue is proviueu wiiuparsaiiis.i;., anu, a number of active young men have gone out in her.

Hri R. H. Packer. Capt. A.

Mavo, from Boston il to St. Ilomineo. put into St. George's on Friday last, with loss of foremast, spars and sails, in a hurricane on the 29th and 30th of September, in lat. 2o 30', Ion.

Co 30'. Subtequeut to the gale bad had several days calm weather. Capt. Webb, of the brigantine Griffin, from Portu Rico, renorts bavins fallen in with, on the 4'h in lat. 22 2C, Ion.

Wiethe schooner Syren, of Halifax, N. dismasted and aban doned. laden with fish, aud perfectly tieht. The Petrel left the following vessels in port at erniuda Hrie Kdwin. Jordan, from New ork, for San Juan, with loss of topmasts, sails, rigging, ic, will leave in a fortnight.

The liriff J. A. Jesserun. before reported at Bermuda, in distress, wus to sail next day lor Itiirncon. The brig J.

B. Brown, from New Vork, arrived on the 22d Briff Swan, from New Vork. on the 24th, aud the schooner Medora, from Baltimore, same day. The Petrel, on the 27th, lat. 3., Ion.

spoke brie Tillestou, of and for Nantucket, troin hayal, with loss of main boom, Ac. Minsisthipi Prtibuteru. The Concordia Intelli gencer has an abstract of the proceedings of the annual sessions of this body, lately held at Clin ton, Hinds county. which shows a gratify ing Hate of literature, morals and religion in the bounds of that energetic denomination of Chris jians in Mississippi. The Presbytery adjourned to meet at Rodney on the second Thursday of December next, for the purpose of ordaining and i nstalliiig the Rev.

Robert Pierce over the church iu that town, iu the place of Rev. C. Wurts, who left iu consequence of ill health. Sale of Slates Twelve slaves, consistin of a woman and her children, the greater part of them young, were sold at public auction at ar renton, a days ago, for $5,902. CITYI.VTKLLiaEiSCE.

A dedications. The following contracts were sold yesterday by the Comptroller: The contract for laying brick sidewalks, with curb and gutter stone 011 Nuiius street, fromTchoupitoulas to Religious street, to John Purreli, at $1 10 per running foot. The contract for repairing the house and stable of Neptune Fire Company No. to John Paul, for $2.1 no. I.N'iil'EST.

The Coroner yesterday held an inquest ou the body of Kllen Welsh, aged twenty six years, a native of Ireland. The woman died in a house iu Maudeville street, between Craps and li real man streets. Third District. Verdict, Died of intemperance." Dksebtebs. Masters of foreign vessels now find it a difficult matter to prevent their sailors, who are generally hired at low wages, from de.

serliug, while lying in our port, where the pay is so much larger. Yesterday the captain of the Spanish bark Isabella caused four of his sailors to be arrested for desertion. They will he obliged lo remain in confinement until the vessel is ready to sail. I.vsa.nk. The number of insane persons that have) been taken jnto the custody of the police within the past two mouths in this city is truly

Scarce a day passes that we do not notice the fact on some of the police hooks. Yesterday a man named Samuel Warn was arrested on the levee of the Second District; he was supposed be insane. As soon as his case is inquired into, he will, if necessary, tie seut to the temporary City Lunatic Asylum. RECORDER SELZENEAU COI Larce.w. Martin Mteuel was yesterday arrested by the Third District police in Peace street, at the request of Patrick Martin, who charged Miguel with stealing $13 from "hint.

The case has not yet been investigated. UENOlS' Larcenv and Assault. Mark Anthony Kennedy was yesterday arrested and examined helore Recorder tieuois 011 the charge of having, about 5 o'clock in the morning, been caught in the act of stealing a plank from a building on Bourbon street. A police officer who saw the transaction was offered bribe of .10 by Kennedy to let him oil! tin the officer refusing to take tne bribe Kennedy tore his clothes, attempted to wrest the rlub from his bands, and assaulted him. For these various nfleucVs the accused was sent before the First District Court.

'Assaulting an Officer. John Stevens Chares White were yesterday exaiuiuetl before Recorder Geuois 011 the charge of having, on Sunday night, attempted to force their way into the house of Dr. Delery, iu Hospital street; also for undertaking to enter the house of Vincent tiallosa, assaulting him, tearing his clothes, Alter much trouble Stephen was arrested in the street, and White were yesterday arrested ill iurt. Stephen was sent to the First District Court, and White was requ red to give bonds of to keep the peace. Bad Morals.

Mary Williams was yesterday x.imiued before Recorder tienois for violating the rules of public decency in Dauphin street, tietweeu St. Loui" and Conti streets. She was fined $10, which she paid and left right quickly. Fighting Gals. Mary Lynns aud Celina Ashman were yesterday brought into the presence of Recorder Geuois, they having been caught iu the act of lighting each other and making a great disturbance iu the Vegetable Market.

They are rivals iu trade, being coffee sellers, aud rather jealous of each other's popularity. They were fined $10 each, and iu default of payment were lucked up for thirty days. Abusing hite Persons. Felicite, slave belonging to Mrs. Dekry, was arrested on Sunday for having violently slapped a young child of Amedee Arceneaux, aud also insulted and abused the lady.

The examination was postponed. Contravention to the Ordinances. The different persons who yesterday claimed the clothing seized By the police on Sunday last, between the two markets of the Second District, were examiued before Recorder Genois. They were fined $: each CUl' IT. S.

Circuit Court. The grand jury yesterday found a true bill against Henry Searight as principal, and John Edwards as accessory, for larceny on the high seas, committed on board of the ship Lydia. First District Court. Judge Larue. Criminal Trials Yesterday.

Peel Hand was convicted of committing an assault and battery upon Joseph Gonzales on the 12th April last Jacob Hang, Noel Vilard, Asa Gibbons and Lisida, to. were tried and acquitted on charges of assault and battery. Dr. Richard C. Anderson, convicted a few days ago of breach of trust, was yesterday sentenced to three years' hard labor in the Penitentiary This is the first conviction ever obtained under the law, although there have been numerous trials.

Fifth District Court. Judge Buchanan. Jacobs vs. Mc Govern. This is a rule iu which the defendant claims, under the homestead act of 1852, the exemption of 250 worth of furniture from the operation of a provisional seizure made by the plaintiff.

The lease under which the seizure was made was executed in 1847 for five years. Judge Buchanan yesterday gave judgment discharging the rule, holding that to allow the homestead act of 1852 to apply to the present case, would be giving it the effect of impairing the obligation of a contract; which is contrary to the constitution of tha United States as the law at the time tha present lease was made, created in favor of the lessor the obligation of pledge upon all the lessee's furniture on the premises leased. THE POST OFFICE. SCHEDULE OF MAILS AND POSTAGES. 4 NKVV ORLEANS POST OFFICE.

VWIXTEK ARUANGEMENT.ja From the 1st November to the 1st Juue, lel. OJlct Wrrk dnyi. from 7 o'clock A. H. to 6 o'clock P.

M. Howi. Sundiiil from to II o'clock A. GREAT EASTERN MAIL, rio MOBILE Arrives dally at A. M.

Claws daily at Hi P. M. for paid and mi paid Mtert inland; aud at 3 P. for prrpaid foreign Itltcrt. Sar Lrttera for the Continent of Europe and the various count lira, viu Engand, hy Ocrau ateaiurn.

MUST BF. PREPAID. Supplying tne following way otficesTFort Pike, Bay' St. Louts, Paaa Christian and Pascagdula, Mississippi City and Biloxi, ou Wednesdays and Saturdays, at i) P. M.

GREAT WESTERN MAIL Supplying Baton Rouge, Francitrille, Natchez, Grand Gulf, Vicksburg, Lrke Providence, Worthington's Point, Greenville, G. Lake, Columbia, Napoleon, White River, Helena, em phis. Randolph, New Madrid, Hickman. Colj nnbus Ky Cairo, Faducah.Sbawneetowii.Heuderson. Evans vltle and Louisville four timet a week.

Cloae, at 3 P. M. and supplying Natchez, Vickjburg, Napoleon Memphis, Cairo, Paducali, Evansville and Louisville ttriec iKtt Closes at 3 P. M. Arrives daily hoars trre alar ST.

LOCIS MAIL Supplying Natcbez. Vicksburg, Nspo leon, Mempms Hickman, Cairo and St Loois Closes daily (Sundays excepted) at 3 r. M. Arrives daily boura irrerular. VICKSBDRO MAIL Supplying Donaldsonville, Baton Rouse.

St. Fraurtsville. Red River Landing. Fort Ad ami, Natchez, Waterproof, Jlodney. St.

Joseph's, Grand Gulf, Warrenton and Vicksburg Closes ou Monday, Tuesday, Fiiday and Saturday, at 3 P. M. Arrives on Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday, by 4. M. 8T FRANCIS VI LLE, OR COAST MAIL Supplying Lo gan's Landing, Taylor's, Bonm Carre, Edgar Hrin gier't, Tureaad's, Donaldsonville, and interior.

New River, Bayou Goula. Iberville, Piaqueuiine, Mancluic. Eruly Landing, Baton Rouge, and interior, Lobdell's Store Port Hudson, Hermitage, Waterloo, St. rrancia ville and Pointe Coupee, and interim Closes on Sunday and Friday, at 7 A. Wednesday, at 1 P.

M. Ar Tives on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, by 11 M. RED RIVER MAI Li Supplying Alexandria, Grand Ecore, Natcbltocbes, Shreveport and Eattern Texat Closes ttiree times a week, at 3 P. generally on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Arrives three times a week days irregular.

COVINOTON, OR LAKE MAIL Closes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at a A. M. Arrives on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, by 4 P. M. LAFAYETTE MAIL Closes dally, (except Sunday,) at 1 P.

M. Arrives daily, (except Sunday,) at 11 A. M. CARROLLTON MAIL Closes on Monday, Weduesday and Friday, at 1 M. Arrives on Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday, by 1 P.

M. TERKE AUX Parish of Bt. Bernard. Closes daily (except Sunday) at A. Arrives daily (except Sunday) at 4 P.

M. POIN1E A LA HACHE ANO ENGLISH TORN, Parish of Plaquemine Closes Friday at I P. M.j due same day by 14 M. GALVESTON, 8ALDRIA, INDIANOLA AND PORT LAVACA Closes every Sunday, at 7 A. M.

Due every Tuesday or Wednesday, at 4 P. BRAZOS SANTIAGO. POINT ISABEL, BROWNSVILLE AND RIO GRANDE Closes every Thursday, at 7 A. M. Due every Monday, at I P.

M. HAVANA MAIL Closes, direct, on the Hub and 2Mb each month, at 7 P.M. eia Charleston, on the and 17tb, at P. M. Due on or about the lid and H3d.

POST AO PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. On Letters, 10 rents; on i cents. WEST INDIA ISLANDS. MEXICO, PORTS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND ON THE ATLANTIC COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA, ria Xavannah, and thence 6 Hritxth Muil Steamers Closes, daily at ik. P.

M. POSTAGE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, as ol lows British Potieniom. Wben the distance from the U. S. niai.

i ottire is I Letter. I paper. tfinit miles or under Inc. Over miles 'C. He.

i(r tsinv i ofiesMionr. Wben the distance from the U. S. mailing office is: 2.rwxi miles or under. Orrr Iillie 6c.

Wben received in the United Stales, and the distance to the office of delivery is i.fin milrs er under 10c. Sc. Over 2 fiuo miles 20c 1c. NEW GRENADA, WEST COAST OF SOUTH AM bit 1 CA, CALIFORNIA AND OREGON, 8ANDWICH ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA.

VAN DIEMAN'S LAND. NEW SOUTH WALES AND CHINA Closes on the fith and ilst of each month, at 7 P. M. Arrives on or about the 10th and Jith. The postage to places on the West Coast of South America, via Panama, i on each tingle letter SO cents, aud on each newspaper 8 rents, when tent; and ii cents each letter and 4 cents each paper, when received.

The postage to New Grenada direct is 10 cents tingle rate and cents each newspaper, and to the Sandwich Islands, Australia, Van Hit man's Land and China (ria San Franeiteo) is ou each single letter 6 cents, payable ip advance. The single letterrateto California and Oregon iaiirents prepaid, ot 10 cents unpaid. On uewspatters. Ac the domettic ratea apply. tSCHEDULK OF POSTAliES.

The following are the Kates of Postage since the i. ot juiv, ismi LETTER POSTAGE, by half ounce or under, between places within the United States: Prepaid. Unpaid. S.Oiiri miles or under 3c. Over miles nr.

POSTAGE ON PRINTED MATTER Since Oct. 1. 18.1.! TRANSIENT PBEPAID! a 3 2. ire 3 5" 5 SJ 5. 5 2 a a 1 r.

4 5 i s's a a T3 S3 re.2 3 .33 I 2 1 Wrighiug 1 ounce or I umier. 1 lOver 1 ui tee and I not uvf ounce. 1 1 (Over i ounces aud I not over ounce. I 2 I WeiK'in not over I 1 fc. ouncee.

2 I Weighing 'J ounce '11 jor under. I a (Over ounce ami lint over 4 ounce. I 2 Over 4 I I not o' ounce and over ft ounce. I 2 Over A ouuee and I not over 6 ounce. I 2, 1 Ovr 6 ounces and rot over 7 ounces.

I2.Over 7 ounce and not overRouncea 1 1 1 When weighing at least 8 ounces. I 2 lOver 8 ounces and not over 9 ounces I2Over nrrs and I not ovesjtfO ounce I 2 lOver 10 ounce and not over 11 ounces I 2 Over li ounces and not over is ounces I 2. 1 Over ounce and not over 13 ounce 2 1 Over 13 ounces and not over 1 4 ounces I I Over 14 ounces and not over 15 ounces er IS ounces and not over 1 ounces QUARTERLY RATES, When paid in advance, on Newspapers and Periodicals ent from tneomceoi pu on canon sausenpers. coocc 1 fl I (I Sj 3 5 ss Wot ii'i 3 3 a rt Ja SB I a a 3 a tiiii i i i 1 a a a Baas si? a si: So S' 3Ss: 35S a.

i Daily. 5 at 3 Six times a Week. TriWeekly. JT I Semi. Weekly.

5 5 cS 3i Weekly. a Semi Monthly. Monthly. Drop Letters I Onecentescb, instead oltwocents. Advertised Letters 5 as formerly.

Wkem Delnend the U.S. Citp Poet. Each letter received by mail Sc. additional ach drop letter it do. Each city letter le.

Kacb circular or handbill ic. do. acn newspaper or magazine fcc do. M. MUSSON, Postmaster.

Mot. I8M. ALL persona having claim asinst tb estate of the lat KnUn. mIII 1 I. wii, pmac proem luc nun, only SUlUeSl tlcated to tbe nndersienad and those indebted will please f1 and settle immediately, at tbe Fnmitsire Store 't W.

O. 048 1 Testamentary Eaecntors. II LEGAL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS I Of tbe Consolidated Debt of New Orleans Nsw Ouun. October VI.

laAS. RY irtue of the thirty seventh section of tbe act of the I ntn nt Touisiana. entitled Au Act to Cooso idate the City of New Orleans, and to provide (or tbe government and aid ministration of its affairs," approved the i3d of February, 18W, and of the fifth section of the act supplementary thereto, and proriding for the Incorporation uf tbe city of Lafayette with the city of New Orleans, approved on the same day, and of the third section of an act eutitled "An Act supplementary to an act to Oinanlidai the citv of New Orleans, and to provide for the government and management of its affairs," approved Marrb 11, isfii. and for the purpose of paying the Interest accruing ou tbe entire debt of the city, and of meeting all obligations of the old corporation and of the late rirst, acouu ion luirti auu iiij wi mHtitriniF tlnnnir Hie ear 1HA3 SEALED I'RorOSALS will be received at this office thi. dnte the SECOND MONDAY.

I lth De cember neai. (I8A3.) at li o'clock, for the purchase of all or any portion of a series of THIRTEEN HUNDRED BONDS OF THE CITY OK NEW ORLEANS, for the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH said Bonds to be dated the FIRST OF JULY, 1H64, payable in FORTY YEARS, at tbe office of tbe Treasurer of the city, with interest coupons attached thereto, at the rate of SIX PER CENTUM PER ANNUM, payable semi annually from and after the first January, 1K53, in tbe city of New York mi the first or Januarv and tbe first of July of each year. Proposals to be endorsed Bids for the purchase of Bonds of the Ci'y of New Orleans, and addressed to Adolpbe Layet, Secretary of tbe Board of Commissioners of tbe Consolidated Deb of the city of New Orleans," to be opened and the Bonda adjudicated to tbe highest bidder on iue um uecruiucr, 110,111 uiimiu. TerMLt af fkuunt. Cash, lor in anv of tbe interest cou pons or obligations of tbe old city, of the late First, Second and Third Municipalities, or City of Lafayette, maturing in 18.S3.) or at the option of the purchaser, one fourth on the rirst of January, one fourth on the first of Marrb, one fourth 00 tbe first of May, and the remainder on the first of July, 1MA3, with six per cent, per annum Interest Irom January 1, lfvtf, tbe Commisa ouers reserving tbe Hah! tn rrjiin ten Der cent of the Bonds adindiratea as a guarantee fur compliance with bis contract on tbe part of ine purchaser.

ine itUrmuiBsiuncia lunuer reserve ine right of rejecting any or all bids Commissioners A. D. CROSS MAN. Mayor. O.

DeBOY S. Comptroller. WM. H. GARLAND, Treasurer.

WM. P. CONVERSE. Chairman Finance Committee, Board of Aldermen H. PLACE, Chairman Finance Committee, Board of Assistant Aldermen.

A I.AYET. Secretary. ocil td Or'FICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS Of the Consolidated Debt of New Orleans. NlvOuum. October SI 1864.

virtue of the thirty seventh section of the act of tbe Legislature 01 the State of Louisiana, entitled An Act to Consolidate tbe City of New Orleans, and provide for the government and administration of its approved renruarv ici. lira, ana 01 tne nun section 01 tne act sup plementary thereto, and providing for tbe Incorporation of the city of Lafayette with rne city ot new Orleans, approve 011 the same day, and for the purpose of funding the debt ol the old city, 01 ine late rirst, (second and rmrd Municipalities aud Citvol Lafayette SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office for the exchange, on a Just and equitable computation of interest, of all unmatured Bonds and other obllgationa of me Dm uiy, Bnfl oi lue iwr irm, dfujdu nuti iium muui cipalities. and City nl Lafayette, for BONDS OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS, dated FIRST OF JULY, lM. Bt FORTY YEARS, for ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS each, payable at tbe office af the City Treasurer. with interest coupons attached thereto, at tUe rate of SIX PER CENT.

PER ANNUM. Davable in tbe citv of New York, on tbe first Janoarv and first July in each year the merest on obligations oneren in ezenange as aoive, to be calculated np to tne nrst January, at wnicn time in terest on the Bonds to be issued will commence. The Proposals to be endorsed "Offer for exchange of Honri. ate. win be opened and acted npon on tne lourtu Monday in each month, commencing on Monday the 22d of November neat.

Ix6i2. The mmissioners reserve to themselves tbe right of rejecting any or all olda Commissioners A. D. CROSSMAN, Mayor. IieBUYS.

Comptroller. WM. H. GARLAND. Treasure'.

WM. P. CONVERSE. Chairman Finance Committee. Board of Aldermen.

H. PLACE. Chairman Fluance Committee, Board of Assistant Aldermen. A. LAYET.

Secretary. ocgl tf Two Plantation, dfcc 200 Negroes I "OR SALE Tbe undersigned offers for sale bia Plantation on Point Chicot, containing: acres of Land. upwards of I acres of which are under cultivation A portion of it is entirely above the highest water, and good levees secure 2 or i.4tA acres. On this plantation there la tbe best horse power gin in tne cotton growiug country, a gooa overseer noose, quarters, cribs, stables, meat bouse, cook house, blacksmith and carpenter shops and mill, all in good order, witb a comfort able dwelling house, containing eight rooms witb six fire places, a good aitcnen and otuerautiiousea un tnis plant, tinn there are 1711 neffroes. makins a food 1UO band force.

Among them area carpenter, blacksmith. shoemaker. bricklayer ana butcher. There are about ninety horses, mules and rotta; fourteen yoke of oxen and about thirty frvecowB.with ab ut lim head of young rattle, all imported stock; 160 head ot sheep, with the usual supply 01 wsgons, cans and plows, arc. to work an estate of ths size.

This estate may be advantageously divided into two plantations. Point Cbicot is so well known, having been one of tbe first settled points on tne Mississippi, that any lurtber description ol it 1 UCtDlfU SUpl UU'iUB. AISO Pastoria Plantation, eight miles above Point Cbicot and three miUa above Columbia, the county seat of Chicot county, fastoria contains 1.180 acres, nss one mile and a balf fronton the river, is protected hy a levee and drains back welL Tbere are from to 400 acres improved land on this estate, witu a good overseer's nouse. gin, mill, quar ters sud cnbs, all In good order. There are on this planta tion forty live negroes, making about a twenty live hand force Also fifteen or sixteen mules, about bead of cattle, and lixi bead of bogs, together with the usual quan itvof farming utensils required by tbe number of bands.

There id also a tract of ano acres of land laying nne ha'f mile iram tnis estate, covered witn good and valuable tim brr, which will lie so with it if desired by the purchaser. terms ot ootn or eituer 01 tnese estates une fourtu cash: balance. 1. 2. 3 and VsC3l and longer time will be given to aij approved purcbasefif desired, all being satis lactoniv Sficured.

Gentlemen wishing to purchase are requested to call upon the subscriber at Point Cbicot, who will take great iileasnre in bavins the Drnnertv shown. If these estates should not be sold at private sale before the first Monday in February next, thev wilt be on that day. if it is clear, if not. ou the first fair day thereafter. Bom at puDiic sair ine iiigurst nnu uni oiuarr.

the rtatcnex freetrader. Mempms e.agie and asnviie fnion will please copy once a week until tbe first Monday in February, and send their accounta for publishing to the iimrr 01 me uneans ricayune, nua oue paper contain nig tiie Buvcruseuieiii tu 111c suuecnoer. tl. r. VIALWUK1H, n2 JtawdiWtFebl S3 Columbia, Ark.

ltlrh's Hares Unrivaled. Edgefield Court House. 8. C. Aug.

S. 1HM. IVfESSRS. STEARNS MARTIN, Successors to Rich .11 at Ki Vtatrr street. New York: Gentlemen It is with great pleasure we have to inform vou that at the great fire which consumed our Btore and theee others, also tiie Jail, vee preserved all our books aud papers in one your SALAMANDER SAFES, purchased from yonr agent 111 t.narieston, mr.

1. m. natcn. ine stores were ouut Pitch pine, and the heat was truly terrific The crowd Die sent ridiculed iLe idea of anything standing garb afire, yet ve never lost confidence iu the Safe. Upon opening it next day.

in the presence of those who witnessed the fire, tbe greatest astonishment prevailed wnen they saw everything tn Bide the Safe perfect and without a stain, except what arose from the salamander. We shall call upou you next month to (elect another sale, and remain, ours, respect tin ly WILLIAMS st CHRISTIE. The foregoing letter demonstratestbewonderfulcspaclty of Rich SAFES to resist fire: and when it is consid red tbnt this ALO.N among many art idea represented to a 1 us, 1 ,.0, 1 1. iviticuia iu riiuri ui iuc irrcui great fires in Pearl street. New YorkCbilicothe, Ohio; Wctumpka.

Ala: Radney, Miss Eogefield.S. C. it mutt be admitted that the cost (ESPECIALLY SINCE THE REDUCTION OF PRICES) bears no proportion to the value of such a reliable depMitory for books, papers, jew elry, money, and other small but valuable articles Tbe rubscriber, sole agent in this city of the manufacturers, has Jbr sale a latge stock snd good assortment of RICH at CO 'S SALAMANDER SAFES, and is prepared to prove, by the testimony of several of the most respectable merrbantBin and other cities, that entire confidence can be placed iu the article under any circ*mstances. sepI7 dWtl ISAAC BRIDGE. 22 Magaxlneat University of IoniMiana.

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. TH Annual Course of Lectures in this Department will commence on MONDAY, November 16th, and will terminate in the ensuing March. JAMES JONES, M. Professor of Practice. J.

RIDDELL. M. Professor of Chemistry. WARREN STONE, M. Professorol Surgery.

A H. CEN AS, M. Professor of Obstetrics. A WEDDERBURN, Professor of Anatomy. GX'STAVUS A.

NOTT, M. Professor of Materia Med Ira. THOMAS HUNT, M. Professor of Physiology and Pa tbology. Tbe department of Practical Anatomy will be onderth coutml of the Professor ot Anatomy The Dissecting Rooms will be open from tbe third Mon day in October to the 1st of April.

The Faculty are visiting physicians and surgeons of the Chanty Hospital and will attend this Institution regular.y from the 1st of November to the 1st of April; and by their Clinical Observations and Lectures, daily delivered to tbe Students, will afford extraordinary practical advantages to their Medical Class. There are about One Thousand Cases treated Daily tn tns wards of this Hospital. Tbe number of patients Is nearly Twenty Thousand is tbe year. Jyl dAWtd THOMAS HUNT. M.

Dean EsKChange Hotel, Montgomery, Ala. Tae undersigned, having lately become proprietor of the above named well. known establishment, takes this occasion to state that be baa made everv nreoa ration for the reception and accommodation of those who may be pleased to honor him witb their patronage. He has exerted himself to render bis house equal to any in tbe South, ont of the great cities. The bonse is now undergo lug extensive repairs and is being thoroughly refitted.

Tbe undersigned will be glad at all times to see his old friends and tbe traveling public generally, at tbe Exchange Ho el, where they will find that competent persons have been engaged to receive and attend to them daring their stay. seplo dftWim) WASHINGTON TILLY. St. fronts Hotel. This house has been pot in perfect order during the past Summer, and challenges comparison with any hotel in the country for comfort and elemnre ft fronts on St.

Louis street 335 feet, and extends toward Ton louse street over S00 feet, is bnt two stones high above tbe office and public rooms. It is particularly adapted to tbe comfort of families, having a very large number of Parlors, elegantly furnished, with bedrooms attached, and tbe proprietors assure tbe public that strict attention shall be paid to tbe comfort tbeir guests. osi DWtQ MUDGE WILSON. Verandah Hotel, at Taboga. Island.

Si lbe undersigned, proprietor of tbe Verandah i Hotel, at tbe Island of Taboga, in tbe Bay of Pana ma. would respectfully inform the citizens at Orleans, who may be on their way to Ban Francisco, that bia boose is sltu ted on the high road to California, in one of the most delightful and healthy locations on the Pacific coast, and is supplied witb everything requisite. Taboga la only twelve miles from Panama, ia accessible by steamboats from the latter place daily, and is tbe regular coaling, watering place, for tbe California and other mall earners. Tbe hotel is of the first class, and travelers may rely upon receiving every attention J. E.

BAKER. Catr To persons who are tust qoainted witb tbe Island, it may be interesting to state that Taboga is tbe general place of resort for invalids wbo may have contracted any of tbe diseases incident to a resident on the Isthmus. oil tf dW Newark, N. Saddlery, Warehouse. ANDREW O.

BULL No. is Canal street. Nsw Orleans, between Camp and Magazine. Mannfnrtnrer. and Importers of and 8ADDLfwARJ have constantly on hand a large snd complete aasia I iimiii at dies.

Bridles, Martingales, TrojWhiM TskKin? TlUiZL and BridlH stlmTH Trtaml every OvCWm Na 16 Canal streeT dstWly ANDREW a. BULL CO DI8BURsem*nT BILLS, on England and Trance, wanted by HORACE BEAN 4s CO. im Camp street virn REMOVALS. ii F.MOVAifl ROBS sk hare removed from No. IL 60 Graner street to No.

4 Magazine, on door above Canal street. 5 6oa REMOVAL A M. NATHAN CO. have removed their office from No. 17 Royal street to No.

65 Canal street. I EMOVAL. JOSEPH LALLAN DE baa removed his Counting Room to Common street, No 88. nJ lit EMOVAL M1CHELL, BEVERLEY ft have removed from No. 68 to sil Povdras street, near tbe corner of Magazine.

tf REMOVAL WARN EKEN KERCHHOFF have re. moved to No. li Onion street. nJ REMOVsVL JO8EPH ADOLPHDS ROZIER, Attorney at Law, has removed to Commercial Place, corner of Camp street, in the Crescent Mutual Insurance building. REMOVAL The undersigned have removed from No.

4 Magazine street, to the stores lately occupied by Meaers. Slark, Day A Stauffer. TOWNSEND, TOMPKINS oiSlm Magazine street, corner of Can si. REMOVAL WAfiD Gravier street J0NA8 have removed to 100 0I6 Im REMOVAL LEWIS, GRANT Jt CO. have removed irom No.

16 Canal street (old numbers) to 78 Canal street. new numbers,) three doors from their old stand, oa Im REMOVAL DYAS A CO. bare removed to 13W and 141 Magazine street, between Lafayette and Girod streets. sep30 Sm Dog Lost. A brown SETTER DOG.

early hair, abort cut tail, chain collar. Tbe deliver will receive a reward of Twenty Doilaia at No. 40 Hevia street. nn mk vf Tilghman de TRCGGIST8 AND APOTHECARIES, corner of Com mon and St. Charles streets, have lust opened a fresh lot of everything in their line, received by latest arrivals from New York, which they sell as low as can be baa for tbe same quality in this city nA 3teod Tf A ilare Chance.

FOR SALE A likely Negro Man, about 35 years of age. A bargain can be had if application be made immedi ately to n3 If W. W. HODGE A 68 Camp St. ANTHRACITE COAL 300 hhds.

egg size, put up expressly for family use, landing from (hip Westmoreland, near the Vegetable Market. For sale low. if taken from tbe Levee, by MORTIMER TURNER ns 6t 84 Gravier and 317 Camp street. WORCESTER SAUCE, 150 dozen in quarts, pints, and balf pints, sno canisters Truffles, ioo Petit Poia 150 French Patres. For sale by R.

M. McALPIN nrf so Common and 33 Canal street. VIS Toutes les peraonnes qui ont des coupons de la rx. compagnie de dessecnemeut ous le ler Janvier, sint prevenus qu'elles pourront Be faire rembourser le ler decembre procnain, a presentation, au bureau de la compagnie. No.

to, rue Bourbon. Far ordre du president. nrt 3t H. E. HOFFMEYER, Secretaire.

NOTICE TO TOBACCO CH EWERS Just received fifty boxes of the celebrated Grand Dad Twist Tobacco For sale wholeaale and retail by R. M. McALPIN nn 3t 30 Common and 33 Canal sts. five Dollars Reward, gr LO8T about two weeks since, a white fox J3iaaseNtv terrier Dog, with brown spots and ears cropped. return Lim to 49 AdoIIo street.

hall receive tbe above reward. 3t S. A KINGSLAND. GOLDEN SYRUP A very cboice article, in bbls. and half bbls in store and for sale a' the CRESCENT REFINERY, Nos 131 Commerce street, and n5 3t Tf Tchoopitoulas street.

SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES A choice article, in bbls. and half in store, and for aale in lota to suit purchasers, at the CRESCENT REFINERY, Nos. and 131 Commerce street, and n5 it Tf 196 Trhoupitoulas street A Card. ia MR. N.

LANGE having returned to the city. tvwiu continue to give treasons on ine riano rone i9and In Vocal Music. Orders left for him at the Music Store of WM. T. MAYO, will receive immediate attention.

020 Im BUCKWHEAT In barrela, balf barrels and boxes, oat received and for sale hv nii 3t EDW. THOMPSON, 33 Common Bt. DESIRABLE BOARDING. A few gentlemen can be accommodated with comfortable boarding on moderate terms, at No. 25 Jackson street, near tbe corner of Treme.

Gentlemen wishing to perfect themselves in a knowledge of tbe French language will find this a desirable opportunity. nfi a J. E. Pollock, Successor to A. D.

Croatrcan, Ti Has removed to the corner of Canal and Dorseire all streets, and No. 3 Old Levee street, where he ia con "stantiy receiving the most fascinating and faultless styl "a of HATS and CAPS, and submits tbe same with continence to the Judgment of the most fastidious, and invites tbe public to an inspection of his superb assortment. n7 Im NOTICE. By advancing the sum of Two Hundred Dollars good board will be furnished in a private family lor the space of one year. The residence is i a pleasant part of the First District.

Apply at ibis office. nri 3t C1ROSSE BLACKWELL ENGLISH PICKLES 2X dozen Chow Cbow. Piralilli. Mixed Pickles, Onions, Walnuts, Gberkius, Red Cabbage, Samphire, French Beans, Ac, ic, for sale by R. M.

McALPIN nt 3t 30 Common and 33 Canal streets (JEW FOR SALE Pew No. 77 in Christ Church, most desirably situated, for sale. Apply to THOMAS J. FENNELL, tf yd Common street Important to the Ueaf, DOCTOR HARTLEY, Proprietor of the Ear Infirmary, 51 Sansom street. Philadelphia, the ouly Institution in tbe world devoted exclusivt ly and successfully to the treat ment of Ear Diseases, and tbe only acknowledged Aurist in tbe Doited States, begs to inform those of bis patients in the neighborhood of New Orleans, with whom be baa been in communication, that be has in compliance with tbeir special request msde arrangements lo spend a few days in bis city, and may be consulted at bis temporary residence, 1m Canal street, between the hours of A.

M. and 3 P. daily, until the 0tb inst. Deafness, noise in the head, and all disagreeable discharges from the ear, speedily and permanently removed, without causing tbe least pain or inconvenience. A cure iu all cases guaranteed, where malformation does not exist Thirteen yesrs close and almost undivided attention to this branch of special practice baa enabled him to reduce is treatment to surb a degree, of success as to find tbe nost confirmed and obstinate casea yield by a steady attention to tbe means prescribed.

Tbe following testimonials are submitted witb confidence. They will show at least In what estimation his professional qualifications ars held by some of tbe most distinguished medical men of tbe country "I tave had the pleasure to meet Dr. Hartley in practice, end have been 'td to form a favorable opinion ofrhis character, both in the profession aud as a gentleman. W. PARKER, M.

Professor of Surgery, His professional abilities will be duly appreciated by those who themselves under his care. JOHN H. WHITAKER. M. Professor of Anatomy, Ac" From my inteirourae with Mr Hartley, 1 have lound his deportment correct and gentlemanly.

VALENTINE MOTT, M. Is is a pleasant duty to give my testimony in favor of tbe 1 1 ent ment adopted by Dr. Hartley for tbe cure of deafness. Tbe application Is unattended by pain or inconvenience, aud its effects almost spontaneous "HP HARDMAN. Chancellor at Law, 33 Chambers street." We have known several cases of partial dea'neas treated by him witb the most happy results.

Dr. H. is a scientific gentleman aud can produce numerous testimonials of bis ab lily and success in this difficult branch of tbe medical profession. 2jobe. Persona afiiicted hv dicejuies nf tiie F.

A ed to pay a visit to Dr. Hartley, Aurist, at No. 61 Sansom street. He is a well educated professional man, sni bav i 11 ii.iii uurun aneciina; near ing. Las acqi ired.

from his skill and experience, bettei means of coping with this serious affliction than those which are possessed by physicians in genetal practice." IKtpatch. D4 IteodAltW Fashionable Dancing Academy, M'MP 1 17 II 1 I i I i 1 yj iv respectiuny in forms her patrons and friends, having obtained' the use of the Supper Room in tbe Odd Fellows' Hall, also retaining her residence of last year, she is oreDared to tecii .1 Knth 1... of November, commencing on that day at her bouse, and through the seas in as follows raoiidsy, November and Wednesday and Fridays Ladies' Class, morning, from 10 till 13 o'clock. Children's 3 till dark. Gentlemen's till 10 o'clock At tbe Odd Fellows' Hall Tnnliin Thnj.

urdays Laities (morning) Class from 10 till 13 o'clock Children's Class, tame day, from 3 o'clock till dark. For terms. Ate aoolv at M'me r.ii.n. Tlmlia and Prytaaia street. a cnitoren Ball once a month.

eg 6m Law and Agency yORTHIN GTON 8HNooVinWto practice 10 aiiena so cases before ycmmi ana settle accounts against snd Board, of Commissioners, to procure patenU at home and abroad, to obtain bounty and pet sion lands, to collect debts, dividends, legacies ancil bentances anv part of the Onited States and in fore countries, to make investment of funds in loans and storxs and on bond and mortgage, and to negoctate the pure has snd sale of loans, land and patent righte in any State of the 1 1 11 Inn Putliiiilk. 11 asea coming up to the 0. 8. Supreme Court or Appeal. Communications nrenald.

tz. a a I I Ul.l 1X. 1. 1 11. nwuuifiw, win met wttti prompt attention.

n33 SI lydatw New urleana Emigration anallenimlttanee 'pHE oadersigned, at his old established office, continue sanu atwvu oi remmittJng money tithe friendi iln England, Ireuvnd or Scotland, with ate rin aT laTnr sarra saras Kl a ls A. a. 1 Darned Uloni, mad tn sama to suit. He si to. mm nmamL jfintinnri srinsi na i TV a Lo uaasau asE lUIS, sTsaTUCsi UTIUK ilaTtJsVnrs hv tVfllfrWMln waAssswUa 9 ui md will be MortjJiw attradedn mhMw iydA JOHN TOOLE.

36 Bmk Place. i .1 11 ii wi.uvs to purcnaaa foe trm spect. Tlx lmum every rt 'ess tnan lour nor more than eight years old i not tinJflfen 5" mor than si teen hand7hifh under the atandard. and proportionally long or abort bodiedV peraKxlyindSd' i Tv action ana endurance fitting Th JLT i. limitation oi nam usage.

i i rtueuiy rree from euros, P1n. or imperfections that WTOldtoWrfere with the moat efficient service in tbe field, offered for sale wiU, in tne first instance, be pre 'I examination and Inspection, to Lit iifE? 1 Bd Thomas McKnight, at th comer of Union and Carondelet streets, before IA.H. and after il a 2. mmy by them shoold be presented 1 1 A. at my office in Camp street, opposite Lasarette Square, for inspection by officers of tbe army, and tbe fixing of tbe price by tbem af each borae.

oS4 tf run hunt a mm a as a Dleell.iilesl In.tltnl. htlippa street, between Canal and Common streets. CONCERT HALL AND LECTURE ROOM. HIS large aad commodious Hall, wbicb in Its dasriiri and caostracHoB adanted ta Hidnl mA o. i entSTtairimenta.

is nss ncarlv riwnliul nA i oxdbttelT opened for the accommodation or persona re qoirliif its nat for tbe above i 1 nn tsaatiiiilili PPy to fcUTssX HOMES, Treaawer. sn. a.nanaa sc Cfo7aa2 DDC 1000 boiu H.vanoos brands, GRIM, HAJLDUJQ FoydrMtt. BUSINESS CARDS? OHN E. GRYMIS and 8AM.

C. REID.jTTai and Counsellors, bare removed tbeir office ta Canal street, below Rayal street. it i EDWARD THOMPSON. Wholeaale Grocer and 55 in cboice Wines and Brandies, 33 Common straetX Ssr All STioas shiidkh iu tr mm represented. oft4 6S ILLS RAWLINS, 11 and IS Graner street olS Tchoopitoulas street.

Commission MercbaDtaTiS agents tor me sale oi irgiuia ounuractured Tobacco a. an won hand the largest and most superb stock everL22 sftered to be trade an uO rNO. M. LEE, Broker, I No. 9 Bank Alley.

New Orleans 4 Jobn W. TwicneU Joseph Mognd 'ItWICHELL a MOGRTOGE, Commission ss3chfL 1 Bt. Louis, Mo. Advances in lain made on consignments by T. C.

TWICHELL a COi bouse sept 6m rOTOTBSBt Roht. Dvaa. W. J. sr YAS st Wholesale Grocers, nos.

IN and 141 vi anne street. James Wright. 1 Wright. A. J.

wrUkt WRIGHT Cotton Factors and Cosnroiit. Forwardini Merchants, 67 is vier street. Sewi? A i. ax. and leans, La Am 01 ly John HalL HALL sk BODD, General Commission and rarwaidi Merchants.

No. I Front Levee. N. O. bc Roeert.

F. W. WtlliaajeT" UOQERT, Q. Ship Agents and Cnm Merchanta, 70 Camp street THI UnDsxlfM epl NO. M.

CHILTON Attorney and Counsellor at Lawl No. S6 Camp street. New Orleans JT" A. BEARD sk MAY, Auctioneers, Appraisers. Ac a Bank's Arcade, New Orleans apl MNOIST, SHAW sk No.

31 Camp streetTTt L. A. BEN I ST Main street. St. Loots, Ma HAHtsjus

aplR ORRIS sk WAY, Fashionable Clothing Store, have nt moved temporarily to No. IS Camp street, under tha City HoteL 'I THOMAS B. WINSTON, Commission MercaaniTS Gra vier street, Ntw Orleans. tmW Advances made on consignments. and forwarded.

Desirable agencies solicited. 1 ALLAN sk WILDE. Bankers. San Franetn. A fornisv Refer to Messrs.

James Robb Ca Orleant lil 1 1 CJ W. TAYLOR, fbf tbe late firm of 8kipwtth, O. Co.) Cotton Factor and Commissi 00 and FsrtPsniu. Merchant. 69 Carondelet street.

Jyil AC. JONES, Engineer and Machinist, No. at etras street. Machinery of all descriptions nude aaiiT wired in a satisfactory manner. A.

C. J. is agent for tbe Journal of tbt FranktfB hatftw if PennsylvaniA Jsfi (i 1 A W. WALKER A Cotton Factors and Commission Merc has tl. anT 3m corner Commercial Place and 8t Charles St.

DR. LEMUEL eOSTINE bavins; porchased the Snu Store orVANZANDT No. 11 Bt Charles st wonld respectfully invite tbe attention of bis friends ant the public to his stock. myl si tf Shirts Shirt Good Shtrta. CLEIGHTON sk First Premium Shirt sod Oes, tlemen's Furnishing Stores, are in ew Orleans Na 69 Canal street, next door to St Charles New York Manufactory, Na is Park Place.

San Francisco Montgomery street. F9Uyl rrl. Merlin, Hair Dresser, No. 133 Royal street, opposite tbe St. Louis Hotel, Specially for the confection of WIGS HEAD TOPS, BANDS, BRAIDS, CURLS, As.

A LSO, Perfumery from Paris, Cravats, Gloves, tapes, tY den, skc Ac. Wigs made to order by tending the an it he head and the color of the hair. Hair Works, Pi tures. Bracelets. Rings, Ac mmW Hair Dyed in 16 minutes.

sssr Hair Dressing taught In afewlessons. F66S ly (Jont Price Sales for Liqnldatioa. ALEXANDER LANACZE offers, at Na 6 Level street, between Conti and Bt. Louis streets, his enaa stock, wholesale and retail, at cost price. City and country dealers are respectfully requested to caJl and pf'nlnf a4 cboice and splendid assortment.

trlt Ha Lorenzo Allis. 1. Q. A. Fellows.

Allis St Fellows, VTTORNEYS and Counselara at Law Office, Csmmss. cial Place, corner of Camp street, building of tbe Cra cent Mutual Insurance Company. osa ly Ice Iee lee. JL. WARNER A Importers and Wholesale ens Retail Dealers in ICE, at Nos.

IS and 18 Custoraassat street, 28 Bienville street, and 16 and a Victory street. J. W. A Co. will furnish Ice by the cargo or any aaaattty that may be required, either on board vessels or stisnisis Orders filled on the most liberal terms Jy30 3ss The Waters.

Jobn B. Camdev. Chat. Water. ATER5, CAMDEN Commlaaioo Mercliaatj.

i. VS. IUI IUTUIH Vlirxifs 1' CW a. 'f 1 1 9. JX 0 IJ Anstla Se (Joodwrn.StoTe Dealers.

Vlsnufacturers of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron ware. AUSTIN GOODWYN would particularly hv rite the attention of purchasers to tbeir spleudsl stock of STOVES, which they will sell at asmsH advance on cost. Stove Pipe and alkrSbblnf ta Liieii ulc wilt mm witn prompt attention. IW ly No. 19 FRONT LEVI Seo.

Anderson. Wm. Blackie. Joseph Blackaani Anderson, Blackie 6c Blackbara, lulia street Foundry, No. S00 Julia street.

New Oriesns. sv Draining Machines, Ssw Mill and Gin Gearings Axm. Iron Columns and Fronts for Boildings: Sills ss3 BL JC3 Lintels: Furnace Mouths, Grate Bare, VmUlscsn, VSseh Weights, Railings, Verandahs, aad em klnd ot Builder's Iron Work. Steamboat and Railroad Work, Brass Castings, Aev sT Blacksmith Work of every description, apll ia ly Stanton At Uo. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in ICE, Ifa.UComv merce street, and Bt.

Thomas, near tbe corner of les imin street. New Orleans mbs merchant Tailor. The undersigned, late partner In tbt ftna Eichelberger a Dieres, merchant tailors, bsvtat llA withdrawn from said firm by mutual diasohrasaa 1 partnership, begs leave to inform his friends sss the public thst be will, on the lat October, sees his new estaoliahment in the new building, comer af Osi Levee and Conti streets, where he will alweve keessa band the best assortment of goods, witb tbe latest styles, direct from Paris He will give prompt attention to all seders in tbe above line of business that be may be favores with, and hopes to hare extended to bim a tbarr of then kind patronage tit* WILLIAM DIEVES. Fortunea Told. ADAME NORTH, the celebrated Astrological Sooth it saver and Planet Reader, who by her extnsardinary power of divination, her knowledge of tbe wonders of tbt past, and mysteries of tbe future, is able to unfold eveatj ret in the womb of time, and to explain tbe cause af eccar fences bat have transpired Br She may be daily consulted at her residence from I A.M.

to 6 P. by ladies only. F0 as ly Dr. S. Gilbert, (Late U6 Povdras street.

New Orleans,) HAS removed to Memphis, Tennessee, settled nenad nently, and reopened his extensive Infirmary for tbt reception and treatment of patients, wbo can remain at all seasons of the year. lat Dr. Gilbert treats Chronic Diseases of every grade, especially Cancers, leers and Tumors, without the nis. He treats Chronic Female Diseases with great success. Memphis.

Tenn 13. Jyao Be lyW Brocklebank, Sara eon Dentist, HAS resumed practice at his rooms No. ISO 8T.CHAEXEI STREET, three doors north of tbe new Hall, an La, Syette Square. r30 ly BADMILLER sk GOODWYH, manusacrurera or i ATKNT HOIST WHKKL.3, IRON RAILINGS, VERANDAHS, VAULTS, uoor Shutters, STRAIGHT AND CIRCULAR IRON STAIR Ana ouuaers' iron won tn general. Carroll street, between Povdmaasd PcrtUdo.eastsf Prdr Mnea.s Wew OS 61 I We are now receiving from the best Nortsers sSsssauf Manufacturers, and will const sntly keep os haod.

a complete I mew nf RnnTS RHnFJ and HATS, which we will sell at the lowest possible prices. McDONNOLD A STUART, ol9 lm 18 Camp street. Blatters Row. Trunks and Carpet Bagi, a apienoia assortment ot toes tws articles can always be found at r. BAUEK'S AMERICAN MANCVACTOIT 198 Tcboupitoulaa and lia Cnartrss sts.

epwt new oneaos. Kxchanse, QHECK.B IN BUMS TO SUIT, at Sight or OS TbMe Vj nn 4. St. Louis, LouisTiUe," Inttsoarg, Pbilsdelptna, bait I more for And Bills at Sight or on Time purchased onaU tbtssev nnlnr. oa.nujsrr.

uuw at mi Si Cssassl To tvFtr eleiiseira sissai Otisak TO LEASE For a number of years, on verjsd tOmg vantsgeous terms, several SQUARES OF6RODDS awwWtn Jefferson City, on the Carrollton Railraas, IfouB I ne and I fi.u 1 1 ntmd aV vwm w. well mmmw gardening or other purposes: tbey are enclose, kf picket fences, and some of them Improred. Apptl st office. set EXCHANGE On Philadelphia st sight and slit, BBSS sight, for aale by J. H.

A8HBRXDGK sk lm No. St. Cbarles Touro's Boildias tssT New Ad vesfsem*nt Let Everybody KeadltJJI No. l. It R.

It. Kadwsyi Beady Bailer, IS the arst and only remedy ever recorded in the Medical A History of tbe World that haa tntmn.1 k. bwt Pih few seconds. It will stop tbe MOST SEVEal PAlNtya a few minutes, and cure the moat obstinate ass neuralgic, snd Nervoos esav plalnte in a few boura. Internal and external It wiUssss snooi.

iwrsusnDitaini In rrom three to five ABU 11 AS CURED Rheumatism In Four Hoars. Neuralgia Croup Dlarrbo a Toothache Si asm Cramps Sick Headacbs Cbill Ferer Chlllblalna Bom Throat In One Hour. In Ten Minutes. In Fifteen Minnies. In One Second.

In Fire Minutes. In Fire Minutes. In Fifteen Minutes. In Fifteen Minutes. In Fire Minutes, In Four Hours.

Innoenxa In One Hour. spinal Complaints, Stiff Joints, Strains, Bruises, CsbW Wounds, Frost Bites, Cholera MorbuaT Dysentery. Tie II Doloreux, and all other compbtints where then Is seven pains, aiuwir jaEADl RELIEF will lnstsaUystss the pain, and quickly cure the disease. TO THE 8ICB. PAIN SUFFERING OFN.ORIXsJfl a If yon will call npon i JOHN WRIGHT 181 Cbartrea street, New OrwsTA And make one trial of Rad way's Ready Relief.

Desna guarantee that it will free too from pain IN 'iVK minutes. i TO" from Pals. It Checks tbe Proeres. of DlMm It Wuickly Cures and Removes its Cases. ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS It will cure in from ten minutes to two hoar.

A Msral tmkennternallwlll instantly check tbe as As ust.UIBX.ri ISJII. And in ten minutes free you fro as tataa. It Will Stem thn mai mmmmm. tmm mttt cleanse aad sweeten tbe ptbsuChllsj.sss nvigorata tne whole system wtth health and strength. RHEUMATISM.

It is dailr esrlna hnndreda nf tha aae aai painful Rheumatic affections old men and rows are. ssjneIr tne nart, tne crooked, aad tn tact, the asaw ful and. slstiussing victims of this complaint, ar leek nonra carea ay tnis extraordinary remedy. Peonle who bars been bnt lUstrvsnhsnHS raised again to bealtb and itrengTh by tbt nat of. aV Price of RADWAVB Uinf nri.trr i.

ai. sOcsasa ana so ceats per noetic. nsiM tsrstva Er! n. wawrT lTci" of this cesssvatM las Fulton strest, York. With mImwm Tk.

Cash porch aai rs can Barcbaaa a inn TsTDJtlBTACA tm aiiowe at tbe aaual cash prices. JOHN WRIGHT A CO, 151 HewOilssa RADWAY a in Fsltoa New tssTSold ky IJiwguti generally tbroag'x' wI aTlbJt AS If i IF.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.